"Don't talk."

For some reason, Hua Ye clearly proved her innocence, but the frost on Wei Nai's face grew thicker. She looked at the old grandmother who was frowning beside her, and then bit her lips and said, "Let's go out and talk if we have anything to say, don't worry about it." Disturbing others here."

"Wait a minute." Hua Ye reached out to Machiko, "Give me something."

"Ah... oh."

Machiko, who lowered her head and pretended to be a quail, hurriedly responded, and then...then passed her hand to Hua Ye.

Hey, what are you doing!I'm asking you for clover, not asking you to hand it over!


A series of murderous gazes suddenly shot over.

Although no one spoke this time, the atmosphere became more dangerous.

It seems to be a taut bowstring, and it seems to be depressed before the rainstorm, as if it will explode at any time.

"Yes, sorry!"

Machiko came back to her senses, hurriedly withdrew her hand as if she had been electrocuted, her chin almost touched her chest.

Hua Ye said calmly, "Give me that book with the clover in it."

Machiko blushed pretty, and hurriedly took out the "The Old Man and the Sea" and handed it to Hua Ye.

"You can see clearly." Hua Ye took the book, opened it and found the four-leaf clover, and said calmly, "This is the clover that the monitor found before, and Alice can testify."

Alice's little face quickly turned red, obviously remembering the scary things she saw before that she shouldn't have seen, her eyes drifted, and she faltered and said, "No, that's right, when I was walking the dog before, I happened to see the monitor Found this four-leaf clover..."

"What does this have to do with your coming to a lover's hotel?" Gabriel asked suspiciously.

"Clover is not like maple leaves, which can be stored in books." Hua Ye explained calmly, "So we came here to ask this mother-in-law for help. She was cleaning upstairs and just came down."

The old lady watched the play for a long time, and then she realized: "Oh, you two are here to find me, let me make this clover as a specimen? Why didn't you say it earlier..."

Because he didn't have time to speak, he was caught and raped on the spot!Then Machiko's guilty conscience of "there is no silver three hundred taels here" is even more evidence of adultery/love!

Chapter 868 Paper Airplane

Hua Ye handed the clover to the old lady, and agreed to pick it up tomorrow, and then they all left the lover's hotel together.

When I got outside, I saw the clear sky, the warm sunshine falling on my body, and the sound of wind chimes floating in the distance. It should have been a pleasant scene, but the weird atmosphere did not dissipate much.

Wei Nai kept a pretty face and didn't speak, Rafael kept smiling and didn't speak, Gabriel... Forget it, this useless angel still looks like a lazy salted fish.

Hua Ye had a very thick skin, and was still unmoved by so many eyes staring at her. The problem was that Machiko was staring down at her toes, as if she was terrified and silently waiting for the verdict to plead guilty.

Fortunately, the oppressive atmosphere that was about to rain and the wind filled the building did not last long. Wei Nai broke the silence first, biting her lip and said, "Tap sauce, don't you want to ride a bicycle? Let's go find Satania right now." Let's go with Liuhua."


Although the idiot school girl was a little dazed, she also found that the atmosphere was very strange, so she nodded quickly when she heard this.

"I'll go find a place to charge the battery for a while." Gabriel yawned, and left behind Wei Nai.

"Machiko-chan's luck is very good today." Rafael stretched out a finger, tapped his chin lightly, and said with a smile, "It seems that you are the only one who found the clover, which is very good."


Machiko was so frightened that she almost cried.

Obviously the voice is nice, and the smile is nice, but when it falls into the eyes, it reminds Machiko of a certain brain hole theater in the past

On a quiet campus in the dusk of the setting sun, a silver-haired girl with a few drops of blood on her face, holding a blood-stained utility knife, said in a condescending and sweet voice: "Student Hua Ye spent ninety-nine and eighty-one dollars, I hope Machiko-chan can do more!" Hang on for a while."

Just thinking about it is super scary, okay?

"Hmph, perverted pervert!" Alice raised her chin, snorted triumphantly, and left behind Raphael.

In the end, Machiko was too embarrassed to stay any longer, so she spoke pitifully to Hua Ye, turned around and trotted away.

In the blink of an eye, Hua Ye's side became quiet.


Of course Hua Ye didn't catch up, he took his drink, turned around and sat down on an empty bench, without these girls talking by his side, his ears were much cleaner.

The afternoon sun was exceptionally bright.

The sky was as blue as a wash, only a few cotton candy-like white clouds floating gently.

There is a wind blowing, blowing across the treetops, shaking off the shadows of the ground, and the sound of ding-dong wind chimes drifts away leisurely under the clear sky.

Hua Ye closed his eyes, preparing to take a nap for a while.

But after a while, there were footsteps approaching quickly, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a paper airplane flying over, just landing at Hua Ye's feet.

Two five- or six-year-old little girls in white princess dresses ran over and stopped in front of Hua Ye two steps apart, a little afraid to go forward.

"Pick up your own things."


Little Lolita timidly took two steps closer, when a gust of wind blew by, as if she was blinded by the dust, and in a panic, she accidentally stepped on the paper airplane.

Seeing the crushed paper airplane, the loli pouted her mouth aggrieved, mist quickly surged in her eyes, and the beans fell down in a blink of an eye.

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