Although Wei Nai is not a female predator who bleeds and does not shed tears, she has only cried when watching healing movies. She has never cried in her daily life. Now she is even crying. It must be a very serious catastrophe. event?


Wei Nai hesitated and didn't know how to answer.

"Could it be that facial paralysis bullying you?"

Gabriel was quickly filled with righteous indignation.

"It's not him..." Wei Nai bit her lower lip and explained the reason in a low voice.


After a brief silence.

The cheeks of this useless angel slowly puffed up, and its eyes were also bent into two crescent moons: "Ji, there is still such a thing..."

"Why are you laughing?" Wei Nai bit her lower lip angrily, "If you hadn't sprayed the yam juice on me, such a thing would never have happened!"

"Stop laughing, stop laughing." Gabriel hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth, but her shoulders were still trembling slightly. Wei Nai, who has always been serious, would actually make such a mistake. If Lafite was here, she would Have you taken a photo with your phone?

The burning pain in the chest did not relieve with the passage of time, and Wei Nai's illness rushed to the doctor. Knowing that this useless angel was unreliable, she couldn't help asking: "What should I do now?"

"Drool can relieve the sharp pain." Gabriel spit out a sentence.


The air was silent again.

Wei Nai covered her chest with her right hand, stepped back two steps in horror, and leaned her back against the wall of the bathroom: "Xiao, Xiaojia, what do you mean by that?!"

Saliva can relieve spicy food... Do you want to spit, or do you want to use your mouth to help relieve spicy food!

"You misunderstood..." Gabriel's small face also turned red rarely, and quickly waved her hands to explain, "I just said that saliva has the effect of relieving spicy food, don't think too much about it!"

As for the fact that I once ate the Reaper's hot sticks by mistake, and then was kissed by Hua Ye to relieve the spicy food, I have engraved in my heart the knowledge that saliva can relieve the spicy food... I will never say it in my life!

The useless angel took out his mobile phone from his pocket, searched it, and then held it up to Wei Nai and said, "Look for yourself, it says that when cutting peppers, if you accidentally get hot, you can put your fingers in your mouth. Using saliva to dilute the spicy feeling is simple, convenient and effective..."

Wei Nai resisted the pain in her chest, thought about the scene where the saliva was spitting hot, and then shook her head decisively: "No!"

Whether it's Gabriel's saliva or other people's saliva, that kind of thing is really unacceptable!

"Don't worry, there are other ways." Gabriel looked at the phone and continued, "Alcohol is also fine, or wiping with vinegar and water is also effective..."

Naturally there was no alcohol in the room, Wei Nai bit her lower lip, feeling the pain in her chest was becoming more and more unbearable, she couldn't help but said: "Go and get the vinegar..."

"In fact, milk can also relieve spicy food. Why don't you take a milk bath?"

Wei Nai squinted her eyes: "I don't want to see white liquid at all now!"

"OK then."

The useless angel ran to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of seasoning, and was about to go out.

"Xiao Jia, what are you doing?" Raphael asked curiously.

"It's nothing, you two just leave it alone." The useless angel ran out quickly.

After a while, the useless angel ran back again, put the bottle in his hand, looked at Hua Ye, gritted his teeth and said, "Why didn't you say that this bottle of seasoning is soy sauce?!"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "You never asked me at all!"

"Tch, quickly bring me the vinegar."

"What do you want vinegar for?"

"It's none of your business, don't ask so many questions!"


The useless angel took the vinegar bottle from Hua Ye, turned around and ran out again.

"Well, I think there must be something strange about this matter..." Raphael folded his arms on his chest, put the other hand on the center of his eyebrows, and reasoned in the tone of a famous detective Conan.

Nonsense, Gabriel, who is usually so lazy, can sit and never stand, suddenly runs around like ADHD, there must be something wrong, right?

"Xiaojia went into the bathroom, the vinegar must have something to do with Wei Naijiang..."

There were only the two of them in the bathroom, and Jia Ailu was watching TV in the living room, so it was naturally related to Wei Nai, but I didn't know what to do with vinegar, did she want to drink vinegar?

"To sum up." The dark-bellied girl stretched out a finger and said solemnly: "I think it should be a girl's private issue."

Secret your sister!

I don't read much, don't lie to me!The girl's secret should be to take Fuyanjie instead of vinegar!

"It should be the problem with this cup of yam juice, right?" Rafael tilted his head slightly, and continued to act as a famous detective.

Hua Ye looked down at the yam juice in his hand, then brought it to his mouth and took a sip... The taste is really not very good, probably for health preservation, there is no honey and milk in it, but it is not a dark dish that kills people.

"Take a sip." Hua Ye handed the cup to Raphael.

At this moment, Jiaailu has already left the kitchen and is sitting in the living room watching TV. Only Hua Ye and Rafael are in the kitchen.

"Yeah." Lafayette took it with both hands, took a small sip, then quickly wrinkled her bun face, and said pitifully, "Student Hua Ye is a bully!"

"What's wrong with me?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

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