Accompanied by Hua Ye and Miss Miko, Takeda Koji successfully walked outside the manor.

"I'm fine?" Takeda Koji's face was filled with surprise, and his voice trembled slightly.

"Congratulations, it seems that the target of those monsters is not you." Miss Miko said calmly.

After hearing this, the joy on Takeda Koji's face quickly faded, and he quickly walked back to the manor.

Immediately afterwards, Takeda Hanako and the little girl Takeda Ai walked out of the gate of the manor safely.

So, at this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the old man Takeda Kazuya.

The old man is very well-bred, even at this time, there is not much disturbance on his face, but he said very calmly: "I will try."

"Please, we will protect your safety." Miss Miko nodded.

"Thank you both."

Accompanied by Hua Ye and Miss Miko, the old man Takeda Kazuya walked steadily towards the gate of the manor.

As a result, just after crossing the collapsed tree, there was a harsh sound of piercing through the air!


A stone the size of a human head flew towards them like a meteor, and smashed into the ground in front of the three of them with a "boom", splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.

Now there is no doubt in the crowd.

There is no doubt that the target of those monsters is obviously the tall old man in front of them. The others don't care, but he is not allowed to leave the manor.

This stone that fell from the sky was a warning.

"This is impossible!" Takeda Koji whispered, clenched his fists, and said with an ugly face: "My father has passed on the family business to me seven years ago. All these years, I have lived in seclusion, cultivated my morals, and seldom interacted with others. How could someone want to harm him when outsiders come into contact with him!"

"There are many possibilities..." Ms. Miko shook her head and said, "Maybe Mr. Kazuya did something before, so these monsters came to take revenge, or there are some things that monsters covet on their bodies... The specifics have to be determined." Ask Mr. Kazuya."

"Father?" Takeda Koji looked at the old man.

The old man has a good bearing, even after going through the incident just now, his face is only a little pale.At this moment, he frowned and thought for a moment, finally shook his head and said, "I really don't know why these monsters are staring at me...Koji, take Hanako and the others and leave first."

"No!" Takeda Koji shook his head immediately, and flatly refused, "I will never leave my father here alone!"

As he spoke, he looked at Miss Miko and bowed: "I will add another [-] million yen in remuneration, please ensure my father's safety!"

"If you don't know the reason, then even if you drive away these monsters temporarily, they will come back again." Miss Miko frowned slightly.

Everyone is silent.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Since you can't figure out the reason, why don't you ask those monsters?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Hua Ye in surprise.

"Ask, ask those monsters?"

"Is this really feasible..."

"How do you know if you haven't tried it?" Hua Ye shrugged, turned his head to look at the lush jungle on both sides of the road, and shouted: "I call you, is there anyone who dares to agree?"

The voice seemed to have a strange power, rolling and echoing in the night sky.

Everyone had weird eyes, and their expressions hesitated to speak.

The corners of Miss Miko's lips rose slightly, obviously recalling her experience at the hot spring resort.

"Well, why don't I call someone to check it..." Takeda Koji was afraid that Hua Ye wouldn't be able to get off the stage, so he quickly opened his mouth to make a relief.

As a result, as soon as the words fell, a sharp crow sounded:

"If you promise, you promise! Who is afraid of whom! Our boss has nothing to fear!"

Chapter 91 Only Women Can Become a Boss!

"Ju, you really agreed?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

Is it true that the IQ of these monsters is so low that they will be recruited by such a simple aggressive method?

For a moment, everyone looked at Hua Ye with surprised eyes.

"See what I'm doing?" Hua Ye shrugged, and said nonchalantly, "They blocked the way openly, obviously they have no intention of hiding their whereabouts, right?"

"This... seems to have some truth?"


Of course it's not that simple.

The reason why the IQ of these monsters suddenly dropped, and they could be easily dealt with with a single aggressive method, was mainly because of the special power implied in Hua Ye's voice.

No way, Hua Ye is really too lazy to play puzzle games here, he prefers to solve problems in a simple and rough way.

As for whether these people would suspect... Hua Ye said that he didn't care.

Anyway, I'm doing things with money, so I'll say goodbye tonight, and I won't see you again in the future, so there's no problem at all.

As the screams fell, the next moment, several strange-looking monsters jumped out of the jungle on both sides, landed on the ground, knelt and half-kneeled, and shouted in a strange tone: "Welcome boss!"

The air was suddenly quiet.

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