"Join it?"

"Sitting for a long time is not good for your health. Would you like me to give you a massage?" Hua Ye said solemnly.


"You think beautiful!"


on the playground.

Generally speaking, male and female students need to be separated in physical education classes, but there are only two boys in the class, and they happen to be a pair, which avoids this trouble.

"Running again."

"Every time I go to class, I have to run two laps to warm up. I'm very tired, okay?"

"I don't want to run, I just want to sit in the shade and eat melons!"

There was a sound of complaints.

These melon-eating girls generally don't like running, but they also know that complaining is useless, so they quickly queued up behind Hua Ye.

As a result, just after running around, Hua Ye heard a girl behind him panting and saying, "Hua, Hua Ye, slow down, I, I'm about to die..."

"Me, me too, student Hua Ye is too fast..."

"Huh~~ I didn't think about our girls' physical weakness at all."

Hey, don't talk when you're out of breath!If you pick up the phone while running, it's going to be some kind of super bad audio material if you're not careful!

"Aide, you are running so slowly."

Satania followed closely behind Hua Ye, her slightly wheat-colored skin shone with health and vitality in the sun.

As a sports girl, she is the best in terms of sports performance, beating Gabriel and Rokka.

Hua Ye said, "Follow me honestly."

"It's the final stage of the straight-line finals, aide, why don't we compete?"

The idiot meow wiped his nose with his hand, and I have to say, the action is quite handsome, this idiot has a bright smile, and the little canine teeth at the corners of his mouth are full of vitality, "If I win, the attendant will treat me to a rainbow pineapple bun. If you win, Promise you whatever you want me to do."

Hua Ye's poker face: "No comparison."

If you say compare, just compare, isn't it very embarrassing?

And even if I win you, there is nothing I want you to do.

and many more……

Hua Ye suddenly remembered the books that Taplis said the day before yesterday that he would harmonize with the holy fire. The red-haired and red-eyed girl on the cover of the book undoubtedly had a four-point resemblance to Satania.

Silly meow seems to be able to take a live-action version of one finger covering three points?

Hua Ye said, "Do you really want to compare?"

"Just let the horse come here." Satania's eyes lit up, and she was gearing up, "In terms of sports, I will not lose!"

Hua Ye said, "Okay."


"I lost."

Satania was dejected and couldn't accept the fact that she was defeated. Although her speed was already very fast, Hua Ye still crossed the finish line one step ahead of her.

Fortunately, this idiot is willing to gamble and admit defeat: "What does the attendant want me to do?"

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Come here."

Satania obediently took two steps forward, looking curiously with her eyes wide open.

Hua Ye stretched out his right hand and pinched the cheek of Silly Meow.

The touch is soft and delicate, but full of elasticity, and the hand feels quite good.

As for taking a photo that covers three points with one finger... It is against the law to bully idiots. I always feel that if I make this request, I will be hit by a blade from the sky.


Satania puffed up her cheeks, "I will definitely win next time!"


In a blink of an eye, it was lunch break.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Hua Ye was about to go to the cafeteria when his phone vibrated.

Igarashi's black-bellied girl sent a message: "Hurry up and come to the rooftop!"

Hua Ye said, "I'll go after I have lunch."

"Come and eat with me."

Eating lunch is fake, manual breast augmentation is real.

Seeing the xiao long bao finally sprouting from the soil and entering the growth period, Igarashi wished Hua Ye could help massage every day.

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