"I know, I know..."


Candlelight dinner is impossible, and living room play is also impossible.

After Machiko's shame exploded, she couldn't recover from it for a long time. Even when she was eating, she was still sipping small mouthfuls, blushing and speechless, and the meal could be said to be extraordinarily quiet.

After dinner, Hua Ye got up and said:


Machiko responded, but did not hold back, and sent Hua Ye to the door with a blushing face, his eyes still embarrassed, and whispered: "Be careful on the road, and send me a message when you get home..."


The moonlight is cool.

The evening wind was bleak.

It was still early, and there was nothing to do back home, so Hua Ye didn't take the tram, and walked slowly along the street alone.

When passing by an alley, I suddenly saw two young girls surrounded by three street gangsters.

"Hey, hurry up and hand over the money, or you will look good!" A tall and thin man put his hands in his pockets, with a nose ring stuck on his nose, and his slack posture made pedestrians subconsciously take a detour.

"That's right, you dare to steal money from your eldest brother, are you impatient?"

The petite girl shouted: "I didn't steal his money! You slandered me!"

"Stop talking nonsense." Another bad guy waved the nunchaku in his hand, "You didn't steal the money, so why would you run away with long legs?"

Although Kitano Haruka was afraid, she still used her body to block the wronged girl behind her, and said nervously: "My cousin is a good boy, she won't steal your money..."

"Bah, with her hair dyed like this, it's obvious that she's a bad girl hanging out on campus, right?" A bad girl sneered, "Maybe she's been played by others all the time, and she's ashamed to say she's a good girl?"

"I never did that kind of thing!" Tian Zhongnan retorted in shame and indignation.

"You, you can't talk about Fumino like that!" Kitano Haruka mustered up his courage and said, "Fumino is still a middle school student..."

"What's wrong with the junior high school student?" Another delinquent sneered, "Last time, there was a junior high school girl who borrowed money from her elder brother and couldn't repay it, and then she was arrested and used her body to repay the debt. Hurry up and hand over the stolen money."

Although Tian Zhongnai was afraid, he still bit his lip and insisted: "I never stole money at all, why do you slander me?"

"It's up to you whether you stole or not." The other bad guy suddenly laughed, and the laughter was extraordinarily obscene, "Should we search it ourselves, or let us check if you two are naked?"


In order to prove his innocence, Zeng Guofan took off his clothes in public, walked into the treasury with bare buttocks to count the cash, and only then did he find out the truth about the deficit of the treasury.

If these two girls stripped naked for people to check, it would be considered a different way to become famous, right?

But it's a stigma that's hard to wash away.

With a calm expression on his face, Hua Ye walked into the alley.

Although this bob-haired girl is easy to bully, not everyone can bully her.

and so……


Chapter 768

"Hua, students Hua Ye?!"

Hearing a familiar voice ringing in his ears, Haruka Kitano's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly followed the sound.

When she saw Hua Ye standing at the entrance of the alley, for some reason, her panicked heart immediately settled down.

The three delinquents were stunned for a moment, and soon someone sneered and said:

"Boy, do you want to meddle in your own business?"

"If you are sensible, turn around and leave obediently. The hero who saves the beauty usually ends up being beaten into a bear."

The last delinquent was probably not yet finished in the second term. He danced the nunchaku in his hand twice, then supported his hair with the other hand, deliberately suppressed his voice and said in a super shameful tone: "Under the stick, everyone It's a dead soul...do you want to be next?"


Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

You are obviously in your twenties, but you can still be so high school, don't you know what shame is?

"Get out." Hua Ye said again.

There is no need to waste your tongue for such a bad thing that can be poked to death with one finger.

"Boy, are you arrogant?" A bad guy walked towards Hua Ye with a sneer, his fingers crackling, "I hope your bones can be as hard as your mouth..."

Before he finished speaking, the bad guy finally saw Hua Ye's eyes clearly, and then he felt his heart beating, and a great sense of fear surged like an abyss, trying to swallow him up.

"What, what's going on? I can't move my body..."

Cold sweat burst out instantly.

Every cell in the whole body was screaming frantically to get away from the young man in front of him as soon as possible, but his body seemed to be petrified, and he couldn't make any other movements except trembling unceasingly.

Hua Ye slowly took out a [-] yen coin from his pocket, and flicked it lightly with his thumb, and the coin shot out, hitting the bad guy's forehead.

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