"No, no need..."

Kitano Haruka endured the grievance and shook her head tearfully.

I'm just dumb, and I'm not an idiot, how could I ask you to help rub that kind of place, do you think it's rubbing a cat!

"Well, if you need help, cousin, just ask." Tian Zhongnai thought for a while, then picked up the nunchaku again, "Just now I only took my share, not your cousin. Shall I call it again?"

"Don't, don't fight, let's go quickly..."

Kitano Haruka stood up with tears in her eyes, bit her lip, frowned, endured the pain and walked out, but the pace was too slow, which made people worry.

"Do you want me to help?" Hua Ye asked.

"Eh?" Tian Zhongnan took a step forward and said cautiously, "You also want to rub your cousin?"

How could it be possible to help rub that kind of place, you will be arrested as a pervert!

Hua Ye said with a dark face: "I mean, I'm taking her away."

"Don't bother classmate Hua Ye, I'll just rest for a while..."

Kitano Haruka hesitated for a moment, and based on the principle of not wanting to cause trouble to others, she did not ask Hua Ye for help.

Fortunately, Tian Zhongnan just shook his hand without exerting any force. Although it still hurts, the pain is gradually subsiding. With Tian Zhongnan's support, he can barely walk.

"Cousin, I'm sorry." Tian Zhongnai stuck out his tongue, with an apologetic look on his face, "Because it's the first time I've played nunchucks, I don't know how to use them...and don't walk behind me, it's easy to be accidentally injured .”

"By the way, let's go to the KFC in front to borrow the bathroom and check for any injuries, shall we?"

"It's serious if it bleeds..."

Kitano Haruka blushed, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and slip down.

"No, no bleeding! Feeling better now!"

It is impossible to check, not even in this lifetime.

Take off the skirt, pull down the fat times, and then sit on the toilet and ask my cousin to check there... Such a shameful posture, I will die, right?

Must die!

The three of them walked out of the alley, and there happened to be an aunt with bad ears passing by nearby, coupled with the cars whizzing past on the street from time to time, so after hearing intermittent conversations such as 'go behind', the first time, bloodshed, etc. , the aunt's face suddenly showed a look of grief, and she looked at Hua Ye with contempt.

After Hua Ye noticed it, he looked over in a daze.

The aunt stood on the side of the road waiting for the red light, and murmured to herself: "Girls nowadays, you must learn to cherish yourself, you can't listen to your boyfriend in everything, you treat others as treasures, maybe others treat you as roots." Grass……"

The bob-haired girl was a little dazed, and she hadn't realized what the aunt meant, so Tian Zhongnai quit first, and the bad girl snorted: "My cousin and I can do whatever we want, as long as we are comfortable. Now, what do you care about other people?"

"They're still cousins?"

"That's right!" Tian Zhongnai nodded, remembering the three unhealthy scenes where he hanged himself, "And it's very exciting!"

"You still think it's exciting?" The aunt took a breath, her eyes were shocked, as if she had finally walked out of the cave, only to see primitive people with cannons and tanks parked at the entrance of the cave, "Are young people nowadays... all so good at playing? "


"I saw the love letter in my cousin's schoolbag, so I asked my sister who gave it to me... But my cousin refused to tell, and was very anxious. When I was chasing me, I accidentally bumped into those three people." Tian Zhongnai pouted. Mouth, explaining why there was a conflict with those three delinquents, "Then they slandered me for stealing money... Although my sister is a delinquent, she won't steal from others!"

"love letter?"

Hua Ye quickly understood.

It should be the two love letters I gave in the morning, probably because of her thin skin, this bob-haired girl was embarrassed to deal with it at school, but she was discovered by her bad cousin.

In this way, in the end, it is still your own pot.

Hua Ye said casually:

"The love letter is from me."

"Oh... eh?!" Tian Zhongnan opened his eyes wide, "You gave the love letter to my sister?!"


"You actually wrote a love letter to pursue your sister?"

"Funnai, don't talk nonsense!" Kitano Haruka had already recovered most of the time, and immediately blushed and shook her head when she heard this, "It's not about pursuit, it's just because, because..."

"Because someone put a love letter in my shoe cabinet, I asked her to help me refuse." Hua Ye replied.

"That's it." Tian Zhongnai showed a little disappointment on his face, "It's the same in the first place, no one will pursue my cousin like this..."

The bad girl rolled her eyes, and suddenly pointed at herself: "Oni-chan, what do you think of me?"

"Huh?" Hua Ye turned his head to look.

"Can I be your girlfriend?" Tian Zhongnai patted his newly developed breasts, and said solemnly, "Although I dye my hair and have tattoos, I am a good girl! "

When she said the last sentence, the girl herself burst into a 'puchi' laugh.

Hua Ye said blankly, "I refuse."

"Hey, think about it again~~" Tian Zhongnai cupped his hands on his chest, blinked his eyes, and said in a seductive tone on purpose, "As long as Oni-chan nods, even if you want to do 'adult' things with me, you can do it." Oh no problem."

"Funnai, you, what are you talking about!" Kitano Haruka hurriedly said, stammering, "You are only fourteen years old this year, how can you do that kind of thing?"

"Tch, it's rare to see something strange." Tian Zhongnai curled his lips, and said in a normal tone, "Many people in our class are in love, and some even have sex!"

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