Parked next to the parasols are about twenty bicycles, singles and tandems.The so-called tandem bicycle is a bicycle with two seats designed for two people to ride, but the shape is a bit ugly and it is not common at ordinary times.

The old man handed over a form unhurriedly: "Please fill out the form first."

Japan is known as the country of form-filling madness. You have to fill in forms everywhere in your life. For example, you don’t have a marriage certificate when you get married, but you just fill in two forms called "Marriage".

After filling out the form, the old man pointed to the notice board next to him: "Have you all read the precautions above?"

Satania nodded: "See clearly."

"Then how are you going to rent it? By the hour or for a whole day?"

Renting a bicycle by the hour is 250 yen per hour. If you overtime, you will have to pay more. It is cheaper to rent by the day. In addition, if the vehicle is damaged, you need to pay compensation depending on the degree of damage.

"Rent for a day."

Hua Ye handed over the bank card, it was not short of money anyway.

The old man swiped the card slowly, then handed a key to Hua Ye: "Okay."

"I'll come, I'll come, give me the key."

Satania reached out/grabbed the key (I don't know what the hell forbidden words are), with an uncontrollable surprise smile on her face, she seemed to be floating into the sky, she ran over to lock the car He untied it, then patted the car mat and shouted, "Servant, hurry up, take me for a ride!"

Others would rather sit in a BMW and cry, why do you have a soft spot for riding on the back seat of a bicycle?

Hua Ye shook his head: "You can also go for a ride by yourself."

Satania puffed up her cheeks: "I don't know how to ride a bicycle."

"Can't even ride a bicycle?"

Silly Meow's cheeks became more puffed up, and he became angry: "I haven't touched a bicycle before, so it's normal not to know how to ride a bicycle..."

"By the way." The idiot didn't know what to think, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Why don't you teach me how to ride a bicycle, and when I learn it, I'll take you for a ride?"


Thinking of himself sitting on the back seat of a bicycle with a giggling idiot in front of him, Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "Let go of that bicycle and let me do it."

When Hua Ye got on the bicycle, Satania imitated the posture of the girl just now and prepared to sit sideways on the bicycle.

Having said that, sitting sideways seems to be a natural skill for girls, because most boys can't sit well.

"Go down." Hua Ye said suddenly.


"You sit like this, and your skirt gets caught in the wheel."

The girl was wearing jeans before, so of course it’s okay to sit on the back seat of a bicycle. You’re wearing a skirt now, and you’ll get caught in the wheels if you’re not careful.

"What should I do?"

Satania was pitiful, thought for a while and said, "How about I roll up the skirt?"


Talk about elegance and restraint!Thanks to you for coming up with this method, it's super embarrassing for girls to roll their skirts, okay?At that time, it will not be a joyride, but a group of idiots surrounded by people!

"Have it!"

The idiot looked up at the sky and thought for a while, then suddenly took out his mobile phone to make a call, and said to himself, "If you have any problems, just call Wei Nai..."

Hey, if you have any questions, just ask Wei Nai, are you treating Wei Nai as a universal Tinkerbell?

The phone was connected quickly, and Wei Nai's doubtful voice came over: "Satania? Why did you call me suddenly?"

"I was playing with the attendant at the campsite."

To be precise, only you are playing, I was 'captured' by you, okay!

Without waiting for Vinette to ask, Satania continued: "The attendant wants to take me for a ride on a bicycle, but the skirt might get caught in the wheels of the bicycle, Vinette, Vinette, what should I do?"

"Hey, classmate Hua Ye wants to take you for a ride on a bicycle?" Wei Nai was surprised, and then said a little weirdly, "For the skirt, just use a small clip to fix it. If there is no clip, you can also tie it with a hair rope... ..."

"I see, hang up."

"Wait, you and classmate Hua Ye..."

Before Vinay finished speaking, the phone was hung up by Satania, so she had no choice but to put away the phone.

"Vina sauce, what are you talking about with Satania?"

Rafael closed the light novel in his hand, and looked at Wei Nai curiously.

Looking for four-leaf clover is not an interesting thing, and it is easy to kill enthusiasm. After Rafael found a four-leaf clover, he was no longer interested in looking for a second one.Now sitting on the air cushion banana boat basking in the sun.

Wei Nai hesitated, and explained: "Satania said that classmate Hua Ye was going to take her for a ride on a bicycle, and she was worried that her skirt would get caught in the wheels of the bicycle, so she asked me what to do..."

Alice was eating grapes, and hurriedly spit out two grape seeds: "Hey, didn't the facial-paralyzed pervert go to the campsite to take a shower with the squad leader? Why did he get mixed up with Sata Meow again?"

"Should we meet by chance on the way?"

Rafael stretched out a finger, tapped his chin lightly, and rolled his eyes: "It's a bit boring to sit here all the time, why don't we go for a drive?"


Chapter 864 Stunt Bike

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