Kitano Haruka opened her eyes wide, looking in surprise.

Gabriel curled her lips and said, "What are you looking at, I can do my homework occasionally, okay?"

You are ashamed to say that the homework was obviously written for you by Tapless last Friday night!

In order to find the senior you admire, you sent her to your door from thousands of miles away, but you actually asked her to help with homework, what a heinous act!It is simply a model of Zhu Gusheng!

"What are you looking at?" Gabriel turned her eyes to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye said, "See what's wrong with you?"

Others are afraid that you are a social sister and can't afford to mess with you. In fact, you are just a 'diligent. Xiuxian. Gabriel' who will die if you unplug the network cable.

The first class was the Chinese class. After the bell rang, Jing Kei walked in in high heels, with a fluttering windbreaker, long hair and shawls, and her gestures were full of bossy aura.

"Put down your phone, and start class now."

The boss's aura suppressed the audience, and all the melon-eating girls under the podium dared not refuse.

It's a pity that after a while, Jing Keai started to digress in daily life: "Many times, life can be summed up in three words 'no way'..."

Everyone was surprised and surprised, it was the first time I heard Jing Keai say such depressing words, and soon there was a girl muttering: "The teacher must have encountered some difficulties in life, right?"

"I think it's an emotional issue."

"Teacher Jing, come on, failure is the mother of success, and every failure in a blind date is laying the foundation for success."

"Hey, listen to me." Jing Keai clenched her fists and knocked on the table angrily, making a "dong" sound, "I just said that in life, there are 'long legs, there is no way', 'long legs Good-looking, no way', 'talented, no way'."


Hey, you are extra skinny today!

Life is alive, how can you say there is no way?

Those with long legs broke their legs, those with good faces scratched their faces, and those with talents punched them into mental retardation. Isn't there a way!

Chapter 909 The Legal Loli Grinding Her Teeth

"Poke poke-"

The extremely familiar three-in-a-row poke landed on Hua Ye's back.

Hua Ye stretched out his hand back, waited for a while, but no note came, he couldn't help but turned his head and asked, "What are you doing?"

The useless angel said solemnly: "Turn your face away, don't talk to me in class."

If you know not to talk in class, then you should stop poking there!This is going to be slapped, do you know!

"I went to bed too early last night, so I can't sleep now." Gabriel handed over a note.

The classroom is not a place for sleeping. If you want to sleep, you might as well sleep at home. It is much more comfortable than lying on the table.But having said that, why do some ri/fans often choose the classroom as the location of the crime?

"My sister's wristband is super nasty. Last night at eleven o'clock, the wristband was electrifying, causing me to make mistakes many times when I typed the copy."

Hua Ye complained with black lines all over his face: "You are really a good teammate of the nation."

Even if you are punished by electric shock, you must persist in finishing the copy. Such a persistent player spirit will make those who hear it sad and cry!

"Tch, of course, I won't cheat my teammates."

Hua Ye replied: "However, you have cheated me a total of [-] times in various games."

"Nonsense, not so many times."

The math teacher is a head teacher with a bald head. His voice is deep and deep, and his face is as sharp as granite. He looks like the attire of a gangster brother, which makes the atmosphere of the class extremely dull.

I have to say that the subject of mathematics really requires talent.

Some people are fascinated and radiant when listening to mathematics, while others are just blank-eyed, as if listening to a book from heaven.

For example, the representative characters Liuhua and Satania.

Liuhua's head was bit by bit, drowsy, and Satania... was actually reading a history book!

"Hey, I don't think I've ever seen the teacher take off his sunglasses." Gabriel continued to pass the note, "Why didn't he take off his sunglasses? Did he wear colored contact lenses like Liuhua, or did his eyes hurt?"

"Neither of them." Hua Ye said, "Sunglasses are only worn because of the small eyes."

"Huh? Small eyes?" Gabriel was a little surprised. "There are many people with small eyes. You don't need to use special sunglasses to hide them."

"It's not small, it's very small." Hua Ye emphasized again, "It's so small that it doesn't match the painting style."

"I heard that men with small eyes are very fickle." Gabriel was shocked, "So, isn't a math teacher with super small eyes a big carrot?"

Hua Ye said, "My eyes are not small."

"The eyes are not small, but you are obscene, shameless, thick-skinned, and a big hentai."

"Hey, you are too much!"



In a blink of an eye, it was lunch break.

Hua Ye received a message from Igarashi on time, "Hey, come to the rooftop for tea."

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