"Well, it really is my sister's business again, come in..."

Hua Ye was about to go back to his apartment when Gabriel suddenly called out, "Hey, come in too, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Hua Ye stopped in his tracks.

"Why do you ask so many questions? You'll know when you come in." Gabriel blinked and asked curiously, "Why are you dressed like this?"

This is the third time that this question has been asked today. Without Hua Ye answering, Taplis raised his hand/quickly answered: "I know, I know!"

The idiot school girl explained the reason again, and then asked: "I met the senior on the way, and the senior looks like a big star on TV."

"Tch, there are no celebrities with a paralyzed face." Gabriel curled her lips, her tone disgusted, "I didn't see clearly just now, I thought it was someone selling insurance."

Hua Ye's face darkened slightly: "Who do you say has facial paralysis?"

"You are the one."

Walking into the room of this useless angel, the room was unexpectedly clean. There were no messy CDs and books on the floor, and there were no leftover snack packages on the table. It was so clean that it was doubtful.

"Ho, it's so clean?"

Taplis was taken aback, and hurried out of the room to look at the door number, thinking he had entered the wrong room: "Did Senior Gabriel clean it himself?"

Could it be that senior Gabriel suddenly learned from the pain and changed his past?

Gabriel shook her head: "No."

"It's Wei Nai." Hua Ye said, "Saturday is the time to throw out the trash, and it's usually Wei Nai who comes to clean the room."

"O, so that's how it is..."

The idiot-senpai has languished again, as expected, the perfect Gabriel-senpai won't be able to come back.

Gabriel is neither ashamed nor proud, just from the thickness of her skin, she is completely worthy of a "society sister". She sat down at the computer desk, propped her chin with one hand, and said weakly: "Ta Priss, show me what my sister gave you."


Taplis hurriedly took out a piece of paper from his bag and handed it over with both hands.

"Ha, three chapters?" Gabriel opened her eyes wide.

Hua Ye walked over and found that the first article read impressively: "As an angel, you must abide by your faith and forbid doing shameful things with the opposite sex!?"

Three exclamation marks were used in succession, which shows how strong Jiaelu's emotions were at that time.

There is no doubt that this article is aimed at the kissing door incident last time.

But only the opposite sex is prohibited from intimate contact, what about the same sex?

In Christian teachings, in addition to prohibiting premarital sex, same-sex love is also prohibited!

Don't forget, this crippled angel and Wei Nai have an orange-in-the-dark relationship!

Turned to the second page, the content was 'prohibition of intimate contact with the same sex'... Obviously it was a treaty against Wei Nai.

The content of the last night is: "As long as the above regulations are followed, in exchange, the rest time can be raised to twelve o'clock in the evening."

"Twelve o'clock at night?"

Gabriel scratched her hair, feeling a little hard to make a decision, "Forget it, I'll think about it later."

The useless angel looked at Hua Ye: "Are you free tomorrow?"

Hua Ye said, "What's the matter?"

Gabriel said, "If we're free, shall we go to the aquarium tomorrow?"


Hua Ye was speechless immediately.

You actually want to go out to play?

The sun is out in the west!

Who once said that as long as there is a network cable and a computer, even if a world war is happening outside the door, they will never go out!

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "What's the reason?"

Gabriel propped her chin with one hand, and said weakly: "Always staying at home will be boring, and occasionally I want to change the environment and relax."

Your words are like reading a text, they are dry and not convincing at all!

If it was Wei Nai who lied, she would look away guiltily, and Machiko would blush and panic when she lied. Unfortunately, this useless angel's face is getting thicker and thicker, and now he doesn't even blink his eyelids when he tells nonsense.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "No time."

"Ha, so what do you do tomorrow?"

Gabriel squeezed her fingers with a "snapping" sound.

"That..." Taplis asked in a low voice, "Senior Gabriel, pinching your fingers like that will hurt, right?"

But it doesn't hurt at all.

Scientific research has proved that when people crack their fingers, the reason why they make a crisp sound is mainly because the lubricating fluid between the joints is squeezed rapidly, resulting in the sound of small bubbles bursting.Therefore, after the first cracking sound, it is difficult to make another sound in a short period of time, because the accumulation of air bubbles in the joints also takes time.

And there is no necessary connection between finger breaking and arthritis, that is to say - breaking or not breaking, as long as you are happy.

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