There was a crisp slap, and Hua Ye knew without looking that he would definitely not hit.

"Why do mosquitos keep biting me and never bite you?" The girl with twin ponytails looked up at Hua Ye, her mouth puffed up, "Is it because your blood is so bad to drink? I heard that mosquitoes like people who sting blood. ..."

Stop joking!Everyone's blood has a faint smell of rust, okay?If your blood is sweet, it can only mean that you are watermelon essence!

"The main way for mosquitoes to find prey is carbon dioxide and sweat emitted by the human body." Hua Ye explained, "You were just startled by the bamboo rat, and you ran around again, sweating on your body, and the amount of carbon dioxide you exhaled also increased. would be the preferred prey for mosquitoes."

"Hmph!" Alice turned her head, her ponytails dangling behind her back, "It's because my blood tastes better than yours!"


This dwarf bean is obviously prone to attracting mosquitoes. After a while, there was another crisp "pop", and then a frantic voice: "Damn, hate, hate! Why did you bite me again!"

"This facial paralyzed pervert is so tall and his target is so obvious, he should be bitten, right?" Alice walked up to Hua Ye, sniffed her nose, with a look of doubt on her face, "It's strange, there is no scent of mosquito repellent water ...why don't those mosquitoes bite you?"

Hua Ye said calmly, "They dare not."


While speaking, Alice was bitten three or four times. The skin of this girl with twin ponytails was very delicate, and the bitten area quickly became red and swollen, but no mosquito hit her. The more she thought about it, the more angry she was. Tears welled up in anger: "What, what should I do?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "You can try to trap the mosquito."

Alice opened her eyes wide, with a cute expression: "Eh? What do you mean?"

Hua Ye said: "Your hand speed is too slow, so you can't shoot mosquitoes, but you can tense your muscles and pinch mosquitoes with your skin."

This is not nonsense such as 'lemming suicide', but a practical operation. When you feel pain and then hit mosquitoes, there is a [-]% chance of missing.

At this time, you only need to tense your muscles, and the skin will naturally clamp the mosquito's mouthparts, making the mosquito 'unable to extricate itself'. If you are not in a hurry to pinch it to death, you can even take pictures to show off!

Chapter 877 Punishment Punishment (Third)

"Hey, is there such an operation?"

Alice opened her eyes wide, eager to try, but after looking at her little arms and legs, she was soon discouraged, "Clamping or something, it sounds nice, how can it be done so easily."

Hua Ye said: "You will be able to clamp it naturally if you practice a few more times."

"Then I'll try...wait!" The little bean looked suspiciously, "I suddenly remembered a joke, a mosquito bit an old woman's face, the old woman smiled slightly, and left a smile in her wrinkles. A pool of blood..."

Alice said vigilantly: "You are not fooling me, are you?"

Fool your sister! "Trapping mosquitoes with wrinkles" is just a self-deprecating method. The difficulty of the actual operation is infinitely close to zero, but tightening the muscles and clamping the mosquitoes with the skin of the arms is a feasible and feasible way for everyone to catch mosquitoes. !

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "You will know if it is true or not after you try it. If not, I can teach you how to clamp it."

"Oh, let me try..."

In the middle of speaking, Alice suddenly blushed, and her ponytails shook violently behind her head: "Pervert! Perverted pervert!"

"What?" Hua Ye turned his head to look.

You said it well just now, why did you suddenly become excited?

Alice crossed her arms, feeling ashamed and angry: "Aren't you ashamed to let girls practice the skills and methods of 'clamping'!"


Sorry, not at all.

It's just asking you to pinch the mosquito, and then pinch the other party to death. What do you think is asking you to pinch it! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

The place where she was bitten before quickly became red and swollen, and the painful and itchy feeling made the girl with ponytails burst into tears: "What, what should I do?"

Hua Ye suggested: "You can go back and spray some mosquito repellent."

"Then you are responsible for shoveling Xiaoqiu's shit?"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and reached out to grab Alice's wrist. His hands were cold, soft and delicate, as smooth as silk.

"You, what are you doing?!"

Alice became anxious immediately, her face flushed and she said, "I, I belong to Master Bai Yu! Don't try to make up my mind!"

Who made your idea, it’s just a Veneto, just be a schoolboy destroyer honestly, don’t always think that someone is cheating on you!

"I'll help you heal."

As Hua Ye said, he stretched out a finger and pressed it on the swollen bump on the back of Alice's hand.

Feeling something cool spread on the back of her hand, the itchy and painful feeling quickly dissipated, Alice stopped struggling, turned her little face to one side, and snorted proudly: "Oh, man .”


Hua Ye's face was covered with black lines.

Hey, don't imitate the tone of that poor-breasted star!

Although the effect of manual breast enhancement is not very obvious, but the milk volume exceeds you just around the corner!At that time, she will not be the basic milk volume unit, you will replace Igarashi and become the new milk volume unit!

"What happened to the man?"

Alice pouted: "Men are terrible perverts, as long as there are cute girls in this world!"

Speaking of this, Alice suddenly remembered a theory she saw while watching TV.

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