Talk about going out, but you should put down the chopsticks first, what a fuss to hold in your hand like a baby!Do you still plan to try all other dishes!


(PS: Happy Children's Day! Too word paralyzed)

Chapter 842 Elegant and Reserved

"Wait a moment."

Just as Taplis, who turned his head three times a step, walked to the door of the kitchen, Hua Ye finally spoke.

"Student, senior!" Taplis stopped immediately, his eyes glowed brightly, and his expression looked like a dog waiting to be fed, "Is there anything else?"

Hua Ye pointed to her right hand: "Put down the chopsticks."


Then it can be clearly seen that the eyes of the idiot school girl dimmed in an instant... There is no need to guess, but it is all written on the face!If you fall in love with such a fool, you don't have to worry about what gifts to give, as long as you take her to the mall and see when her eyes shine!

"I'll let you eat the last one." Hua Ye gently pulled the corner of his mouth, this expression of expecting the master to feed, is basically a foul, okay?

"Hmm." Taplis's eyes lit up again, "Thank you senior!"

After eating the third dry-cooked shrimp, Taplis finally put down his chopsticks reluctantly, and walked out of the kitchen step by step.

Gabriel is wearing earphones to play chicken at the moment, the mechanical keyboard is crackling, obviously there is no time to chat, Taplis hesitated, sat next to Raphael, and asked in a low voice: "Raphael Senior, is that girl in the kitchen really a maid?"

When she came to the world last time, Ilya hadn't come yet, so she was naturally very curious to see the maid Ilya now.

"It's true." Raphael gently wrapped her fingers around a strand of black hair on her chest, with a happy smile on her face, "And it fell from the sky, and was picked up by classmate Hua Ye."

"Eh? Can the maid also pick it up?" Taplis blinked his eyes, his expression was a little puzzled, but he was soon relieved, "That's right, when I returned to the heaven last time, I met an uncle on the road , the uncle was holding strange things in his hands, and happily said that he had picked up a wife..."


There are so many slots in this sentence, even La Feier couldn't help complaining: "What you see is not a wife, but an inflatable/doll!"

"Senior Illya doesn't feel like a maid, but like..." The idiot schoolgirl turned her head to look at the silver-haired maid in the kitchen, looked up at the sky and said, "It looks like Lady Gael, very powerful. "

Taplis continued: "And since it was picked up, shouldn't it be handed over to the police uncle?"

"Well, that's a very good question. You can ask classmate Hua Ye later." The black-bellied girl turned her head to look at the cute and silly elementary school girl. Three thousand black hairs flowed down her shoulders. He tapped his lips with his fingers, and there was a pleasant smile on his face, "But there are more serious things that need to be resolved than this."

"Hey, what's the matter?"

The corners of Rafael's lips slightly raised, and he said in a curious tone: "There is only one bed in the bedroom, how do classmate Hua Ye and Miss Maid sleep at night?"


"Ehhh?" Taplis opened his eyes wide, his expression turned into Quincy O v O, "Senior Raphael is saying that the senior actually slept on the same bed as Senior Illya?!"

"I didn't say." Rafael shook his head, "I'm just curious about how to sleep in a bed."

"That's right!" Tapless stammered, waving his hands in the air. "How can boys sleep with girls!"

"Unless you are married, you must never sleep together!"

"Wrong things should be corrected!"

Taplis quickly remembered his previous decision to help Hua Ye "reform evil and return to righteousness". At this moment, he clenched his fists and said seriously: "No! This kind of unclean behavior will affect the evaluation and assessment of seniors going to heaven in the future... I will definitely I need to help the senior correct it! Hey, Senior Sister Raphael, why are you smiling so happily?"

Rafael smiled happily: "I'm very happy to see that Tapu-chan has gradually grown into a reliable junior."

"Senior Lafite..." Taplis sniffled, tears streaming down his face, "I will definitely work hard!"



"I'm gonna start now!"

After clasping his hands together and praying before the meal, Taplis quickly picked up a spoon and scooped up a piece of Mapo Tofu with a rich soup and garnished with green onion. He was very happy.

"Eat the Tap Sauce slowly." Rafael handed over a tissue, "Be careful not to get it on your face."


Taplis nodded while eating, because his mouth was stuffed with too much food, and he couldn't speak for a while, but the happiness on his face was almost overflowing, which can be said to be an alternative beauty.

"By the way, Tap-chan, do you want to play here for two days?" Rafael asked with his head tilted.

"It's not for fun." Taplis swallowed the food in his mouth, with a grain of rice still on his face, and said with some lack of confidence, "Because I will come here to study next year, so I should familiarize myself with the environment in advance... ..."

"So that's how it is." Rafael sighed intentionally, with apologetic eyes, "But Xiaojia, Huaye, me, and I are going to go camping in the wild tomorrow, and we just have to go for two days, so we can't accompany Tap-chan to familiarize ourselves with the environment. It's over."


Taprist, whose face was full of happiness, froze in place for a moment, and his mouth quickly turned into an inverted trapezoid of grievance: "No, it's okay, I'll be familiar with it by myself..."

He said so, but his expression was extremely aggrieved. After being abandoned, he forced a smile and tried not to cry!

Gabriel couldn't take it anymore, put down her chopsticks and said:

"If you want to go, just say it."

"Eh?" Stars lit up in Taplis's eyes, "Is it really possible? Can I go camping with Sister Gabriel and Sister Lafite?"

"Ask Lafayette." Gabriel pointed to Lafayette who was smiling cheerfully beside her, "Just nod her."

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