Chapter 926

"Hua Ye, change your slippers."

Machiko opened the shoe cabinet, bent down and took out a pair of blue men's slippers, "When the sun came out a few days ago, I had already sunned it well."


This pair of slippers was originally Machiko's father's spare slippers, but now it is Hua Ye's exclusive equipment. Put together with the other two pairs of ladies' slippers, it seems that Hua Ye is a member of the family of three... no wonder!

That's all for witches and sisters, Hua Ye doesn't want to have an intersection with the bad words related to "mother and daughter" at all!

After changing into the slippers and walking into the living room, Machiko looked over expectantly: "Student Hua Ye, shall we eat coins for the faceless man?"

Is that goofy-looking faceless piggy bank really that much fun?

I can't find it at all!

"I don't have coins with me." Hua Ye shook his head.

"Hmm..." Machiko blinked, "Hua Ye, give me your hand."

"doing what?"

"Give me your hand and I'll know."

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand.

"Hey." Machiko took out a [-]-yen coin from his pocket, put it in Hua Ye's palm, and said with a blushing face, "Now I have it."


Walking into Machiko's bedroom, you can see that the room is clean and tidy. There are a few dolls and pillows next to the pillows. On the desk next to the window is a Sony ultra-thin notebook and a panda-shaped pen holder. Small energy-saving table lamps, clover specimens found at weekend camping, souvenir shell bracelets, and squashed paper airplanes...these are all ordinary, but one thing above the window is not ordinary at all!

It was a transparent plastic bag half filled with clear water, and there was a five hundred yen coin in the plastic bag.

Pit father ah!The ancients had their heads hanging from the beams and their awls piercing their buttocks. In order to concentrate on your studies, you actually hung a plastic bag full of water on the window, what a mess!Do you want to cool yourself down when you are sleepy!

"That one is used to repel flies and mosquitoes." Machiko blushed and hurriedly explained, "When I was reading the night before yesterday, a fly flew in from nowhere and always buzzed around me. Just let me hang a plastic bag filled with water to repel the flies..."

Hua Ye came to his senses: "Because the eyes of flies are compound eyes?"

"Yeah." Machiko nodded, "Mom said the same thing."

The eyes of mosquitoes are generally compound eyes, which are very sensitive, and the plastic bag filled with water has a good light scattering effect, that is to say, the coins in the bag will flash brightly in the eyes of mosquitoes, which is harmful to mosquitoes. Strong intimidating effect.

"I've tried this method, and it's effective in my personal test." Machiko recommended, "Student Hua Ye can also try it when he goes back."

Machiko opened the wallet, took out a few coins from the convenience store, put a coin on the tray in the hands of the faceless man, and then the faceless man opened his mouth and slowly swallowed the coin into his mouth , and then resumed his paralyzed appearance holding a tray in his hand and waiting for alms.

"Student Hua Ye, it's your turn." Machiko looked over with bright eyes.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and silently put the coin in his hand on the Piggy Bank of the Faceless Man.

"I want to wait until the faceless man's piggy bank is full, then take out the money, and then do something meaningful, such as going to the underwater park, going to the cinema to watch a movie, or going to a restaurant that is not very famous, But the old-fashioned food with good taste..." Machiko looked at Hua Ye expectantly, "Now Hua Ye has also saved money, so let's go together when the time comes?"

Hua Ye said, "That was the coin you gave me."


Machiko puffed up her cheeks rarely, and handed the remaining few coins to Hua Ye's hand: "Hey, save these for you, I'll wash the fruit."

Hua Ye put a few coins into the piggy bank and was about to go to the living room when he caught a glimpse of a book under the pillow from the corner of his eye.

All the books on the desk are tidy, and now a book suddenly appears under the pillow, it seems that Machiko was reading last night by candlelight?

Hua Ye was a little curious, reached out to pick up the book, and was soon speechless, because it was a book that was forbidden by eighteen!

The plot develops very quickly. In the opening chapter, a male protagonist named "Oni Sauce" wakes up one morning and suddenly finds that he has turned into a girl. It seems that his sister invented a messy potion and was unfortunately eaten by the protagonist. ,Then……

"Don't worry about Oni-chan, it will change back after a while."

Hey, show me some respect for science!Although some hormones can indeed change people's psychology, without surgery, the biological sex cannot be changed!

"Since that's the case, why don't Oni-chan also experience the fun of being a girl?"


"I heard that the pleasure of girls is a hundred times that of boys. If Oni-chan goes there to experience it, it may be too excited, and the head will be broken with a 'bang'."

Then the plot of the book entered the drag racing link!

Oni-chan, who has become a girl, closed the door, sat silently in front of the computer, skillfully found the hidden folder, and began to observe and learn...

Go to your uncle!

Wouldn't the painting style be so good, the goblin fights on the computer can be clearly seen!

And then Oni-chan, who has turned into a girl, moved her right hand down involuntarily, deep into the fat place, and did something indescribable!

Not only did she easily accept her masculine identity, but she also felt better as a girl!There are also words such as "It's going to break", "It turns out that being a girl is so comfortable", "I can't go back again", it's really terrible!


"Student Hua Ye, the fruit has been washed, you..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Machiko who walked to the door of the room suddenly opened her eyes wide, and looked at the notebook in Hua Ye's hand in disbelief, then her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the ends of her long hair were dyed a rose-like crimson color .

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