"Would you like to try the trick of cheating?"

Chapter 950

What should I do if someone provokes me?

Hua Ye's first reaction was to unseal the seal, and then snap his fingers to destroy the opponent. Although this is simple and rude, the follow-up matters will be very troublesome.

That being the case...

"Open and hang mode, understand?"

How to hit the power to a point and make an instant burst is the practice method Hua Ye taught Miko Liuli. Although Miss Miko is quite smart, but under the various limitations of talent and knowledge, there are still many attacks just now. If you go through the mistakes in the open mode, you can understand your own shortcomings.


Miss Miko blinked her eyes, her face showed a hint of curiosity, but she didn't ask any further questions, she nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

Hua Ye took two steps forward, walked to the opposite side of Miss Miko, then stretched out a finger, and landed on Miko Liuli's forehead.

"What are you doing?" Kasuga Sakura asked curiously.

"You don't understand it."

"It's too much."

Miss Miko was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Hua Ye to make such an intimate gesture suddenly, she blushed a little.

Then, she soon noticed an indescribable something flowing into her body, and then Miss Miko realized that the world in front of her eyes became incomparably wonderful.

The wind blowing from a distance.

Falling leaves in mid-air.

A spider spinning a web in a corner.

Ants crawling in the dirt.

Everything clearly appeared in my mind.

Hearing, eyesight, smell...the five senses are not simply amplified, but a rather wonderful enhancement, with the ability to see through illusions and see through reality.

Any flaws in her eyes will be infinitely magnified.

Turret mode is activated!

Weakness strike is locked!

Miss Miko at this moment feels that she is very strong, very strong.

"Sister Liuli...seems to be a little different?"

Kasuga Sakura muttered to herself, she was looking at Hua Ye and Liuli just now to prevent Hua Ye from doing something H, only to find that Miss Miko's temperament suddenly changed.

I can't tell what is different, but it seems like a different person from the feeling just now.


at the same time.

Except for Yaodao Ji who was beaten to pieces and couldn't get up on the ground, the other shikigami had already crossed the midfield of the manor.

Miss Miko turned her head to look calmly.

Draw the bow.



When the arrow was shot, there was not even the slightest sound of the bowstring trembling, but it gave people a wonderful feeling that the arrow, the sky, and the earth were perfectly integrated!

It seems that every move is in harmony with the natural way of heaven, so perfect that it is impeccable!

The target of this arrow was the Kamaitachi floating in mid-air.

This unpredictable shikigami controls the power of the wind, and it can be said that it is quite difficult to deal with, so it is the first target.


Floating in mid-air, Kamaitachi looked at the incoming arrows, and suddenly felt an indescribable sense of danger, just like a fisherman walking on the shore, facing a dam that is about to be washed away by the flood, he was unstoppable!

Kamaitachi took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly turned blue, and his whole body quickly became transparent, as if it was about to turn into a gust of wind and disperse.

Unfortunately, it was of no use at all.

The sickle weasel, which had clearly turned into a strong wind and seemed to be immune to physical attacks, turned into a stream of light in the sky without any resistance under this arrow, scattering in all directions.

first blood!

"This is impossible!"

"What just happened?"

"That Shikigami Itachi was beheaded just like that?"

Many people gasped.

Yanagidazaemon also took a breath, and looked at Miss Miko with a face full of shock. She thought that the arrow before was the limit of her attack, but there was an even more powerful attack?

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