Aren't birthday gifts something that people with close relationships need to prepare?

The relationship between myself and the Iron Fist female teacher is not close at all, okay?

When we meet, we are ready to have a fight... Bah, it's a fight!

"I bought a powerball as a gift, shouldn't it be a problem?" the eye girl asked in a low voice.

Wrist power ball is the abbreviation of wrist fitness ball. It is purely mechanical, without batteries and any power supply. It is a prop to exercise the toughness of fingers, wrists and arms. Compared with the fidget spinner, which is purely for fun, it has a wider audience and is not expensive. , as a gift is a good choice.

Hua Ye said, "No problem."

"That's good..." The glasses girl pursed her lips and whispered, "See you tomorrow, Hua Ye."


Silent all night.

The next morning, when Hua Ye passed by the office, he happened to hear Igarashi playing insults to several members of the 'Love Sauce Guardian Association'.

Love Sauce Guardian Association, this is a voluntary organization basically composed of boys, the slogan is "Guarding Love Sauce, everyone is responsible", but this organization has many nicknames, such as 'Pervert Association', 'Shaking M Association' , 'Don't be scolded, it's uncomfortable for Sky'... That's right, the members of the organization are all perverts who prefer to insult Play.

"You humble paramecium... No, you are not even as good as a paramecium! Your head is full of bean curds!"

"Cover your mouth and nose, and don't breathe the air in the same office as me!"

"Can't breathe?"

"You guys shouldn't be breathing!"


Several members of the pervert committee obediently ran out of the office. They were obviously scolded a second ago, but now they have hooked their shoulders and laughed cheaply.

"Today's insults have been received, and I can be full of energy for the next week."

"Speaking of which, Teacher Aijiang is very angry today."

"Did someone make Teacher Aijiang angry?"

"Ahhh, the angry teacher Ai-chan is also so cute, especially when she is sitting on a chair and looking down at me like a paramecium, she is absolutely amazing."


Hua Ye silently moved a few steps away from these hopeless perverts, and turned to look at the office.

When Igarashi saw Hua Ye, he put his hands on his chest and snorted, turned his head out of the window, with an expression of 'I'm very angry and don't want to talk to you'.


Looks like you're mad at me?

You were fine on the rooftop at noon yesterday, why are you angry?

Hua Ye thought about it, but he had no clue at all. He could only blame it on the fact that girls are emotional creatures. There is no rule to follow when and why they get angry.

In a blink of an eye, it was the first class, which happened to be Igarashi's art class.

Wearing a black gothic dress and special height-enhancing shoes, the star with small breasts walked into the art classroom and stood on the podium: "Sketch class today."

In Japan, art classes include introduction to art, sketches, watercolors, etc., but most of them do not have strict requirements. In sketch classes, students usually draw sketches in two groups.

Igarashi has always had no requirements for students, so many girls who eat melons have already started drawing for fun, but this star with small breasts suddenly said: "Draw a body sketch today."


One sentence immediately made the melon-eating girls explode.

"Hey, body sketch?"

"Why do you want to draw something like that all of a sudden?"

"There seem to be a few busts of Westerners in the warehouse, it should be that one?"

Hua Ye suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Sure enough, the poor-breasted star crossed his arms, looked over, raised his chin, revealing a white and slender neck: "Student Hua Ye, come up and take off your clothes. You are the material for the body sketch."


Chapter 931

The melon-eating girls in the art room completely exploded.

"Hey, you actually want to sketch a real person, and you're still a classmate of Hua Ye?"

"Why is Hua Ye and not Wu He?"

"Because classmate Wuhe is a girl!"

"The point is that you have to take off your clothes for body sketching!"

Hua Ye looked at the star with poor breasts on the podium with black lines all over his face, is he making trouble?

You will pay a heavy price for this!

Igarashi shrank his neck, turned his head and looked out the window: "Of course, this is just a proposal, and it depends on whether you are willing or not. Raise your hands if you agree, and forget it if you disagree."


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