Hua Ye turned to look at Tian Zhong Nai: "Are you still leaving?"

"Because Wen Nao doesn't want to be separated from Oni-chan." This unscrupulous girl is also a very thick-skinned person, in front of Machiko, she speaks nonsense without blushing or beating her heart.

Hua Ye's poker face: "If you don't go, the tram will leave."

"OK then……"

The bad girl pretended to be disappointed, took two steps, turned around and jumped in front of Hua Ye, stood on tiptoe, stretched out her finger and pointed her cheek: "I want to kiss, I will leave after Oni-chan kisses. (>▽" Kiss, kiss a bit?"

Machiko was shocked immediately, and after recovering, there was still a trace of envy, that he could take the initiative to ask for marriage in public, such a thing would not be able to be done by himself, right?

Hua Ye said expressionlessly: "Then you wait for the next shift, we are leaving."


Watching Hua Ye and Machiko get on the tram, Ueno girl turned her head and asked, "Shall we continue to follow?"

"No need." The girl with ponytail shrugged and said, "The class monitor is definitely not dating Hua Ye, we can go back."

"Hey, why?" Ueno girl was a little dumbfounded.

"Because that junior high school student and Hua Ye were so close just now, if it was a relationship of lovers, how could the monitor be indifferent?"

"Maybe it's my cousin?"

"Playing with a junior high school cousin, that's a pervert!" The ponytail girl raised her knife and knocked on the top of Ueno's girl's head, "The monitor is not a love brain, and he is not hungry enough to fall in love with a pervert." !"

"It hurts..." Ueno squatted down with his head in his arms, but he was full of curiosity, "But when did the monitor and Hua Ye meet?"

"I'm not a hundred thousand why, how would I know?" The ponytailed girl took out her mobile phone, and of course she was a little curious, "If you want to know, just send a message and ask the monitor."

"Squad leader, what are you doing?"

After a while, Machiko sent a message: "You don't have to worry on the way to the pharmacy to buy medicine."

"Hmm..." The girl with ponytails blinked her eyes, and suddenly felt a sense of mischief, "Is the squad leader alone? Isn't he dating someone secretly without telling us?"

"No, no! Don't make random guesses, I'm the only one!"

Even through the screen, you can feel Machiko's embarrassment and panic.


The two trailing girls looked at each other and said in unison: "There is a problem!"

Chapter 925

"Are you going to the pharmacy to buy cold medicine?"

Hua Ye looked down at Machiko who was blushing pretty and could feel the scorching temperature through the air.

"No." Machiko hurriedly shook her head, and explained in a low voice, "Today I was supposed to go to the cooking department to practice. When I left school, I told them to buy cold medicine, and let the two of them go to the cooking department by themselves... ...It should be because I was worried that I would not be safe alone, so I sent a message."

Hua Ye nodded: "No wonder those two girls are behind you."

"Eh eh?"

After Machiko was startled, she opened her eyes suddenly: "The two of them are following me? Hua Ye read it right? Are they really?"

Hua Ye said: "Two people, a girl with short hair wearing red glasses, and the other is a tall guy with a ponytail."


There is no doubt that Hua Ye could not be wrong, and he would not make such a joke.

So that means... he was being followed?

Machiko raised her hand to cover her face, wishing she could find a crack in the ground and slip down.

(I really want to die, I really want to die, I really want to die... Now I will never face them again!)

"Why didn't you remind me just now?" Machiko looked pitifully at Hua Ye from between her fingers.

"You didn't ask."

Even if you didn't ask, you should take the initiative to say this kind of thing!

Hua Ye continued: "And the two of them walked behind you holding hands, I thought you knew."


Machiko covered her eyes again.

(Sure enough, is it because I am too stupid?)

(However, after meeting with classmate Hua Ye, because Tian Zhongnan was there, he didn't make any intimate shouldn't have been revealed yet, right?)

(Having said that, the first time I met Hua Ye was when I met Hua Ye and Jia Baili Jingong/Kou Bookstore. It felt like so long passed in a blink of an eye...)


The phone vibrated again.

Machiko looked down at the newly received short message: "Squad leader, I still feel a little worried about you. It's okay to be alone, right?"

"How to do?"

Machiko held her mobile phone and looked at Hua Ye with tears in her eyes. She was not very assertive in the first place, and when she encountered such a situation, her first thought was to ask Hua Ye for help.

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