After looking around in the room, Hua Ye quickly brought a medical kit over, took out medical alcohol and sanitary swabs, and said, "Aren't you afraid of pain?"

"Of course I'm not afraid." Igarashi raised his chin, "Who do you think I am?"

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "Short-breasted stars and dead ducks have a hard mouth?"

"You are the star of poor breasts!" Igarashi reacted greatly to the word 'poor breasts', but did not refute the dead duck's mouth. If eyes can kill, Hua Ye is already riddled with holes. "You are a fat maniac who won't even let the teacher off, you have no right to say anything about me!"

"Hey, what the hell is Fat Crazy Devil?" Hua Ye's face was filled with black lines. This kind of title is much worse than Lolicon.

"You know it yourself!" The legal loli curled her lips and looked at the kitchen garbage in the sewer, "Didn't you take off my fat in the hotel?"

Hua Ye slightly twitched the corner of his mouth: "That's a misunderstanding, I just wonder if that bow is just an ornament..."

"Just admit it, you fat bastard!"


After a minute.

Hua Ye put away the cotton swab and medical alcohol: "Disinfection is complete."

"Then treat me quickly."

Igarashi raised his chin, full of majesty.


Hua Ye responded, and his right hand landed on the chest of this legitimate loli.

I could obviously feel Igarashi's whole body trembling, and his body suddenly tensed up. Although he said he didn't care, his body was unexpectedly honest.

"Don't be nervous." Hua Ye said speechlessly.

"Who, who's nervous?" The legal loli turned her head to look at the wall, ready to hold on to the end for the sake of face.

Who else could it be if it wasn't you, the goosebumps on my chest are all up, okay?

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Your heartbeat is getting faster and faster."

"Nonsense, is it normal to have a fast heartbeat at this time?" Igarashi snorted arrogantly, "It's just a normal physiological reaction, and it has nothing to do with you!"

After Igarashi finished speaking, he blinked suddenly, stretched out his small hand to press Hua Ye's chest, and then...exploded instantly.

bastard bastard bastard!

Die, die, die!

At this time, your heartbeat is so slow, are you still a man? !

Anyway, Igarashi will never admit that he has no charm at all.

Thousands of mistakes, all the faults of this guy in front of him!

"Why is your heart beating so slowly?" Igarashi gritted his teeth and asked.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and said, " heart doesn't fluctuate?"

"I'll leave you without fluctuations!"

Igarashi was so angry that he stretched out his foot to kick Hua Ye. After a few times of probing on the verge of death, he successfully aroused Hua Ye's anger.

"Oh, man..." The legal loli hurriedly withdrew her feet, looked at Hua Ye's pants with disgust, and sneered, "Can't help but be in heat?"


Heat your sister!

Since you are deliberately trying to die, then I will fulfill you, I hope you can still be so stubborn later!

"Do you still remember what I told you in the corridor last semester?" Hua Ye asked with a dark face.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "If you make trouble again, I will pinch you."

"What's the meaning……"

In the middle of Igarashi's words, an indescribable electric shock suddenly hit her chest, making her eyes widen instantly.

Meow meow meow?

This, this guy actually dare to pinch that kind of place? !

Although he wanted to kill Hua Ye quickly, his body reacted instinctively first, and blurted out a low moan mixed with distress and pain.


Igarashi hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth, her small face was flushed red, her eyes were almost murderous: "You, you dare to pinch me?!"

"What's wrong with pinching you?" Hua Ye was not afraid at all, "I will continue to pinch you without apologizing."

You will be punished for doing things, and of course you will be punished for being stubborn.

To be honest, Hua Ye doesn't want to play pinch music, but it's a pity that other people's breasts can be used as game controllers, and you can also play drumstick games, but this star's breasts, only the "jujube stone nail" has a sense of existence. !

If you don't pinch the date stone nails, other places are like fetching water from a bamboo basket, you can't grasp it at all, okay?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I'm going to kill you!"

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