Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai.

You, who have always been fair and serious, will not be like these guys, and you will label me without thinking about it, right?

Facts have proved that Wei Nai did not button his hat indiscriminately.

Because she just pursed her lips, and said four words with cold eyes: "Go to the police station."

As expected of Wei Nai...

and many more!

Go to the police station?

You said something wrong!

Wei Nai took a deep breath, her eyes flicked over Hua Ye's face in disappointment, and finally looked at the blue sky outside the window, and said in a low voice: "You can get a reduced sentence if you voluntarily surrender..."


It is fair and strict!

You don't even have evidence, so you just give me a sentence!

This world eats jujube pills!


In a blink of an eye, it was Saturday again.

The misunderstanding in the health room has been solved, and Wei Nai and the others also know that they have wrongly blamed Hua Ye, but it is also true that their posture is bad, so they treat him very coldly.

This morning, not long after Hua Ye woke up, his cell phone rang suddenly.

"Master Xiaoye, are you free today?" After the call was connected, the voice of the dragon maid Thor came from the other end of the phone, sounding very excited, "Come to the new home for dinner tonight."

"I'll think about it." Hua Ye replied calmly.

"Master Xiaoye, the weather is fine today..."


"Master Xiaoye, it rained a few days ago, did you bring an umbrella when you went out..."


"Master Xiao Ye..."


Finally, Maid Dragon on the other end of the phone broke out: "Master Xiao Ye bullies people!"

"what happened?"

"Why don't you ask me about the new home!"

Hua Ye can completely imitate the appearance of the maid Long Tor, who is wagging her tail and waiting triumphantly to ask her... So, even though you are a dragon maid, wearing the clothes of the dog-eared lady is also a good idea. Very good!

Sighing, Hua Ye decided to cooperate.

"Moving to a new house?"

"That's right, I moved yesterday! It's a house that I found together with Mr. Kobayashi and Kang Na. It's super beautiful!"

"Why didn't you call me for help?"

"Because I hired a special moving company, and it's all girls' things, so it's not convenient for Mrs. Xiaoye to clean up." The maid Long Tor said with a grin, "Now Kangna and I have our own room, Ehehehe~"

What kind of laughter is so magical!

I can imagine your wagging tail and smiling face through the microphone!

"Don't smirk!" The other end was quickly replaced by the voice of my cousin Xiao Lin, "Xiaoye, I'm going to clean up the house during the day, so come over to celebrate at night?"

Chapter 85

"Understood, I will go." Hua Ye agreed.

After finishing the call, Hua Ye checked the time and found that it was only a quarter past eight in the morning, which was still very early, and Xiao Lin's new address after moving was also closer to where he lived, so there was no need to worry at all.

Hua Ye was about to play a game for a while, but just as he put down his phone, the phone rang again.

Looking down, I found that the caller was Ms. Miko.

"Hua Jun, I have a task entrusted tonight, do you want to go together?" A quiet and pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone.

After thinking for a while, Hua Ye shook his head and refused, "I have something to do tonight, so I won't go."

It's fine if it's normal, but just now I promised Xiaolin that I'm going to have a celebration dinner tonight, so I can't break my promise.

"Then... well." Miss Miko's voice was a little lost, she paused, and then said, "Hua Jun, if you are free tomorrow, you can come to have dinner, Hinata misses you very much."

"Yeah." Hua Ye smiled, "Let's talk about it tomorrow. If it's okay, I'll go."


After five o'clock in the evening, Hua Ye tidied up and went out in the direction of Xiao Lin's new home.

Ten minutes later, I came to the downstairs of the apartment building, carrying the fruit snacks bought at the intersection, walked up the stairs, all the way to the top floor, and then pressed the doorbell.

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