This time the caller is Ms. Miko.

"Hello, is this Hua Jun?" The voice on the other end of the phone hesitated slightly.

"it's me."

"It's like this..." Miss Miko hesitated, and said softly, "The entrusted task I received today is a bit tricky..."

Hua Ye responded lightly.

Sensing Hua Ye's impatient attitude, Miss Miko bit her lip and said, "Because the information was wrong in advance, the employer raised the remuneration again, and you can get [-] million yen for completing the commission..."

"Twenty million yen?" Hua Ye became slightly interested.

The price level and per capita income of this country are very high. Nearly half of the remuneration received from the last entrustment has been used. If there are [-] million yen, it will be possible to live a leisurely life for a while.

Thinking of this, Hua Ye asked, "Where is the address?"

"No, I'll send someone to pick you up right away." Miss Miko breathed a sigh of relief and said hastily.

"Alright." Hua Ye nodded.


Twenty minutes later, a black car parked quietly downstairs.

Then the car door opened, and a petite figure jumped down, shaking his ears, and shouted at Hua Ye: "Come on meow!"

"Why are you here?" Hua Ye sat in the back seat.

"My sister sent Meow here! I'm afraid you won't be able to find my way!"

After Hua Ye sat down, the driver in a neat suit started the car quietly without saying a word.

The black car is like a ray of light, gently blending into the night.

"My lord sister is injured meow!" Catwoman couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Hua Ye, as if she had seen the backbone.

"what happened?"

"Meow doesn't know, after all, my sister took over the commission." Ling Na patted her small chest, "Ling Na just needs to be responsible for defeating the enemy, meow."

Don't put gold on your face.

If a slightly stronger enemy comes, you can only run away with your head in your arms!

"Don't look down on me, meow!" Lingna blushed, raised her hands in front of her face, stretched out her claws, and said "meow", making a super fierce appearance.

However, this appearance is really not compatible with viciousness, the majesty is infinitely close to zero, and the cuteness index is off the charts.

Hua Ye remained expressionless, unmoved at all: "Are you asking me to cut your claws for you?"

Catwoman immediately puffed up her cheeks, "You bullied me meow!"

"Arguing again and I'll pinch your tail."

"Don't, don't meow!" Catwoman hurriedly shook her head, hugging her butt timidly.

Talking all the way, time passed quickly.

The driver who drove the car was obviously very professional. He didn't say a word along the way and concentrated on driving.After waiting outside a manor in the suburbs, when opening the car door for Hua Ye, the driver finally spoke: "Mr. Hua Ye, we're here."

Hua Ye got out of the car and looked up, frowning slightly.

I saw a low mountain in front of me. On the mountainside, there were lights falling down, and a building hidden in the bushes could be seen faintly. It didn't look like the cold reinforced concrete structure in the city, but the modern and classical architecture. Combined, there is quite an ancient charm.

The surrounding environment is obviously very good, with lush trees, fragrant flowers and plants, and mountain springs jingling and flowing.

A silver moon is shining brightly in the sky.

Sprinkle with silver light.

The moonlight is like water, shining for thousands of miles.

However, under such moonlight, apart from the whirling of branches and leaves as the evening wind passed through the jungle, there were no birds and insects singing nearby.

The manor under the cold moonlight looked quiet and gloomy.

"You're here." Miss Miko's eyes lit up slightly, and she greeted her.

Hua Ye nodded, looked at Miss Miko's slightly pale face, and asked, "Are you injured?"

"It doesn't matter." Miss Miko pursed her lips and led Hua Ye into the manor, explaining the current situation by the way.

It turned out that the employer this time was an upper-class person who had his own villa and manor in the suburbs. However, in the past few days, the guard dog and birds raised at home died for no reason, and the meat and food in the kitchen were also stolen.

At first, the employer thought that thieves had entered the villa, so he added security guards and stepped up patrols.

However, it was of no use, on the contrary, more and more things were lost.

The employer was furious, and sent people to install a large number of cameras around the villa, and personally monitored the rear, preparing to catch the murderer.

As a result, the picture that appeared in the surveillance video took him by surprise.

Because the ones who stole things were distorted black shadows. Wherever they passed, the magnetic field near the camera seemed to be disturbed and became distorted, and only blurred figures could be seen

However, no matter how twisted it is, it doesn't look like a human at all.

As a high-class person, the employer naturally knew some secrets that ordinary people did not know, and he was shocked and immediately called an onmyoji for help.

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