All meteor showers are not only visible at a certain moment, but can often be observed for several days or even a month, but most of the time the flow is very small, even in the current eruption period, the number is not very large , It often took several minutes before a few meteors streaked across the sky, so after the initial excitement, everyone gradually calmed down.

"Look at my Hot Wheels!"

Satania took out the cold fireworks she bought before, waved her hands, and danced into a dazzling firework show in the air.

"so beautiful!"

Taplis opened his eyes wide, showing a shocked and envious O v O expression.

"Hmph, there are more beautiful ones."

The idiot who won the praise was even more proud, and launched the secret skill of hot wheels with both hands.

Wei Nai originally wanted to say not to play so vigorously, sweating on the body would be bad, but seeing that Taplis's eyes were shining, and she no longer looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, she said, "Satania, for Taplis Pick up a firework, you guys play together."


The idiot Meow took a firework and handed it to Taplis. This idiot only has a soft spot for pineapples/bags, and is very generous at other times.

"Thank you, Senior Satania." Taplis thanked politely.

"It's just a small matter, nothing more."

Hearing others call him senior, the idiot raised his chin and tried to tighten his face, but the pride on his face still overflowed.

Liuhua didn't go to play with the fireworks, but sat beside her, her little head dozed off little by little, and the dull hair on the top of her head was all wilted.

Wei Nai called softly: "Liuhua, are you sleepy?"

"Well, my eyes are so heavy, I can't open them..."

Liuhua was in a daze, and answered dumbly.

"Then go sleep in the tent."

"it is good……"

Liuhua covered her mouth and yawned.

Everyone gathers at eight o'clock in the morning, but girls have to change clothes and freshen up, so it's not surprising that they wake up two hours earlier, and they don't take a nap in the afternoon, so they will naturally be sleepy now.

As we all know, yawning is contagious. After a while, other girls also yawned.

"It's almost ten o'clock, everyone should go to bed." Wei Nai rubbed her eyes and said.

"I'm so sleepy, go to sleep."

"Goodnight everybody."

"Good night."


The lake quickly quieted down.

Hua Ye walked into the tent and prepared to rest. The quality of the tent is very good. There is a transparent skylight on the top, and you can look up at the starry sky when lying in it. In addition, the tents built by each of them are not connected together, because some places on the shore are not suitable for tents. , so it is scattered in a patchwork manner.

Satania and Liuhua shared a tent, Raphael and Alice slept together, and Vinai took Kangna to sleep...

Anyway, Hua Ye is the only one who is alone.

Hua Ye didn't feel sleepy, took out his mobile phone and watched the news for a while, most of them were fans who went crazy again, selling houses and wives everywhere.

In fact, betting on horses or betting on football is gambling after all. As the saying goes, small bets are fun, big bets are harmful to the body, and strong bets are wiped out. The reason is very simple, but unfortunately many people pretend not to understand.

After watching the news for a while, Hua Ye was about to turn off his phone and go to sleep when the phone vibrated suddenly. It was a call from the maid Long Tor.

"Xiao Ye, good evening!" Thor's energetic voice rang in his ears, "Have you slept yet?"

"Didn't sleep." Hua Ye responded, "What's the matter?"

Thor said: "Kobayashi just came back, and today I went to the izakaya to drink with that glasses Takiya, and I was so drunk that my body smelled of alcohol and it smelled bad. Then I taught me how to be a real maid, saying that I The practice of maids here is too bad... What, I am obviously a maid, and Xiao Lin has never worn a maid outfit before, so I am a layman, so annoying."

Since you find it annoying, then when you talk, stop showing off!

"and then?"

Thor continued: "Then I helped Lin take a bath and change into pajamas..."

Wouldn't that suit you?

Kang Na is not here, no one disturbs your two-person space, you must have stripped Xiao Lin clean, and then we did this and that together in the bathroom, washing everything inside and out, maybe you will hug him at night Kobayashi rolled the sheets!

Rolling on the bed, referred to as rolling sheets.

"As a result, when he changed his clothes and was about to go to bed, Xiao Lin didn't know what was going on, and suddenly said that he went out too early in the morning and didn't see Kang Na. Now he wants to chat with Kang Na..." Thor complained a little, "Really, I'm obviously ready to turn off the lights and roll the sheets."

Hey, you really want to roll the sheets!

Be careful when rolling the sheets, don't put your chest on Kobayashi's face, otherwise tomorrow's newspaper headlines will publish

"Shock!The maid murdered her master in this way while her master was drunk" "The real version of 'killing a sister in her arms', the truth makes people silent"

"Lessons of blood and tears, the danger of incorrect sleeping position is so terrible" and other messy news headlines!

Hua Ye said with a dark face: "You mean to let Kang Na come and talk?"

"Yeah." Thor said, "Xiao Lin wants to talk to Kang Na right now, and he won't sleep if he doesn't talk. It's so troublesome... Is Kang Na by your side? Let her talk to Xiao Lin for a while."

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