Hua Ye was expressionless: "From morning to now, you have poked seventeen times, and you will be responsible for the consequences after twenty times."

"Don't even think about it." The useless angel withdrew his finger and wrote on the note pad, "Until sister's bracelet is taken off, don't come within two meters of me!"

The distance between the front and back tables is less than one meter. Are you going to listen to the lecture on the wall like Spiderman!

"By the way, how do you know that the head teacher with the bald head has small eyes?" Gabriel asked boredly.

Hua Ye said, "I can see through sunglasses."

"Tch, no wonder you shot your head off while eating chicken, it turned out that you turned on the see-through device..."

According to your common sense, headshots should be locked automatically, not see-through!

"Wait a minute!" Gabriel suddenly became murderous, "Then can you also see through the holy light?"


Hua Ye remained silent.

"I'll kill you big hentai!"

"It's enough."

Obviously you were the one who ran around wearing a shirt, and it was your fault that it was all gone, and with your flat A pair, who would want it!

After finally getting out of class, Wei Nai walked over, raised her hand to cover her forehead and said, "You two listen carefully to the class, don't pass notes all the time!"

"Math class is so boring, and I can't understand it." Gabriel lay on the table, "it's fun to pass notes."

Wei Nai couldn't help complaining: "Come to school to study, not to have fun!"

"That's right..." Gabriel said feebly, "But many people in the class didn't attend the class."

"Others are others, you are you, don't always use other people's standards to demand yourself." Wei Nai said, "For example, the monitor is concentrating on listening to the class, why don't you compare yourself with the monitor?"

"Squad leader?" Gabriel pointed forward, "See for yourself, the squad leader hasn't even changed his dazed posture."

Wei Nai looked up and was shocked immediately.

Machiko propped her chin with one hand, looked out of the window, and tapped the pen tip on the book... Although she didn't want to admit it, she was indeed in a daze!


Time passed quietly.

The school schedule is to enter the classroom at 8:40 in the morning and start classes at [-] o'clock. There are four classes in the morning, and it will be after twelve o'clock after all of them are finished, followed by an hour's lunch break.

"I'm so hungry..."

Gabriel rested her chin on the table, squinted and said, "Why don't you finish class, I'm going to starve to death."

Hua Ye replied: "Normal people don't eat or exercise, and they can live for fifteen days just lying down. Based on your current fat content, you can..."

"Shut up!" Gabriel immediately cheered up, "Besides, I'll punch you to death!"

"Do you have any snacks?" Gabriel raised her finger to poke.

"No snacks." Hua Ye shook his head, "Here are your fingers."

"Eh?" Gabriel was a little dazed, "Why did you give me your finger?"

"When people are hungry, they can temporarily relieve their hunger by sucking their fingers, which is the same as 'looking for plums to quench thirst'..."

"Wait a minute, I'll look for my knife first." The crippled angel looked down at the hole in the table.

Hua Ye was puzzled: "Knife?"

"It must be that I can't hold the knife anymore, that's why you are so floating?"


After finally taking the lunch break, the useless angel hurriedly got up and walked to the cafeteria.

The lunch break is only one hour, which seems very long, but the time to eat a meal and go to the bathroom to touch up makeup is used up. Wei Nai and Machiko always make their own bento. The bento of Liuhua is prepared by Juka, which is rich and nutritious. But there are green peppers every day, and Idiot Meow usually eats the seaweed rice balls I made by myself... That's right, except for the dark dishes, Idiot Meow can still make good seaweed rice balls.

Here at Hua Ye, Ilya, who is in the form of a maid, prepares it every day, but Hua Ye doesn't like to eat cold food, so he didn't bring it.

Because the vast majority of people have the habit of eating their own bento, there are very few people in the cafeteria, let alone the scene of bustling and queuing for food, and the two bought the food quickly.

Gabriel ordered a pork chop rice bowl, while Hua Ye's dishes were much richer, such as salmon sushi, fried shrimp, teriyaki chicken, and Coke. Anyway, it's not bad.

"Tch, you hateful local tyrant." Gabriel pouted and said, "It is everyone's responsibility to bring down the local tyrant."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Just look at the skins and props you bought. In the game, you are also a rich man."

Obviously, he was deducted a lot of money because he was obsessed with cultivating immortals and couldn't extricate himself, but this crippled angel never relents when he spends money. He often buys new skins and props, which is very abnormal.

"Haha, it's all a gift from a friend..." The useless angel changed the subject with some guilt, "Hurry up and give me a fried shrimp, I want to eat it."

You don't even believe this reason!

The technology is so good, if you don't cheat your teammates for a day, you will feel uncomfortable all over, who will team up with you to play games!Anyone who is not in good health and not strong enough in nerves will be screamed out of anger by your 'leading to death'!

Hua Ye has seen the basic skills of raising girls summed up by others

One: The technology is better.For example, when Gabriel was killed by the opponent's jungler and turned into a withdrawal girl, she yelled at you for help, you went to ambush, and then the two of them sent a double kill, even if they didn't say anything, the girl's favorability It will definitely fall down with a whoosh.

Two: have a good attitude.When you are tricked by a girl, you must silently say in your heart, I brought it myself, I brought it myself, and I can't scold.

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