Taplis pressed the hem of the maid's dress with both hands, her face was flushed, and she said pitifully, "You, don't look at me."

What's the point?

You can't cover other people's eyes when you go out later!

"Don't be nervous." Gabriel comforted from the side, "I was also a little nervous when I didn't do my homework for the first time, but I found out later that the teacher doesn't care whether you have done your homework or not. Just get used to it."

Hey, don't pass on this kind of 'life experience', I didn't see Taplis's expression turned OvO!


Get out of the aquarium.

"Very hungry." Alma clutched her belly and looked at Hua Ye expectantly, like a dog waiting to be fed.

Hua Ye said, "Go to the buffet?"

The dolphin show ended at [-]:[-], but Taplis sat on the chair and refused to get up. It took a long time to change clothes just now, and by the time everything was settled, it was already past twelve o'clock.

It's obviously too late to go back and make lunch by myself now, it's better to eat out directly.

"Eh, the buffet?" Alma blinked and murmured to herself, "I've heard from Thor that you can eat a lot, but you're so busy at work every day, so you haven't eaten yet..."

"Are we really going to the buffet?"

Hua Ye nodded: "The buffet is very suitable for you."

Every time I come to eat, the rice cooker will be scraped clean. The buffet, which has a large amount of food, is the most suitable for you!

"Okay then." Elma waved her hand and said expectantly, "Let's go, let's go."

Because she was wearing a maid outfit, Taplis followed behind Illya with her head lowered and her blushing face. She gave up the chance to vote this time. Illya naturally stood by Hua Ye's side unconditionally, so the vote passed unanimously. .

"Let's go, the buffet restaurant."

When they arrived at the store, they found an empty table and sat down. Gabriel poked Hua Ye quietly.


The crippled angel whispered: "It's the end of the month, money is tight now, you can lend me two coins first, and Taplis can go back after lunch..."

Because Taplis bought useless protective clothing with the pocket money he had saved so hard, it can be said that he was really poor. When Taplis first came to the world, Gabriel had already Know.

Although this useless angel has become a lazy salted fish, he still knows how to take care of the junior girl... The more times he borrows, the thicker his skin will naturally be, so he won't blush at all.

"Who says she has no money?"

"Eh?" Gabriel was taken aback.

Hua Ye said, "Your sister gave Taplis [-] yen for activities,"

"Ju, there is such a thing?" Gabriel puffed up her cheeks angrily, like a squirrel stuffed with several chestnuts, "Sister is too much! Knowing that I am so poor recently, even a hundred yen It’s fine if you don’t give it to me, but you end up giving Taplis so much activity funds, hey, how angry!”

Hua Ye said, "Scare your sister once?"

"Why are you scared?" Gabriel turned her head to look at her with disgust in her eyes, "I always feel like you're thinking about obscene things."

Hua Ye's poker face: "Your sister will come down to fuse the bracelet again in a while, you can kiss her a few more times, and cause critical damage to your sister..."

"Get lost!" Gabriel swung her fist and hit, "You deal critical damage to my sister, and my sister will deal critical damage to me!"


After eating the buffet.

Gail walked out of the store under the sweaty gaze of the store manager.

"It turns out that the buffet is eaten like this, no wonder Thor recommended it to me." Elma said, "Next time, let's eat with Kobayashi, Thor, and Kangna."

It's too much for you alone, if you bring Thor and Connor over again, this store will go bankrupt and close down!

Hua Ye looked at the big-breasted dragon lady: "What are you following me for?"

"Go home."

Hua Ye said, "Your house is in the direction behind."

"I know." Alma blinked, "I'm going to your house, I haven't had dinner yet."

eat you uncle!You just finished your lunch, and you're thinking about dinner again soon!Sure enough, he is a real foodie dragon!

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "There is no dinner, you go back."

"It can't be like this..." Elma said pitifully, "Although there are a lot of buffets, they are not as delicious as Xiaoye's cooking."

Hua Ye was unmoved: "Unless you agree to my conditions, we won't talk about it."

"Little Ye is too much!"

Elma turned her head three times, apparently waiting for Hua Ye to change his mind and call her back.

It's a pity that Hua Ye has a heart of stone, and he didn't ask to stay at all.

For Taplis, there was no rush to return to the heaven, because the bag was still in Gabriel's room.

The idiot schoolgirl in the maid costume was a little embarrassed at first, but now she let go a little bit, at least she won't be staring at her toes all the time.

Speechless all the way.

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