In addition to the scent of gardenias in the night sky, Hua Ye also smelled the faint fragrance from Wei Nai's body.

Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief.

It was unavoidable that he was a little nervous before the pillow, but after Hua Ye put the pillow on, he felt at ease.After all, the more intimate things have already been done, such as knee pillows and so on, she is not as shy as imagined, but the slight blush on her face can't go away, and she is extraordinarily beautiful under the moonlight.

Looking at each other, Wei Nai lightly bit her moist lower lip, raised her hand to pull her hair behind her ears, and turned her head to look at the hazy moonlight in the distance.

"By the way, you went to your cousin's house for dinner tonight, did you see Kang Najiang?"

"Yes, I see." Hua Ye replied.

Not only did I see it, but I was almost kissed by that blue-eyed young dragon. Of course, I wouldn't say this, otherwise I would definitely be despised by Wei Nai.

"I was busy with the school festival last weekend, but I haven't seen Kang Na-chan for a long time." Wei Nai blinked her eyes, looking forward to it, "I don't know how Kang Na-chan is doing recently, has she lost weight? ..."

Eating so much every day, you should be worried about whether she is getting fat!

"You don't need to worry." Hua Ye said with vacant eyes, "Kangna has received dozens of love letters, and she eats snacks every day, and her popularity in elementary school is super high."

"Hey, dozens of love letters?" Wei Nai's eyes widened in surprise, a little unimaginable, "Are all elementary school students now so powerful?"

"A latest survey shows that more than 25% of elementary school students have had love experience." Hua Ye complained, "So you not only hold back high school students, but also hold back elementary school students."

"Believe it or not?"


As Wei Nai was talking, she didn't know where to put her right hand, which was curled up with her beautiful hair. She usually put her hand on her knee, but now that Hua Ye was resting on her lap, she was inevitably at a loss.

After Hua Ye found out, he calmly said:

"Give me your hand."


Hua Ye directly grabbed Wei Nai's hand, interlocked his fingers, and held it in the palm of his hand: "It's all right now."


With a red face, Wei Nai gave Hua Ye an angry look, stretched out her hand to struggle, but instead of breaking away, Hua Ye held him even tighter, and let him go.

The fingers are slender, and the skin is pink and tender, exuding a lustrous light under the moonlight, and she is really reluctant to let go.

"Don't pinch." Wei Nai was angry.

"Then you wear hot pants."

"I don't know how to wear it!"


A slightly cold breeze blew by, and the elegant fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus came to my face. A few petals floated with the wind and fell on Hua Ye's hair.

Wei Nai pursed her lips, reached out to pick off the sweet-scented osmanthus from Hua Ye's hair, then tilted her head, wondering: "Did you hear any sound? It seems to be a very painful cry..."

"I heard it." Hua Ye replied calmly, "Don't worry about it."

"It's okay anyway?" Wei Nai gave Hua Ye a sharp look.

In case someone is injured, if you don't care, you will always worry about it, and you will not be able to sleep peacefully.

"Get up, let's go and have a look."

"That's what you said." Hua Ye sat up with a meaningful voice.

"Why is your tone so strange?" Wei Nai asked warily.

"No." Hua Ye shook his head, "You heard wrong."

Wei Nai walked towards the source of the voice, and soon discovered the truth of Hua Ye's strange tone.

Behind the shaded osmanthus bushes is a piece of green grass.

At this moment, under the hazy moonlight, two people are playing the game "Lianliankan" on the grass. Although the woman has not taken off her upper body clothes, her lower body is clearly clean...because viewed from the side, A snow-white buttocks are dazzlingly white under the moonlight!

Wei Nai's eyes widened in astonishment. After being stunned for two seconds, she immediately turned her head away in embarrassment and anger, and said in disbelief, "They actually, actually do that kind of thing in this kind of place! This is a park, right?!"

What happened to the park?

Nowadays, car shocks, horse shocks, and Ferris wheel shocks abound. Never underestimate the creativity of human beings in terms of enjoyment and pursuit of excitement!In the theme suites of love hotels, in addition to the basic suites, there are also themes such as mortuary, torture room, etc. Only you can't think of it, no one else can't play it!

"Let's go quickly!"

Biting her lower lip, Wei Nai turned around and was about to run away. She obviously came to see if anyone was injured and needed help, but seeing such a bad scene made Wei Nai regret it so much that she wanted to find a crack in the ground.

Probably because of Wei Nai's excessive movements, the two people who were playing the "Lianliankan" game on the grass seemed to hear the movement, and their movements obviously paused.

Wei Nai suddenly stopped and held her breath.

If the other party finds out in this situation, it will definitely be embarrassing to death, right?

The moonlight became quiet again.

After a brief silence, the woman's 'painful' voice sounded again.

Hua Ye looked at it openly, but unfortunately there was no fluctuation in his heart.

"Look!" Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help stepping on Hua Ye's foot, "It's so shameless!"

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