"What about sword practice?" Miss Miko continued to ask.

Poor Loli blinked her big eyes, and said solemnly: "Of course I'm done practicing."

"Lina, is Hinata telling the truth?" Miss Miko looked at Catwoman.

"Meow?" The cat ears on the top of the little cat girl's head trembled slightly, she stretched out two slender fingers and tapped her chest gently, making a dilemma between her playmate and her master, "That meow... ..."

"I was wrong!" Hinata resolutely clasped his hands together, and admitted his mistake to his sister. Sure enough, his teammates were unreliable.

Dirty loli puffed up her bun face, and said pitifully: "In the past, my elder sister supervised me at home, but now there is no one to supervise me, so I just want to fish..."

"We'll be back soon," Hua Ye said.

"Huh?" Miss Miko turned her head in surprise, "Hua Jun, what do you mean...?"

"The situation has been basically clarified." Hua Ye stood up, "It can be over."


Miss Miko turned off the video, followed Hua Ye, and walked out.

For Hua Ye, she already had unconditional trust.

The two came out from the back door of the bar and walked to a deserted alley.

The moonlight is cool.

A crescent moon is like a hook in the sky.

The cold evening wind blew by, whimpering and whimpering in the alley.

Immediately afterwards, a hazy mist suddenly surged...

Chapter 799 Fishing Law Enforcement

"Why is it suddenly foggy?"

Miss Miko's eyes were fixed, and she secretly raised her vigilance.

Fog is common in the early mornings of autumn and winter. Now it is only nine o’clock in the evening. Logically speaking, there will be no fog, and this fog is quite strange. I don’t know where it came from. When I found it, it had already covered it. In the entire alley, not to mention that you can't see your fingers, you can't distinguish things two or three meters away.

"Hua Jun, we..."

Miss Miko turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and was about to ask what to do next, but her breath stopped.

Because Hua Ye, who was walking beside her, disappeared into the mist at some point.

Quietly, without any movement.

"What's going on?" Miss Miko opened her beautiful eyes and hurriedly looked for Hua Ye's figure. Unfortunately, the alley shrouded in thick fog was so quiet that it was so quiet that there was no movement or sound at all.

"Could he have been attacked by the enemy?"

Thinking of this, Qianye Liuli felt as if her heart was being held tightly by someone.

The unidentified assailant seemed to have a deep resentment towards the male Onmyoji, and all those attacked turned into cripples lying in bed waiting to die... There is no doubt that it was a torture that was more terrible than murder.

"No..." Miss Miko shook her head and took a deep breath, "Mr. Hua should be fine, otherwise he wouldn't come out on his own initiative, so... is it actually me who was tricked?"

After the initial panic, Miko Liuli's eyes quickly regained her determination. She bit her lip and prepared to summon a wind crane to disperse the dense fog here, but the next moment she was shocked to find that the spiritual power in her body had also disappeared.

An onmyoji who has lost his spiritual power is just an ordinary person, so naturally he cannot drive shikigami.

"What's going on...is it a hallucination or a hallucination?"

Without any attack, Miss Miko doesn't know that her spiritual power will disappear out of thin air... If the enemy really has such a strange ability, then Hua Ye may also be in danger.

Qianye Liuli took a deep breath and bit her lower lip hard.


It hurts.

Use pain to concentrate yourself. At this time, panic is useless, and thinking about countermeasures to break the situation is the top priority.

Before she could come up with a countermeasure, Miss Miko suddenly noticed that the thick mist filling the alley suddenly rolled away like snow splashed by hot water.

Vision quickly returned to clarity.

"Are you alright?" Miss Miko blinked her eyes, turned her head and saw Hua Ye standing beside her, her heart suddenly relaxed, "I saw a thick fog just now, and then I found you disappeared Now, the spiritual power also disappeared..."

"There was no fog just now." Hua Ye shook his head, "You got the pupil technique."

"Eh, pupil technique?"

Miss Miko suddenly realized, and quickly understood why the first four victims were captured without any resistance. If it was the fog pupil technique like just now, if they didn't know it in advance, they would be impossible to guard against.


A Gothic girl fell to her knees, trembling all over, covering her eyes.As the so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, it dares to use the pupil technique to look at Hua Ye. Now this level of backlash is still light. If Hua Ye unlocks the seal, even a clever girl who can't get pregnant can use her eyes to make the other party big. Stomach ah!

Stare at the secret technique of so-and-so's pregnancy, and find out.

Of course, this kind of pregnancy will not inherit the blood, it is just a special means of attack, which is of little significance.

Miss Miko looked vigilantly, she was a petite girl with snow-white skin, wearing a black and red long red dress, with red and golden pupils, a Gothic girl.

"what is this?"

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