This useless angel has already put on a red coat, which is a special prop for her cultivation, with a comfort level of +999.

"Hey, what kind of melon is this?" Looking at the white flesh cut into small pieces, Gabriel asked curiously.

"Mellon." Hua Ye scooped up a piece with a spoon and handed it over, "It tastes very sweet."

"Damn it, what do you want?" Gabriel opened her mouth subconsciously, and then quickly came back to her senses, "Put down the spoon for me, I can eat it myself!"


Looking at the time, it was already half past eleven. Hua Ye walked into the kitchen and started preparing lunch.With Illya here, she doesn't need help from others.

When the cooking was half done, a young girl leaned against the kitchen door, poked out half of her face, and looked over expectantly.

It's a pity that after waiting for a long time, Hua Ye didn't open his mouth. Taplis finally couldn't help it, and said softly in a cat-like tone: "Senior, senior, do you want me to help you taste it?"

Before Hua Ye could speak, another big-breasted dragon lady poked her face out and grabbed the other side of the door.

"Xiaoye, I can also taste if it's done, and I'm not afraid to say it's hot."


Hey, you two are enough!If you bite an iron basin in your mouth, you can work in the police dog team!

Hua Ye snorted: "Want to eat?"


The two nodded.

Hua Ye picked up the chopsticks, and under the expectant eyes of the two, picked up a piece of bamboo shoot, put it in his mouth, nodded and said, "It's already cooked, I don't need you two to help taste it."


After waiting for a long time, the idiot school girl who just waited for this was so wronged that her mouth turned into an inverted triangle.

Elma puffed up her cheeks, equally aggrieved: "If you don't look like this, you will be beaten if you look like this..."


"I'm done eating."

It wasn't until all the plates were clean that Elma put down her chopsticks contentedly, and wiped her mouth with a paper towel: "Xiaoye, thank you for your hospitality."

Who wants to treat you!It’s fine if you eat all the rice in the rice cooker. If it weren’t for the crowd, wouldn’t you even want to lick the plate once?

This dragon lady was a little embarrassed: "Well, I'll go first, see you next week."

I don't want to see you at all!

Elma walked to the door, turned her head and said, "By the way, you should think about it carefully about the nurturing..."

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "No, get lost."


"Senior, Sister Gabriel." Taplis also stood up, and said very reluctantly, "It's getting late, I'm going back too..."

The idiot school girl is carrying all kinds of small toys, snacks, and comics given by others during this wild camping, as well as the comics given by Rafael... It doesn't look like she is going back to the heaven, but the child is going to study abroad, and then I was stuffed with a bunch of items by my parents.

"Go, go." Gabriel waved her hand, but there was no need to tell her to pay attention to safety on the road, after all, no one could have the idea of ​​an angel.

Taplis walked to the door, stopped suddenly and shouted:

"Student, senior! I have something to tell you!"

Hua Ye was startled, and quickly understood what he wanted to say, and immediately shook his head and said, "Stop talking."

"No, I have to say it." The idiot school girl stood outside the door, clenched her right hand and pressed it on her chest, sparkling sparkles in her blue eyes, "If I don't say it, I won't be able to sleep , in short, please promise me, senior!"

"Huh?" Gabriel opened her eyes wide and almost threw a windmill fist at Hua Ye, "What did you two do without telling me?!"

This is the rhythm of confession, right?

Obviously it is!

Obviously only met twice, when exactly did he bully Taplis!

"Go to hell!"

Gabriel raised her foot and kicked over, but Hua Ye grabbed her calf. If it wasn't for Taplis who hadn't left yet, it would probably be the Rocket Headbutt next.

"Senior, please do more good things and don't do bad things anymore." Taplis took a deep breath and said seriously, "I can take you to heaven after you die like this!"

I can go to heaven without your guidance!You don't need to be guided!

"Eh?" Gabriel opened her eyes wide and looked at him in amazement, "Go to heaven? Why did the confession you agreed to go to go to heaven?"

Taplis waved his hand, his smile was extraordinarily gentle and bright under the golden sunlight: "Goodbye senior, senior Gabriel, goodbye."


When Taplis left, Gabriel immediately asked ferociously: "What did you do to Taplis? You are so shy, and you have only met twice, but you are so serious in advising you not to do it." Bad haven't brainwashed Tap Sauce, have you?"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines: "The brainwashing also starts with you."

"Hmph, how dare you!" Gabriel pouted, "Quickly let go of your hands, don't grab my legs, I'm going back to play games."

"Don't let it go."

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