Turtle is one of the most defensive animals in the world. Even crocodiles cannot bite through the turtle shell, but the turtle shell is not just a protective shell, it is also similar to the spine of the human body. Humans cannot live without the spine, and the turtle is gone Turtle shells can't live either.

"Okay, Wei Nai called us, if you don't leave, you will be suspected." Lafite, a tax evader, shook his finger, "Leave quickly."

Hua Ye continued to move forward, and soon saw hippos and crocodiles entrenched in a pond.

A few black and gray crocodiles are entrenched far away on the other side of the pond, their bodies are half submerged in the water, half out of the water, like a piece of black dead wood, obviously belonging to marginalized animals that have been neglected.

Instead, the hippopotamus became a star animal. Many tourists took pictures with their mobile phones gathered nearby. An administrator picked up a watermelon and blew a whistle. A hippopotamus close to the fence immediately opened its wide mouth, looking stupid and honest.

The administrator did not peel or slice the watermelon, and threw the watermelon directly into the hippo's mouth. When the hippo man bit his mouth, the watermelon exploded with a 'click', and the juice and pulp splashed, and a lot of pulp fell to the ground. It was like chewing a cow. Peony is also a cow chewing peony.

Eating is obviously very simple, but for some reason, many people frantically took pictures with their mobile phones, and talked about it while taking pictures.

"Hippo's mouth is so big, it can actually bite a watermelon."

"Mom, I want to feed the hippo watermelon too."

"Brother Hippo looks so cute when he eats."

Occasionally, however, there will be strange discussions mixed in.

"I have ridden a horse in the countryside, but I have never ridden a hippopotamus. I really want to try the feeling of riding a hippopotamus."

Hippos are as slow as old dogs on land, why don't you ride a shark if you are so six!

"It's really not as good as a hippopotamus. I can't afford such an expensive watermelon, okay?"

Since you are so poor, don't come to the zoo!

"The mouth is so big, if you bite someone's head, it will probably be broken like a watermelon with a 'click', right?"

So any normal person would not put his head into the mouth of a hippopotamus!

"I also want such a big mouth. In this way, I can eat more when I eat the buffet."

How much to eat is a matter of the stomach, the mouth can at best determine the speed of eating!


Alice and Raphael also took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

"Hey, a hippo knows to open its mouth when it hears a whistle, isn't it the same as a dog?" Alice asked curiously with the golden twin tails swaying behind her back.

"Is this Pavlov's reaction?" Raphael stretched out a slender finger, and replied, "I saw it in the "Dog Boyfriend Tuning/Training Manual"..."

Hua Ye's face darkened suddenly.

What the hell is this messy book title, who do you want to teach/teach! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

"Oh, I made a mistake!" The black-bellied girl hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth, her bright eyes turned to Hua Ye, and then moved away abruptly, "Actually, I accidentally saw the "Dog Training/Training Manual."

Hua Ye didn't speak, but silently wrote down a note in a small notebook.

"By the way, why did you put the hippopotamus and the crocodile together?" Wei Nai blinked, very curious, "The hippopotamus is so dumb, it will be bitten by the crocodile, right?"

"No way!" Gabriel said with a curled lip. "Besides elephants, hippos are the second dominant species on the African grasslands. Every year, more people are killed by hippos than crocodiles."

The crippled angel pointed to the sign hanging on the fence: "It also said 'Hippos are dangerous, please don't get close'. When I played "Assassin's Creed: Origins", hippos in the wild were harder to kill than crocodiles There are too many!"


Jiaairu half-closed her eyes and turned her head to look.

"Hee hee." Gabriel stuck out the tip of her tongue, clenched her fist and tapped it on the head, maliciously showing cuteness, "The hippopotamus is finished, sister, shall we go and see the elephant behind?"


To be cute is to be able to do whatever you want, and you can pass the test with ease.

There are many people who like to watch elephants. These elephants have been tamed. There were even two elephants playing "elephant football", which received a lot of applause and cheers.

Hua Ye was a little curious about this kind of herbivore that spends [-] hours a day eating. After all, it is the largest mammal on land. He happened to see a male elephant straddling a female elephant. I want to applaud for love!

The pillars on the lower body that are longer than the girl's legs simply make those who see it sad and those who hear it shed tears.

"Well, shall we go too?" Wei Nai blushed slightly, looking away.

"No, that's right, don't watch it!" Alice was also embarrassed.

Jiaailu's face is calm and calm, probably in her opinion, all things in the world are equal, and the reproduction of species is a matter of course, neither shameful nor shy.

She withdrew her gaze and said, "Let's go."

After watching the elephant, I saw the dirty rhinoceros. Except for the rhinoceros horn on the head, there is nothing special about it. On the contrary, the dozen or so pink flamingos next to it are very beautiful.

Then everyone went to see the sloth.

The sloth in reality is not at all good-looking, its hair is black and gray, and it looks like a big tree bag at first glance when lying on a tree, and then...

There's no after that.

The sloth is worthy of its lazy name, hanging there lazily, as if asleep, without any movement at all.

"Hey, is this a sloth?" Alice was a little disappointed, picked up her phone, and took a photo with some disgust, "I thought the sloth was cute when I watched the movie, but now I don't think it's cute at all. "

This is the result of the administrator often helping it to take care of its hair. Otherwise, what you are discussing is not the issue of cuteness, but the issue of dirtyness!

You must know that sloths in nature are actually very dirty, and moss and mushrooms can even grow on their backs... because they are too lazy to take care of their bodies, and whether they take a bath depends on the weather.

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