"As for how to deal with this monster, the two are professionals, so I'll leave it up to you."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Hua Jun, what are you going to do?" Miss Miko asked, looking at Yukiri who was smiling apologetically beside her.

"Kill it." Hua Ye replied casually.

It's okay to wear women's clothing, but it's disgusting to jump out, so I'd better kill it.

When Wuqie heard this, his legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, he resisted the urge to run away, and quickly showed his worth: "My lord, spare me! I am very useful, and all the monsters in the south of the city are under my control..."

After hearing this, Miss Miko narrowed her eyes, looked at Hua Ye, bit her lips and said, "If possible, can you hand over this monster to me?"

Hua Ye naturally didn't care: "As long as this guy doesn't appear in front of me in the future."

Afterwards, Miss Miko made some request, anyway, after signing the contract, Wukiri left with a face full of helplessness.

"Hua Jun... Thank you very much this time." A strange light flashed in Miss Miko's eyes, and she thanked earnestly.

"Anything you want." Hua Ye waved his hand, "As long as the reward is good."

Miss Miko bit her lower lip hard.


five minutes later.

Four black cars drove out of the manor quietly.

The bodyguards took two cars, the Takeda family took one, and Hua Ye, Miss Miko and Ling Na shared one.

This car is a business model. Although it does not have front and rear partitions, it is very different from ordinary cars. The driver and co-driver in the first row cannot see each other from the second row.

Miss Miko pushed the right side show behind her ear, and said in a calm tone: "Before I accepted the commission, I did some research and found that Kazuya Takeda's hometown is in Futian County. He went back this time because there are very important people there. ..."

"En." Hua Ye nodded lightly. He was not interested in these things. People have joys and sorrows, and the moon waxes and wanes. This matter is difficult in ancient times.

The more you see it, the less it will naturally appear.

What can make people burst into tears is nothing more than unforgettable love, or unforgettable hatred.

Seeing that Hua Ye had no intention of speaking, Miss Miko stopped talking.

The car quickly fell silent.

Hua Ye closed his eyes and rested his mind, but after a while, a soft object suddenly swept across his leg.

Opening his eyes, he found that the cat girl Linna who was sitting in the middle had fallen asleep at some point, lying on Miss Miko's lap, breathing softly.

"Hush~" Miss Miko leaned her head over and whispered in Hua Ye's ear, "Lingna fought with those monsters before and went to look for you again, she is already very tired, let her rest for a while."

A faint warm breath spewed in the ears, and a faint fragrance lingered at the end of the nose. I couldn't tell what it was, but it smelled very good.

Miss Miko seemed to be aware of it, her face was also slightly hot, and she opened a distance without showing any signs, and then asked casually: "By the way, who is that girl who called you before?"

"A classmate." Hua Ye replied.

"It seems that I have a very close relationship with Mr. Hua, so I actually called you so late." Miss Miko said softly.

Close relationship?

Stop kidding!

The shame of poking joy that day, I will remember it in my heart!

And that idiot angel is obsessed with cultivating immortals, and he would never go out if it is not necessary. He called me suddenly. It is definitely not because he cares, but because he has a conspiracy!

The two talked for a while, Miss Miko stretched her waist lightly, the red and white Miko uniform immediately outlined a tight perfect arc, then covered her mouth with her hand and yawned: "Then, I'll take a nap too After a while, there is still some distance to Futian County... Hua Jun, good night."

The cabin fell silent again.

Listening to the gently undulating breathing, the impatient heart gradually calmed down.

Hua Ye couldn't fall asleep, so he took out his mobile phone to browse the news.

After an unknown amount of time, I suddenly felt itchy on my feet, as if something had crawled over it. I subconsciously reached out and grabbed it, and an elastic object fell into my hand...

A "meow" sounded suddenly.

Hua Ye turned his head to look, and saw two touches of blush flying on Catwoman's face, her eyes seemed to soften instantly, overflowing with water.

"No, don't touch there meow!"


Hua Ye suddenly had the urge to beep the fake dog.

What's wrong with your expression!

Make me a more serious tail, don't add more messy functions, Hun Dan!

Hua Ye let go of his hand with a dark face, and Catwoman quickly retracted her tail, curled up, and easily assumed a twisted posture, as if showing off the flexibility of her body, staring at those watery eyes while whispering Said: "If someone touches the tail, it will be very uncomfortable, meow..."

"I won't touch it anymore." Hua Ye nodded resolutely, he didn't want to awaken the hobbies that some gentlemen only have.

The little catwoman thought for a while, then put her hands on both sides of her cheeks, and made a super fierce look: "Also, don't tell others about my tail... Otherwise, otherwise, I will bite you meow!"

After a while, there was a soft voice suddenly.

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