"Big-breasted monster, you're dead!" Igarashi had made up his mind to kill, "Don't run away if you have the ability, I'll go over and beat you to death!"

Was it really seen?

Hoshino Xia's heart sank, but it wasn't Hua Ye's call, but Igarashi's call, that is to say, there was still room for things to turn around.

Hoshino Xia chose to pretend to be stupid: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You still pretend." Igarashi said angrily, "You are in that residential building, right? He said he saw you just now!"

Hoshino Xia's psychological quality is very good, and now she has regained her composure, and asked: "Then what do you say I saw?"


Igarashi stopped talking, only the sound of teeth grinding could be heard.

What did you see?

Of course, I saw the scene where I was pressed on my legs and spanked, but how could such a shameful thing be said?

Seeing that Igarashi did not speak, Hoshino Natsu took the initiative again, "I was on the roof of the residential building just now, but I was just looking at the scenery, and I didn't see any scenes of spanking."

"Ahh! I'm going to explode your chest!"

"I'll hang up if it's okay?" Hoshino Xia crossed her arms and walked out of the residential building, "I still have classes in the afternoon."


Hearing that the phone was hung up, Igarashi almost exploded with anger: "That monster with big breasts still dares to hang up on my phone? Get up quickly, we'll catch her and make her into a [beep—— 】”

Hey, what's up with that strange silencer word, I always feel super bad!

Hua Ye said, "She has already surrendered."


Igarashi was stunned, and quickly understood what Hua Ye meant. She was not an idiot, but it was difficult to maintain her rationality when facing her old enemy, the monster with big breasts: "Is that why she didn't see what she said?"

The legal loli hesitated for a moment, then shook her head and said, "No, who knows if that monster with big breasts won't count her words, let's catch her and take a nude photo first..."

Chapter 911 Ultra Rare Attribute

Igarashi turned his head and saw Hua Ye was still sitting there drinking tea leisurely. He was so angry that he wanted to bite someone: "We have all been secretly photographed, you still have the heart to drink tea there?!"

Hua Ye said: "There is no secret filming, just peeking."

Although peeping is indeed wrong, but this is the roof of the teaching building, not an apartment, so it is not considered an invasion of privacy, but it is illegal to capture others to take nude photos.

"I'm going to be mad at you!"

"Then why are you still talking?"

Igarashi gritted her silver teeth: "I can't swallow this breath!"

Hua Ye said speechlessly, "Do you want a massage? Don't let me go down."


Igarashi immediately hesitated.

I wanted to say "you hurry up, the farther you go, the better", but thinking about it, I haven't had a massage for two days, what if the Xiaolongbao, which has just started to grow, suddenly stops?

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

Even if you are so angry that you want to bite someone, you must not take your own Xiaolongbao to take risks.

"Wait, wait a minute..."

Seeing that Hua Ye stood up and was about to leave, the legal loli finally made a decision. She angrily picked up Hua Ye's teacup, drank the rest of the black tea, then turned her head and hummed, "You are not allowed to leave until you have finished your massage." .”

Hua Ye responded, "Come and sit down."


Igarashi snorted, sat in front of Hua Ye, turned to look away and said, "Quickly massage, and then leave, I don't want to see you."

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand, and landed on the chest of this legitimate loli with ease, and started the daily massage, and then it was obvious that Igarashi, whose chin was raised like a swan, had a faint blush on his face .

Hua Ye tried it: "Does it feel a little bigger?"

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it."

Igarashi snorted softly, but the corners of her lips couldn't stop rising upwards. After working so hard for so long, how could she be unhappy when the clouds finally opened to see the moon?

This legal loli became happier the more she thought about it, and even snickered triumphantly, leaving Hua Ye speechless.

Even if you get a little bigger, you still can't even afford A, okay, what's there to be proud of!

Not long after the massage, this legal loli bit her lip, her breathing became rapid, and there was a bit of watery steam in her eyes. She pinched the back of the chair with her fingers, as if she was trying her best to endure something in her body. something.

Seeing this scene, Hua Ye silently withdrew his hand, feeling that if he continued to massage, something indescribably bad would happen.

"I'm leaving." Hua Ye got up.

Igarashi didn't speak, but turned his face away, and waved his hands weakly at Huaye.

When Hua Ye left the rooftop, the legal loli opened its mouth and lay down on the table to gasp.

"Go to hell! When I massaged myself, I didn't feel anything at all. Why did it feel so strange to let that guy massage..."

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