Machiko struggled for a long time, but in the end she didn't have the nerve to hold Hua Ye's hand. After saying hello, she turned and left with some regret.

"Satania and I are leaving too." Rafael waved his hand and stood beside Satania with a smile.

"What are you going to do?" Silly Meow took a step back, raised his hand to block in front of him, and said vigilantly, "I narrowed my eyes from laughing, I must be trying to play tricks on me again!"

"No." Rafael complained, "I only found out last night that I haven't slept with His Highness Satania for a long time, let me sleep with you today?"


Gabriel looked at the idiot junior: "Taplis, when are you going back?"

"That, that..." Taplis stretched out two pure white jade fingers, and lightly tapped on his chest. Before he could speak, a blush appeared on his little face, "I, I won't go back at night. questionable……"

To put it bluntly, I just want to have a meal before leaving!Be careful feeding you milk!

Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye and said:

"Student Hua Ye, you can take Kangna sauce home."

Hua Ye was speechless: "Do you need it?"

"Of course." Wei Nai put on a pretty face, "What if someone plots against Kang Nachan?"

How to do?

Of course, it is to inform the other party's family to come and take care of the funeral!

This blue-eyed baby dragon just looks pitiful, weak and helpless, but it is super fierce and super edible. If someone tries to trick her into eating a lollipop, she will definitely be beaten to death.

Wei Nai stretched out her hand and pinched Kang Na's chubby face: "Anyway, go and come back quickly. Since you took Kang Na-chan over, of course you have the responsibility to send Kang Na-chan back."

Hua Ye said, "Are you going with me?"

"What am I going to do?" Wei Nai blushed pretty, turned around and ran away, "I still have something to do when I go back!"

Kobayashi said last night not to kill anyone, how dare he go over now!


ten minutes later.

Hua Ye and Kang Na had already walked near the apartment building, and a loli walked by eating ice cream.

When Kang Na saw her, she looked up at Hua Ye with her small face, and there was a sparkle in her big eyes that were bluer than the sky: "Look at——"

Hua Ye sighed: "What flavor do you want?"

"Yogurt flavored."

Hua Ye walked into the convenience store and bought two ice creams, one for each person.

After sending the blue-eyed young dragon downstairs to the apartment, Hua Ye was about to turn around and leave, when a voice full of vitality suddenly sounded: "Hey, you two are back?"

There was also a strange trembling sound of "Puyo Puyo" in the shouting.

As soon as the words fell, Thor appeared in front of Hua Ye. This dragon maid had a shopping basket on her arm, dressed like a housemaid, and seemed to be going to the supermarket to buy ingredients.

"Master Thor." Kang Na softly called out, and then continued to stick out the tip of her pink tongue to lick the ice cream.

Hua Ye said: "Kang Na left it to you, I'm going back."

"What are you going back to do?" Thor said, "It happened to be lunch together, Xiaolin said yesterday that he wanted to eat your cooking, obviously my cooking is not bad."

This dragon maid obviously has a big heart. She only gave Hua Ye a gift yesterday, but she has forgotten about it today.

Hua Ye shook his head: "I didn't take a shower yesterday, so I'll go back and take a shower."

"It's okay." Thor said carelessly, "I can lend you the bathroom."

Who wants to use your bathroom, maybe halfway through washing you will suddenly come in and take nude photos!

Hua Ye snorted softly: "I remember you can also exchange for the back rubbing service?"

"Hmm..." Thor rested his chin on one hand, thought for a moment, and then nodded in agreement, "No problem, anyway, except for Xiaolin, other human beings are similar to cats and dogs in my eyes."


The dragon maid stretched out her hand in front of Hua Ye: "It's getting hot now, let me have a bite of the ice cream."

Hua Ye said, "I've already eaten."

"It's okay." Thor waved his hand, neither shy nor hygienic, "I don't dislike you."

Nonsense, who cares whether you dislike it or not, the key is that I dislike you!


Thor's skill: Hungry Dragon Gaze.

With an indifferent face, Hua Ye handed over the ice cream: "Here I am."

"Thank you Xiaoye."

The dragon maid reached out to take the ice cream, imitating Kang Na, narrowing her eyes, sticking out her tongue and licking it lightly.

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "You are enough."

It's okay for Kangna to lick ice cream, but for a young girl with adult thighs, she can be forgiven for doing anything, but if you lick ice cream there, the scene will turn bad in an instant!It's simply tempting to commit a crime, okay? The most obvious evidence is that the passing uncle's eyes are straight!

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