The idiot school girl's eyes fell on the evil Mr. Banana in the corner.

This, what is this?

a banana?

But this posture of lifting the banana peel looks so strange...

Taplis suddenly remembered the teaching of a certain senior in the heaven - if a boy asks you to eat bananas, he should not agree no matter what.

Tapu Jiang came here in a hurry last time. I found Gabriel at school in the evening, ate a bowl of ramen the next morning, and then returned to the heaven. Although I know what a banana looks like, I have never eaten a banana.

So the banana in the bathroom aroused Taplis's strong curiosity.

"This banana is so strange. It actually has two hands and two feet. It just makes you smile so ugly..."

Taplis washed his hands, picked up Mr. Banana, and watched curiously.

"It smells a little sweet..."

I looked left and right, but I didn't know where my fingers touched, and a milky white liquid suddenly gushed out from the bottom of Banana Jun.


Taplis trembled in fright, and hurriedly threw the Banana King out of his hand.

"Yes, a banana that squirts white liquid?!"

"Senior said that if a white liquid sprays out of a banana, you must stay away, because..." Looking at the milky white viscous liquid in his palm, Taplis's pupils dilated, and he became like Gabriel. Off-White Sculpture, "Will Be Pregnant!"

Pregnant and have a baby?

The originally extremely distant and unfamiliar eyes of words happened to him at this moment, causing Taplis to explode instantly.

"Tap-chan, what's the matter with you?" Raphael, who heard the movement, walked to the door and asked curiously, "You look so pale."

Taplis muttered to himself:

"I, I will be pregnant..."


No matter how much Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his color, Rafael still opened his eyes wide at this moment, with an expression of disbelief on his face.


How could my junior Jiang become pregnant suddenly?

Whose child is pregnant?

"Taplis?" Gabriel got up and walked over, surprised, "I seem to have heard you say you were pregnant just now?"

"Ja, Gabriel-senpai..."

The idiot school girl twisted her neck like a robot, with crystal tears in her eyes, and her mouth was wavy: "I, I'm pregnant! I'm going to have a baby!"


The air was suddenly silent.

Raphael and Gabriel looked at each other, and then both turned their heads to look at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye's face was darkened immediately, and he couldn't help roaring:

"Hey, what are you two looking at me for? It has nothing to do with me!"

Let alone whether you are pregnant or not, even if you are really pregnant, don't look at me!Because there is no time to commit crimes, okay?

"Should there be some misunderstanding?" Rafael stretched out a finger and tapped his chin lightly.

If Taplis was pregnant with a child, she should have been restless on the way here, but the idiot junior was obviously happily licking ice cream before, and there was nothing unusual at all.

His eyes swept across the bathroom, and finally landed on the overturned Mr. Banana.

Raphael walked over to pick up Mr. Evil Banana: "Tap sauce, were you playing with this bottle of shampoo just now?"

"Huh?" Tapless opened his eyes wide. "Wash, shampoo? Isn't it banana?"

"It's a shampoo made in the shape of a banana. We caught it from a crane machine a few nights ago." Rafael took apart the shell of the evil Banana Lord, and let Taplis see the structure inside, "Jiaai Sister Lu was also deceived by Mr. Banana..."

"O, so that's how it is..."

Taplis held his chest with his right hand, heaved a long sigh of relief, and finally changed from gray and white to a normal painting style.

"Then Tapu, can you explain why you suspected that you were pregnant with a baby just now?" Raphael asked softly with a cheerful smile.

"Because the seniors said that if a white liquid sprays out of a banana, if it touches it, you will become pregnant..."

Gabriel's face was full of black lines: "Senior? Which senior said such a thing?"


Taplis reacted suddenly, quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth, and shook his head quickly like a rattle, "Don't say it, don't say it!"


After putting Mr. Evil Banana away, the three girls walked out of the bathroom.

"Taplis, the bracelet has also been delivered, when are you going back?" Gabriel turned her grief into strength, grabbed the controller and continued to fight, since she can no longer play games after eleven o'clock, then make up for it as soon as possible.

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