"What's your fault?"

Hoshino Xia pitifully: "It's my fault for not notifying you in time."

Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "No wonder."

Don't speak in a loli voice on purpose, it sounds like a child who hasn't been weaned yet, the smell of milk is coming to your face!

Hoshino Xia continued: "Student Hua Ye, if you want to make up your homework, you can come to me at any time."

"Just Sunday night."


"Sunday night, you go to my apartment." Hua Ye said blankly, "Tutor how to write orthographic characters on your thigh..."

You always talk about tutoring, so come on, write thirty-six orthographic characters on your thigh first.

"Write orthographic?" Hoshino Xia on the other end of the phone suddenly panicked, "Suddenly remembered that I have something to do this weekend, so hang up first!"


After sending the message, Hua Ye waited for a while, and Miss Miko finally ended the topic, pulled Hua Ye and walked out.

At the gate of the villa, a black Maybach was already waiting quietly.

Just as Miss Miko breathed a sigh of relief, the phone rang suddenly. She picked it up and saw that it was a call from Dirty Lolita.

"Sister, it's half past nine, when are you coming back?"

Miss Miko looked at the time: "I will be home in about twenty minutes."

Speechless all the way.

On the way, there was no bloody scene where the killer sniped halfway. Hua Ye and Miss Miko returned to Chiba Shrine safely. Welcome back meow!"

This cat-eared girl always likes to sleep late during the day, and is quite energetic at night, a typical nocturnal animal.

"Sister, brother Xiaoye, are you back?"

Hinata also ran out. She was a big kid, and soon found something wrong with Miko Ruri, "Sister, are you okay?"

Miss Miko shook her head and said, "It's okay, I'm just a little tired, just rest for a day."

Hinata and her elder sister depended on each other for life, so they didn't make any troubles anymore, and said nervously: "Then elder sister, go take a bath quickly, I've already put away the bath water."

Walking into the living room, Hinata said again: "Sister, let's sleep together on tatami mats tonight like last time?"

Miss Miko thought for a while: "Alright, I'll go hug the quilt..."

"Leave this kind of trivial matter to me and the maid squad." Hinata waved his hand, "Sister, you go take a shower first."

"Are you okay?" Miss Miko looked down.

"Stupid tape, cute big tits!" Dirty Loli raised her hand and patted her chest, giving a thumbs up, "Anyway, brother Xiaoye is here!"


Although Miko Liuli took a bath in the manor, the sense of security brought by other people's manors is different from that of her own home. She planned to get out of the bath as soon as possible, but accidentally fell asleep in the bathtub.

When Hinata was picking up the quilt, he stopped by the bathroom to have a look, and found that Miss Miko had fallen asleep, and was about to wake her up, when he suddenly saw a corner of red underwear in the clothes basket, and immediately opened his eyes wide as if he found a new land.

"This is... sexy underwear?"

As a book artist, Lolita naturally recognizes the translucent silky fabric in front of her eyes.

"What did my sister wear?"

"No, my sister didn't have this kind of thing before, that is to say, she went out and changed it this time..."

"What kind of situation does it need to change to this kind of underwear?"

Dirty loli quickly thought of the word 'car shock'.

"Could it be that my sister finally got the hang of it and chose to act first?" The more Pou Loli thought about it, the more likely it was, "It's no wonder that my sister's expression was wrong when she came back, and her steps were a little flimsy...it must be the reason for doing that kind of thing. Right? It is said that if you do that kind of thing for the first time, you will feel uncomfortable."

Hinata put down the underwear in his hand, turned around and walked out of the bathroom on tiptoe, came to Hua Ye, and said solemnly: "Brother Xiaoye, I know everything about you and sister."

A question mark appeared above Hua Ye's head: "Know what?"

Heh heh, the sexy underwear is all on, and the physical evidence is convincing, so it's useless to pretend to be stupid!

As my sister-in-law, I can order my brother-in-law openly in the future!

Hinata crossed her arms with her chest, and propped her chin with her right hand, making the classic pose of a Shinigami elementary school student: "When I want to drink Coke and eat potato chips in the future, you are not allowed to refuse."


Hua Ye raised his eyebrows.

While hugging the quilt, you suddenly feel a little floating.

"Also, tomorrow I want to go out to collect materials." Hyuga's eyes sparkled, "Let's go to Ocean Park, I always wanted to see dolphins popping balloons, and animal trainers stuffing their heads into crocodiles' mouths..."

You draw like a notebook, there is no need to go to Ocean Park to collect materials!Moreover, Ocean Park does not have such thrilling and exciting death projects. If the crocodile sneezes and cannot help shutting up, things will become serious. You must know that the crocodile is the animal with the strongest bite force in the world. In front of the bite force, lions and tigers are weak.

Hua Ye remained expressionless: "What else do you want?"

"Well, let me think about it..." Hinata changed his posture, pinching his waist with one hand, "Tell my sister tomorrow that I want to eat KFC and pizza."

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