"Go and find Satania." Hua Ye refused.

"But she disappeared after class." Xiaoniao Youliuhua's head trembled and said, "Well, this morning, I wanted my sister to help classmate Hua Ye do the same. A lunch box, after all, classmate Hua Ye invited me to eat takoyaki yesterday..."

"But my sister didn't agree, and she said that it's only meaningful to make bento by myself." Xiaoniao Youliuhua showed a slightly distressed expression on his face, "But making bento is so troublesome, since the first time I almost cooked by myself After burning the kitchen, my sister strictly forbade me to cook alone..."


Almost set the kitchen on fire?

Your cooking is fake, but arson is real!

There is no doubt that the culinary talent of this dumb-haired girl in front of her is appalling. Even if she manages to cook, it must be the kind that a man will be silent after eating it, and a woman will cry after eating it.

"But if classmate Hua Ye likes it, I will ask my sister for advice..."

"Please leave me alone!"

Not long after, Hua Ye saw Wei Nai at the corner of the empty corridor.

When Wei Nai saw the little bird You Liuhua behind Hua Ye, she couldn't help being startled, hesitated for a moment, then took out the lunch box, and said in a low voice, "Here's the lunch box, I'll go first..."

What are you going for!

When you were at the arch bridge in the morning, you planned to give me the lunch, but you chose to keep silent because of Rafael and the others. You could give it to me in the classroom just now, but you still want to call me here. Could it be that in front of others? Is it so embarrassing to give me the bento in front of you!

The more you do this, the more angry you are!

"Shall we go have dinner together?" Hua Ye cleared his throat.


"Let's go together." Hua Ye emphasized his voice.

"Then... okay." Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

The three of them found an unoccupied shade and sat down.

Hua Ye opened the bento box, and a smell of food came to his face.

Taking a closer look, this bento is quite rich. There are four seaweed rice balls in it. It is probably because Hua Ye was afraid that Hua Ye would not be full, so he deliberately increased the portion. Then there is tempura, a piece of grilled fish, and a cleverly matched stew Vegetables, and lettuce salad, finished with a few sliced ​​tomatoes for garnish.

The color is simple and bright, giving people a pleasing visual enjoyment.

"I do whatever... If you don't like it, forget it." Wei Nai turned her head away, as if nothing had happened.

Hua Ye didn't answer, but picked up the chopsticks and took a bite.

The seaweed rice balls are pinched just right, and it doesn't give people a harsh feeling that is hard to swallow. Instead, there is a faint fragrance of rice lingering between the lips and teeth.

The taste of the grilled fish is also very good, with the fresh aroma of fish, and it seems that some seasonings have been added, so there is a hint of sweetness, and it tastes mouth-watering.

Then there is the assorted tempura, which is golden in color, tender and delicious, fragrant but not greasy.

"It's delicious, much better than those chefs in the cafeteria." Hua Ye swallowed the food before praising it.

"No." The corners of Wei Nai's mouth slightly turned up, showing a smile, and then said modestly, "The chef in the cafeteria cooks big pot dishes, which is a test of skill..."

Next to him, Xiaotiaoyou Liuhua also opened his bento box, and the bento inside was also very rich.

But Xiaoniao Youliuhua puffed up his mouth: "My sister put a terrible devil green pepper in it again!"

What the hell is a devil green pepper!

I have only heard of tiger skin pepper, chaotian pepper, small pepper, and bell pepper. Don't name the ingredients without authorization!

"Green peppers are very nutritious..." Wei Nai wanted to explain, but when she saw Liuhua put the green peppers aside, she couldn't help but sighed, looking like she was heartbroken.

"Since it was made by your sister, is it the most basic etiquette to finish eating? Besides, you are relatively weak and seem to be a little anemic. Eating green peppers is good for your body."

Taking out the majestic Wei Nai, the aura suddenly became extremely powerful.

"But, but... green peppers are really hard to eat." Xiaoniao Youliuhua responded timidly, "If I eat them all, I will spoil them."

"How about this." Wei Nai pursed her lips and said, "How about you give me half of the green pepper and eat the rest?"

"Well, that's fine."

It can be seen that Wei Nai doesn't like eating green peppers very much, but for the sake of Xiaoniaoyouliuhua, she actually made such a suggestion...

You really are a fake devil and a real angel!

Chapter 82

In a blink of an eye, it was Wednesday again.

This morning, Hua Ye had just woken up when he heard the crisp doorbell ringing next door.

"Xiao Jia, get up quickly! No more skipping class today!" Wei Nai's voice came from outside the door.

After a while, there was the sound of the door clicking open, "Well, it's Wei Nai~"

Gabriel stretched out her hands to cover her mouth and yawned, her eyes were sleepy, her hair was disheveled, and there was an aura called laziness all over her body: "I'm so sleepy, I really want to sleep for a while..."

"Hurry up and wash your face and brush your teeth!" Wei Nai opened her eyes wide and said bitterly, "I sent you a message yesterday. There will be a class test in physical education class today. If you don't go, you will be marked as a failure. In the future It’s just a make-up exam.”

"Tch, it's so troublesome." Gabriel rubbed her eyes and said impatiently, "The anti-human behavior of the exam is super hateful. Sure enough, the world should be destroyed."

"Don't destroy the world just because of such a trivial matter!" Wei Nai's forehead was darkened, her eyes were frightening, "Apologize to those hard-working teachers!"

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