"My feet are so sore..."

Gabriel followed Hua Ye, like a salted fish that was about to dehydrate after going ashore for a long time: "Shall we go back after seeing the dolphins?"

The main purpose of her trip to the aquarium this time was to take photos with Hua Ye at various designated locations. Now that the photos are taken, she can't wait to go back and play games.

Elma also rubbed her stomach, and looked over expectantly: "Okay, okay, I happen to be hungry too."

Hungry your sister!If you deliberately skip breakfast and wait for a big meal at noon, your integrity value will soon be lost!

Line up and walk into the dolphinarium, you will see the high dome, below is the blue swimming pool, the light is bright, and the venue is open.

Although it has just opened, there are still quite a lot of people watching the dolphin show. In places like Ocean Park, dolphins are equivalent to giant pandas. They are very popular and obvious animals, and there are only three dolphin shows every day. That's it, naturally there is no empty seat.

"Hey, there are still seats in front, shall we sit in the front?" Taplis's eyes lit up, "It's better to sit in the front."

The dolphin show is similar to a song and dance drama. A show takes half an hour. Standing is naturally impossible, so there are many chairs like a movie theater. At this moment, most of the seats are full of people, only the first row There are still some vacancies.

Hua Ye thought for a while and didn't say much, just said: "Let's go."

Go to the first row, and everyone sits down one by one.

Due to some natural division of the territory, Hua Ye sat in the middle, with Ilya and Erma on the left, and Gabriel and Tapris on the right.


A line of envious, jealous eyes shot over from all directions.

"The ratio of male to female is already out of balance. Wouldn't my conscience hurt if I still manage so many girls by myself?"

"I can't hold back the torch in my hand."

"Currently charged or something, let's explode, let's explode!"

What is there to envy!These four guys are just good-looking, but in fact, one is more difficult to deal with than the other!

For example, the foodie dragon who wants to take care of others at every turn, the head maid who will be the best after switching identities, the salted fish angel who is obsessed with cultivating immortals, and the idiot schoolgirl who lacks common sense and even suspects that her beer belly has something to do with pregnancy... ...If you don't have enough strength, even if you don't get mad, you will be beaten to death.


It was eleven o'clock in the blink of an eye, and with the sound of a whistle, several dolphins jumped over the jumping ring in mid-air one by one in a diving posture, drew several beautiful arcs in the air, and then "plop plop plop" fell into the water as the opening remark, Immediately aroused unanimous cheers and applause from the audience.

"The white dolphin is so beautiful." Taplis put his face in his hands, his eyes sparkling.

Gabriel lacked interest, propping his chin with one hand, and said to Hua Ye: "The white orangutan you saw at the zoo last time, you said it had albinism, do these dolphins also have albinism?"

Hua Ye had a disgusted face: "This is a gray and white dolphin, it was originally white."

"Tch." Gabriel curled her lips, "It's just a test to see if you know."

Hua Ye squinted his eyes: "What about your integrity?"

"Can you eat integrity? How much is it per catty?"

"Eighty-five catties..."

"Hentai!" Gabriel clenched her pink fist, and punched, "A girl's weight is a secret, how do you know?"

Hua Ye said: "When you hold it high, you will know it as soon as you hold it in your hand."

"I beat you to death!"


The dolphin show starts soon.

Hua Ye watched it for a while, and found that it was not just ordinary juggling such as ball heading and dancing, but a series of main stories of a "grandfather and granddaughter" seaside night talk, and gradually sublimated the theme into a script of protecting dolphins.

Stop kidding!

As we all know, dolphins have exceptionally keen hearing. This kind of dome looks like an aquarium building, which will diffuse and reflect the cheers and applause of others. For dolphins with keen hearing, it seems that there are noises bombarding their ears!

Ordinary people can't bear the "buzzing" of flies in their ears. To dolphins, the cheers and applause of human beings are like thousands of flies buzzing in their ears.

If humans can hear the voices of these dolphins, it must not be "have a good time", "it's a good day again", but "kill, tear", "the ears are going to be broken", " My head hurts, I'm going to die" and so on, they are obviously squeezing and torturing dolphins, but the story that turns out to be staged is to protect dolphins. I have to say, it is quite ironic.

However, as a vested interest, Hua Ye sat quietly in the auditorium, did not take any action, and had no intention of saving the dolphins.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Weakness is original sin.

Survival is never easy, if you don't have the ability to change the environment, try to adapt to it.

Aside from sympathy and compassion, the performances of these dolphins are really interesting. For example, the staff threw a ball into the water, and the three dolphins performed a game of passing and catching... The technology is quite good, if these dolphins can walk on land , Maybe he can even qualify for the World Cup.

Then came the problem.

When the dolphins jump out of the water and then fall into the water, they will definitely splash the water, and the audience sitting in the first row will inevitably be splashed by the water.


Taplis, who was watching the dolphin show with eyes wide open and full of surprise, just happened to be caught.

"Eh eh?"

When she found the water splashing, the idiot junior subconsciously wanted to dodge, but unfortunately the seats were almost full and there was nowhere to hide.

After being splashed with a canopy of water, Taplis's clothes were half wet, and the white school uniform of the Angel Academy suddenly became transparent, revealing a hint of pink underwear.

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