The two idiots looked at each other, and there seemed to be a stream of tiny sparks in the air.

"I sit in the back seat and won't get down."

"Then I will sit in front of the brave man."

It's not watching a movie in a cinema, how do you want to sit in the front? Are you going to ride on your neck?That is the stunt riding that can only be seen in Indian military parades!

"Hey, does Liuhua want to sit in the basket?" Machiko blinked and hesitated, "It's a little bad..."

Liuhua has a petite body. During the last physical examination, she weighed only [-] jins. Just like the saying "weighing no more than [-], she is either flat-chested or short." Liuhua is both short and flat-chested.Even so, you cannot sit in the basket, because it is too dangerous and accidents are prone to occur.

Liuhua: "Either sit in the basket of the car, or sit on the brave man."

Hua Ye was speechless: "How do you want to sit?"

"It's very simple." Liuhua stretched out two slender index fingers and twirled them gently in the air, her cuteness exploded.

Machiko also looked curiously, waiting for Liuhua to reveal the answer.

As a result, the second-year girl actually said dirty jokes seriously: "One night, the boy drove the girl home by bicycle, but the bicycle didn't have a back seat, so the girl had to sit in the front. The next day, the girl found out that the boy's Bicycles don't have beams..."

Liuhua raised her chin and said triumphantly, "Since that girl can sit, then I can too."


Sit on your sister!Don't take the joke as reality. There is also a joke about pulling mushrooms in the forest. Did you hear the joke and go to the forest to grow mushrooms?There is no little loli who pulls mushrooms, but there is a nest of snakes, insects, rats and ants!

Chapter 865 The Coming Shura Field

Satania obviously didn't understand the connotation of this dirty joke, she blinked her eyes blankly after listening, with a blank expression: "Speaking of it, where is Liuhua going to sit?"


After identification, this is a pure idiot.

Hua Ye turned to look at Machiko.

As soon as the eyes met, two blushes suddenly appeared on the face of the black, long and straight girl, and she hurriedly shifted her gaze elsewhere.

Well, there is a dirty cousin who draws a book, so this kind of internal joke is naturally nothing.

Hua Ye didn't talk nonsense, and got off the bicycle directly: "Liuhua, you ride."

The joke of 'sit in the front' is good to say, but it is naturally impossible for Liuhua to sit in the front. It is shameless in the public.

"How can this be?" Satania pouted.

It's a pity that the protest was ineffective, and Liuhua quickly got on the bike and took Satania for a ride.

"Thirsty?" Hua Ye looked at Machiko.

"Not thirsty..."

Machiko shook her head subconsciously, while feeling refreshed after taking a bath, the previous sense of shame also dissipated a lot, but she was still a little embarrassed.

"Take it." Hua Ye handed over a bottle of drink directly.

He also said that he was not thirsty, his lips were already dry!


Machiko obediently reached out to take it.

"This bottle of drink was bought by Sata Meow just now. I only took a sip. I don't like the taste of the drink." Hua Ye unscrewed another bottle of green tea, "If you don't want to drink, you can buy it from the vending machine over there. A bottle."


Machiko hesitated for a moment, blushed and shook his head: "No need, there are so many in it, it would be a waste to buy it again... And I have heard of this drink, it is said that like Hamlet, everyone can drink it differently ..."

"I haven't had this drink yet, let's take a sip and taste it first."

Machiko unscrewed the bottle cap, glanced at Hua Ye quietly, saw that Hua Ye was looking down at her, and immediately looked away like a frightened little rabbit, then shyly put the mouth of the bottle on her lips, pursed a little Take a sip.

(Is this an indirect kiss?)

(It must be.)

(The taste of the mouth of the bottle is a bit sweet, is it because of the soda... or because classmate Hua Ye drank it?)

Machiko took a sip of soda, her eyes lit up quickly:

"It tastes very good... It's just a bit weird when you drink it, but after staying in your mouth for a while, it becomes delicious."

Seeing that Machiko didn't pretend to like it, but really agreed with it, Hua Ye couldn't help but twitched his mouth: "It's just as long as you like it."


Machiko was obviously thirsty. Although she didn't drink half a bottle in one breath like the idiot Meow, she still drank a lot slowly.

After drinking, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, Machiko screwed on the bottle cap, and handed the drink back with a blushing face: "Thank you Hua Ye..."

Hua Ye waved his hand: "If you like it, I will give it to you."


Machiko held the drink bottle with a hint of coolness, pursed the corners of her lips, but couldn't stop raising them upwards, but opened her eyes wide after a while: "By the way, where is my clover?"

Although the clover did not bring luck, but brought a lot of misfortune, it was the first clover she found after all, and the commemorative significance is extraordinary.

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