at the same time.

A petite girl with short blond hair appeared out of nowhere, with a blue scarf tied around her chest, and her azure blue eyes curiously looked at the surrounding environment.

"When I came to the world for the first time, I was afraid that the world would be dangerous, so I spent all my savings to buy a protective suit. Now I don't need it at all... How stupid, Tapu sauce is so stupid!"

"Although I only stayed for one day last time, the world isn't that dangerous at all..."

The blond girl walked lightly, her eyes full of anticipation, like a fluttering butterfly: "If you go to see Gabriel-senpai now, you can still eat the mapo tofu made by the senior himself at night, right?"

"Just eat two bowls of rice this time. If you eat too much, you will be laughed at by the seniors... You can't say it with shame! (>▽" By the way, Senior Gaairu asked me to give this bracelet to Senior Gabriel , I don’t know what to do... But when Senior Gael spoke, I felt that the temperature dropped..."


A lazy meow interrupted Tap's thinking.

"Hey, yes, it's a cat?!"

Chapter 839 Tap Sauce Broken (Fourth)


A white cat lying on the wall basking in the sun stood up and stretched lazily.

"It's a real cat!"

Taplis remembered that when he came to the world last time, he was an enemy to everything, and even set the threat level of a cat as A-level. Now that he thought about it, his face couldn't help but feel a little hot.

It wasn't until Wei Nai gave her a cat pillow when she was leaving, and every night before going to bed, she had to roll around the pillow a few times, that Tap-chan accepted the fact that the cat was super cute.

Yes, there are no cats and dogs in heaven.Because in the teachings of Christianity, cats and dogs were not considered to have souls at the beginning. Not long ago, the Pope of the Vatican finally admitted that cats and dogs also have souls, but these two creatures do not exist in heaven.

"It is said that cats are the most popular pets in the world, and Japan has been boosted by the 'cat economy'..." Taplis stopped, looking at the cat on the wall with sparkling eyes.

The idiot junior looked around with some guilt, and saw no pedestrians passing by nearby, so she stood on tiptoe, blushed slightly, and meowed softly: "Meow?"

The white cat on the wall tilted its head and looked at each other with two pairs of sapphire-like eyes: "Meow~~"

Taplis blinked, with surprise on his face, imitating cat meowing with a clear and pleasant voice: "Meow~~"

"Meow meow~~"


In fact, Tapu sauce doesn't know what meowing means at all, but it seems that as long as "meowing meowing", you can communicate with the other party.

One person and one cat "communicated" for a while, and the cat stretched again, jumped down from the wall nimbly, and left with its tail gently wagging.

Taplis watched the other party go away with a sense of loss, and then saw...

"Ehhhhh? Senior and Senior Bai Yu?!"


Among the bookstores.


Raphael rested her head on Hua Ye's shoulder, not allowed to adjust the angle, looking for a comfortable posture.

"Don't move." Hua Ye looked disgusted.

"But when reading, you have to find a comfortable position."

So you are here to find comfort, or to read books!

The book that Hua Ye was holding was a relatively old-fashioned novel of reincarnation in another world.There are no bright spots in the plot, but the illustrations of the characters are extremely exquisite.

In fact, whether a light novel is popular or not has a lot to do with the exquisiteness of the illustrations. There is even a saying on the Internet that "light novels are selling illustrations".

Hua Ye just happened to see the hero and heroine going to explore the maze, and then met the Rolling Beast who gave experience... No, slime.

The setting of this kind of slime is to spit mucus to attack the enemy, but the mucus will not corrode the human body, it will only corrode the clothes unscientifically. In addition, the heroine who is obviously very powerful is frequently attacked by slimes ...

For example, the page that Hua Ye and Raphael are looking at.

The long-haired heroine is kneeling on the ground in a duck sitting position, covering her chest with one hand, and blocking the front of the skirt with the other hand. There are only a few rags left on the clothes on her upper body, which is so plump that she can't block it with one hand Oupai, who lived there, had more than half of it protruding from the gaps in his arms, but his face still had an expression of pretending to be strong, biting his lip and trying not to let the tears fall... There was a terrible smell everywhere.

A picture of this level will not have any impact on Hua Ye and Rafael. Those books sold at the comic show are much more explosive than this one.

However, outside the floor-to-ceiling windows behind the two of them, there was a pure girl like a little white flower, who suffered a great mental shock.


"Senior Bai Yu, why is he resting on the shoulder of the senior?" Following the cat all the way, he accidentally found Hua Ye and Raphael sitting with their backs against the floor-to-ceiling window. Taplis opened his eyes wide in surprise, "This posture Isn't it too intimate?"

After hesitating for a while, Taplis didn't say hello, but imitated the cat just now, tiptoed out of the French window, and looked inside cautiously.

Girls are cats, because girls, like cats, have strong curiosity.

Tapless is no exception.

"Take a look at what senior Bai Yu and the senior are doing, um, just take a look..."

Thinking of this, Taplis clenched his small fists, took a deep breath, suppressed the rapid heartbeat that had been caused by "doing bad things", slowly poked his head out, and looked at the book in Hua Ye's hand.

Taplis's eyesight is very good, even though it is not a short distance away, he can still clearly see the contents of the book.

The first thing that caught the eye was the weak girl whose clothes had been corroded by the slime, and then knelt on the ground almost in a full fruit posture.

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