"Look at what?"

Seeing Hua Ye's speechless look, Wei Nai said seriously, "Kang Na-chan just now looked super cute, why don't you take a photo as a souvenir?"


The young girl is in the late stage of control and is hopeless.

Speechless all the way.

Everyone arrived at the campsite safely, docked the bicycles together and locked them, and then took out the folding low table, campfire stove and other burning utensils and cooking utensils from the travel backpack.

At this moment, half of the fiery red sunset in the sky has fallen below the horizon, and the vast twilight began to cover the earth. Wei Nai took out a lightweight gas lamp without a wick for lighting. It is best not to use branches to light a bonfire in this kind of place. , A little carelessness may cause forest fires.

"Okay, the preliminary preparations are complete." Wei Nai raised her hand and wiped her forehead, "It's time to prepare for the barbecue..."

"Very well, leave the rest to me!"

Satania pretended to be serious and triumphant voice sounded.

Wei Nai turned her head to look, and was startled: "Hey, Satania? What's the matter with your clothes?"

In the blink of an eye, why did he put on a white chef's uniform, and the white chef's hat on his head was too high!

"It still looks familiar..."

"Of course it looks familiar." Hua Ye complained, "Because this is the chef's uniform she wore in the home economics class, but the chef's hat was raised higher."

"Hmph." Satania crossed her arms and raised her chin, imitating the photogenic poses of those chefs on TV, and said proudly, "During this period of time, I have devoted myself to practicing cooking, and finally became the hand of God... Heard that camping goes better with grilling, so it's time to show some real skills!"

"See?" Satania pointed to the tall chef's hat with a proud expression on her face, "This is the sign of a top chef!"

"Top chefs consider culinary skills, not the height of the hat!" Wei Nai's face was full of black lines, and she couldn't help but start complaining, "And your hat is so high, it will fall off if you lower your head! God's hand What, why does it sound so much like the God's Tongue in the drama!"

Chefs all over the world wear white chef hats, but at the beginning it was not for hygienic considerations, but a popular item, and later it gradually became a standardized kitchen prop. In addition, the higher the craftsmanship, the higher the hat. The French like to call those famous chefs "big hats".

The problem is that the top chef's hat is only [-] centimeters high. You idiot who added the hat to half a meter without authorization, you can't see where your culinary skills are, but you can't bow your head!

"Vinette, Vinaite, is there any fish?" Satania was gearing up, ready to show off her skills, "Let you see the results of my hard work these days..."

"No fish, no need to help, just give up."

Wei Nai's face changed slightly, obviously recalling the fear of being ruled by the pot of 'do not know what the hell fish soup' in the cooking class, and directly typed three consecutive rejections.

"You don't need to do anything." Wei Nai squinted her eyes, "You just have to wait to eat."

"What?" Satania puffed her mouth, unhappy, "For this day, I practiced it specially!"

"It's not a practice to raise your hat higher!"

"Hey, it's wrong for Wei Nai to act like this, how can you ignore the enthusiasm of classmate Satania?"

"Eh?" Wei Nai's eyes widened, "Lafite, what are you talking about, Satania's dark cuisine will eat the dead!"

"No way!" Satania pinched her waist with one hand and retorted, "I have eaten fish soup myself, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"That can only prove that your vitality is tenacious enough!"

"It's a pity that we didn't buy fish at night." Rafael stretched out a slender finger, nodded his chin lightly, and said with a smile, "If you want to grill fish, you can only ask Liuhua and Satania to go to the lake and see Can you catch a fish, if you catch it, you will have grilled fish to eat at night."

Wei Nai: "..."

There are no fishing rods, hooks, or baits. Those with bare hands just want to catch fish. Fish are not stupid spores, so it is not so easy to catch.

But if you use it to deal with Satania...

"Hmph, it's just catching fish, leave it to me." Satania was really tricked, after all, she was an idiot.

Liuhua also nodded: "Okay, okay."

The two idiots got the task and ran to the lake excitedly.

The two walked around the lake for a long time, but naturally they couldn't catch fish, let alone catch fish, they didn't even see them.

"Why is there no fish in such a big lake?" Satania pursed her lips in disappointment.

Liuhua tilted her head and thought for a while: "Could it be because fish have ears, and they are scared away when they hear the noise?"

"Fish don't have ears!" Satania retorted, "kittens and puppies have ears, but I've never seen a fish with ears."

"Yes, yes." Taplis followed to watch the excitement, and nodded as if the chicken was pecking rice, "I have never seen a fish's ear before."

Liuhua puffed up her cheeks: "If you don't see it, it doesn't mean you don't have ears. I heard from my sister that fish have ears. Otherwise, why would the fish in the water run away in fright when others walk on the shore?"

"That's right, why?" Taplis nodded again.

The two idiots couldn't stop arguing, and there was another idiot junior who was on both sides of the wall, and finally asked Hua Ye's side.

Satania: "Aide, surely fish don't have ears?"

Liuhua: "No, fish have ears."

Taplis looked left and right: "It feels like everything makes sense..."

"Just for this?" Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

Are you two children of Biri?I can't stop arguing about such a boring question. Not only do fish have ears, but they can also make powerful calls that can be heard several kilometers away. Don't think that fish will only spit bubbles stupidly!

Hua Ye was about to speak, but Satania raised her face and said, "Aide, do you choose me or Liuhua?"

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