Xiaoqian said: "Suguha sent me a message just now, saying that she was sleeping at a classmate's house at night and would not come back. I think there must be something strange about it."

How can there be so many strange things, your sister is also a third-year junior high school student, so it's normal to sleep at a classmate's house.

Hua Ye said, "Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem." Xiaoqian emphasized, "This is the fourth time Suguha has stayed at a classmate's house, so it's strange no matter how you think about it?"

Hua Ye said, "Could it be that she's in a relationship?"

"No way." Xiaoqian shook her head, "Even if Suguha falls in love, it's absolutely impossible for her to stay out at night."

"You've never been in a relationship, how do you know?" Hua Ye asked back.

"Hey, I've never eaten pork, and I haven't seen a pig run away." Xiaoqian curled her lips, "Vina will definitely not let you stay overnight, will she?"


Xiaoqian urged: "Anyway, hurry up, you're the only one missing."

Hua Ye was speechless: "So what does this matter have to do with me?"

"Who said it doesn't matter?" Xiaoqian said convincingly, "I have provided you with so many strategies anyway, you can't cross the river and tear down the bridge."

"Hurry up, at worst, I'll blow Wei Nai's pillow wind for you."

"It's enough."

I don’t need your help. With Kangna’s blue-eyed baby dragon here, I can blow the pillow wind however I want, okay?


five minutes later.

Outside a supermarket.

"I'm here." Xiaoqian sneaked out from behind a green tree, "I connected Suguha's phone location, she is in the supermarket now, she hasn't come out yet, let's squat for a while."

Squatting your sister, it's not a game of eating chicken, it's more conspicuous to squat there!

Hua Ye said: "Stand up, squatting is more eye-catching."

"OK then."

Xiaoqian responded, walked up to Hua Ye, stretched out her hand to gesture, and found that she was less than Hua Ye's shoulder, so she couldn't help but pouted: "Really, why are you so tall?"

Apart from the well-developed breasts, this short-haired girl is indeed a bit short, only a little taller than Gabriel.

At this time, you should use Jing's lovely theory of "There is no way in life".

Hua Ye said blankly, "I'm tall and have long legs, so there's nothing I can do about it."

"Flower Q, flower Q!" Xiaoqian puffed up her cheeks and bumped Hua Ye with her arm, but it was not painful or itchy, it was just a fight between friends, "It's too much, I will give you a chance to reorganize the language."

Hua Ye thought for a while: "You are short, what can you do?"

"Ahhh!" Xiao Qian rolled up his sleeves and clenched his fists, "I really beat you up, believe it or not!"

"Suguha came out." Hua Ye said.

Xiaoqian hurriedly turned her head to look, and saw Suguha walking out of the supermarket, walking in one direction through the night.

"Keep your head down, so that Suguha won't notice you."

Xiaoqian hurriedly gave instructions in a low voice, and pulled Huaye to start the trailing mode.

Not long after, Suguha came to the outside of a very high-end hotel, she seemed to know the security guard at the door, nodded and said hello, and then walked into the hotel.

"Hey, what is Suguha doing in a hotel like this?"

Xiaoqian opened her eyes wide and grabbed Hua Ye's arm subconsciously, her face turned slightly pale, obviously she had many terrible guesses.

"Before you see the truth of the matter, don't make random guesses. Not only will it not help the matter, but it will also make you preconceived and wear colored glasses."

Hua Ye calmly said: "If you want to know what Suguha is doing in the hotel, just go in and have a look."


Xiaoqian bit her lip and dragged Hua Ye to the hotel: "Let's follow quickly."

When you get closer, you can see that most of the people coming in and out are men in suits and leather shoes, and women with bags and long skirts in their hands. Looking down at the ordinary shirt and jeans she is wearing, Xiaoqian slows down with some hesitation.

Hua Ye calmly grabbed the short-haired girl's arm, and walked straight into the hotel. As for the well-loved scene where the security saw the two men in disheveled clothes, they stretched out their hands and said they were forbidden to enter. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.


After entering the hotel, Xiaoqian raised his head and patted his chest with his hand: "The eyes of the two security guards just now were so scary..."

"You think too much." Hua Ye complained, "The security didn't even look at you."

Many things are just a guilty conscience and scaring others. Once you have a guilty conscience, you will feel that everyone is watching you, so thick skin is one of the necessary skills for social people.

"What, you obviously read what I said."

Xiaoqian puffed up her cheeks, raised her hand and patted Hua Ye. Gradually, she became less nervous, and began to look at the environment in the hotel curiously. There was a huge crystal chandelier above her head, and the floor formed magnificent patterns. On the several-meter-long screen, an enlarged version of "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" is drawn, which looks majestic at first glance.

Xiaoqian felt that even if she sold herself, she might not be able to afford the consumption in this kind of place.

"Why did Suguha come to this kind of place..." Xiaoqian became worried again.

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