This kind of words can be said, how about your integrity!

"By the way, Xiaoye, how do you think about nurturing?" Elma put her hands behind her back and looked over with wide eyes, "I am serious about nurturing me! As long as you promise, I will get [-] yuan a month." my pocket money~~"

Seriously, sir!With pocket money of [-] yen per month, you want to support others. You have a good idea.

"I saw a survey report yesterday, saying that the career that male office workers want to choose the most is becoming a female high school student..." Elma sat down next to Hua Ye, took out her mobile phone, and handed it to Hua Ye , "You can't do this, but the third job is to be taken care of by 'Fu Luoli'."

Elma lifted her chin, proudly: "Although I'm not a loli, it's okay to take care of you. If you don't agree, you might regret it later."

You still don't give up, do you?

The story of the big sister next door taking care of a male high school student will only appear in comics.

Hua Ye remembered Xiaoqian's "Top Ten Boys' Self-Explosion Opening Remarks", basically every sentence can kill the chatter, and then said with a blank expression: "You send a selfie first."

"Okay, okay." Elma nodded.

Hua Ye continued: "It's the kind of selfie without clothes on."

"Ehhh?" Elma leaned back on the sofa, seemed to think seriously for a moment, then shook her head and said, "That kind of photo... can't be done!"

Your sister, is the expression of serious thinking just now serious!If you don't want to think about this kind of thing, just refuse it directly!

Hua Ye's poker face: "If you can't do it, don't mention the matter of nurturing in the future."

Elma puffed up her cheeks with an aggrieved face: "Xiao Ye is too much..."



A small head poked in from the door, pleading in the blue eyes, it was Taplis.

Hua Ye got up and walked outside the door: "What?"

Taplis said pitifully: "I made an appointment to go to the aquarium in the morning, but sister Gabriel refused to get up..."

"Go wash up." Hua Ye said, "I'll wake her up."


When Hua Ye walked into the room, he immediately saw the useless angel who was bedridden.

At this moment, the weather is already cool in autumn, and the air conditioner does not need to be turned on again. Gabriel is sleeping sideways on the bed, her blond hair is scattered under her body, holding the quilt in her arms, with one right leg sticking out of the quilt, pinching the corner of the quilt, The posture is quite comfortable.

A beam of sunlight came in from the window, and it happened to fall on the right leg of the useless angel. The snow-white skin was so white that it seemed to be creamy, and it was dazzlingly white.

On weekdays, she always looks like a salty fish who stays up too late and is weak, but now her peaceful sleeping face is extraordinarily exquisite and beautiful.

"Get up." Hua Ye sat on the edge of the bed and shouted.


Gabriel didn't speak, but hugged the quilt even tighter, obviously unable to make up her mind.

So Hua Ye didn't shout anymore.

As the saying goes, you can't wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep. In this case, just use practical actions to wake her up.

Gabriel has actually woken up, because she is wearing her sister's sports bracelet, and now she can't say good night to the city at three or four o'clock in the morning, and she goes to bed much earlier at night, but going to bed early doesn't mean she is willing to wake up in the morning.Especially on this cool autumn morning, lying on a soft bed with the quilt in your arms, it was as if it had been sealed by magic, and getting up became quite difficult.

She even prepared the words "don't get up" and "go to the aquarium in the afternoon", but after Hua Ye yelled, she didn't speak again, which made Gabriel confused.

The useless angel quietly opened its eyes, and then saw Hua Ye's face was close at hand.

Four eyes facing each other.

Breath interweave.


"Hundan!" Gabriel blushed, gritted her teeth and punched, "You are not allowed to kiss me until the sister's matter is resolved!"

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to hold the crippled angel's pink fist: "I didn't kiss you."


"Not yet."

After Hua Ye finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed the crippled angel's lips.

"That's the way to be close."

"It's over." Gabriel was angry and anxious, "My sister knew that I was going to die. She said that if there was another time, she would arrest me and take me to the heavens to reform."

Hua Ye said, "She won't know."

"Eh?" Gabriel opened her eyes wide, "What do you mean?"

Hua Ye pressed the useless angel's right hand on the pillow: "I temporarily blocked your sister's bracelet."

"There is still such an operation?"

"Kiss again."

"No, get out!"

It's a pity that struggling was useless, Hua Ye quickly seized the opportunity and sealed his lips again.

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