He vomited blood!

I'm so angry with you that I vomit blood!

What is your so-called white liquid?

I accidentally thought of the super bad aspect!If it wasn't confirmed last night that your sister is a woman, I would have wondered if you have a ghost brother!

"what are you talking about?!"

"Of course it's pure milk! A terrible liquid that only demons can produce!"

Demons will produce?

Hua Ye subconsciously thought of Wei Nai and Satania, and a terrible picture appeared in his mind

The two girls cuddled together and squeezed out white liquid from each other...

stop! !

Hurrying to shake his head to dispel this horrible scene, Hua Ye finally couldn't help but complain: "Apologize to all the cows in the world! They eat grass and milk, it's hard enough! Don't drink it!" Looking at other people's milk and then dislike the bad taste!"

"Huh? Hua Ye seemed to have said a long sentence just now?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua blinked and looked curiously with her head tilted.

"You heard it wrong." Hua Ye expressionlessly pushed away the cheek that was protruding in front of him.

"Is that so?" Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua blinked and said again, "This morning, the hateful quilt cast a sealing spell on me again, and in the end it was classmate Hua Ye who repaired the magic on me, so that I could save my life." Breaking the seal..."

"Fix the devil?"

Why didn't I know when I made up for you?You are not dreaming!

"Because the thought of going to school with the brave man fills me with strength, and my magic power fills up quickly."

Ah, it is really gratifying to accidentally save a bedridden girl...

Congratulations, sir!

If I believe you one more word in the future, I will quit the group myself!


As he approached the alleyway, Hua Ye suddenly heard a familiar voice in front of him.

Turning the corner of the street, I saw Satania confronting a white stray dog, and a smiling black-bellied angel stood beside her.

"Stupid dog, I won't let you succeed today!" The little red-haired devil held a pineapple bun in his arms, staring warily at the stray dog ​​in front of him.

If Gabriel is her lifelong enemy, then this stupid dog in front of her is undoubtedly the little boss she needs to overthrow at this stage!

Squatting here every day to snatch her pineapple buns, it's really hateful to the extreme!

"Miss Satania is great, please come on, Mistress Satania." The silver-haired angel fanned the flames with a smile all over his face.

At this moment, Rafael saw the two Hua Ye who were walking over, and raised his voice, "Student Hua Ye, here, here."

Satania subconsciously turned her head to look.

Just when she was distracted, the white stray dog ​​suddenly jumped up, bit off the pineapple bun, then wagged its tail, and ran away in a hurry.

"Ahhh! My pineapple bun!" Satania looked at her empty hands, and couldn't help but let out a cry like a small animal, "Why do you always grab me alone!"

Hua Ye walked over with a blank face, without any fluctuations in his heart, but suddenly remembered a sentence: You are so shameless, take off your skirt yourself!

"Damn guy! One day, I will turn you into a familiar, and then let you mop the floor, wash the dishes, and wash the clothes!" Satania wiped her eyes and said sobbing.

You are not talking about a familiar, but a servant!

And don't let the dog do such a difficult action, the animal protection organization will come to the door.

"Familiar?" Xiaoniao Youliuhua opened his eyes wide and said in a low voice, "Girl, do you also know the existence of familiars?"

"Eh? Who are you?" Satania asked curiously.

Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua continued to talk nonsense in a serious manner: "I am the messenger of the evil king's true eye..."

"Xie, the real eye of the evil king?" Satania was taken aback. Although she didn't know what the real eye of the evil king was, it sounded very powerful.

Xiaoniao Youliuhua stretched out his right hand, put it lightly on the eyepatch, and said in a mysterious tone: "That's right, this is an eye with infinite power that can see through reality and illusion..."

"Really, is it that powerful?" Satania opened her eyes wide and swallowed subconsciously.

Hey, what's wrong with your "cute and shivering" look!

Believe what other people say, don't you know how to tell the truth from the false? The devil's face is completely embarrassing for you!

No, when you were robbed of the pineapple bun by that stray dog, you were completely ashamed!


Orange told me to prepare it and it will be on the shelves on Friday.

That's right, it's tomorrow.

Although my ID is Daaichengzi, please believe me, the editor of Chengzi and I really have no secret deal, let alone drink orange juice...

I am a very serious and serious person!

Keke, get back to business.

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