"Student Hua Ye, thank you for your help this time." Hoshino Xia tilted her head and said cutely, "The previous promise is still valid. You can do anything Hua Ye wants me to do, even if it's embarrassing. Naked apron, I, I will work hard too!"

"Shut up! You obscene sow! Your head is full of hormones!"


When Hoshino Xia turned to leave, the maid who stood quietly by the side bowed silently, left the rooftop, and closed the iron gate.

Igarashi looked at Hua Ye, snorted, expressing his dissatisfaction, then walked back to the round table angrily and sat down.

"You actually finished all the food?"

Hua Ye said, "The taste is not bad."

"I don't want to hear your evaluation!" Igarashi picked up a fork and poked it angrily, "I haven't eaten yet."

"I thought you had eaten."

"Those dishes haven't been moved much!"

Hua Ye said: "Didn't you say that a girl has a small appetite, and just moving her chopsticks is equivalent to eating?"


Igarashi opened his mouth, unable to speak.

This sentence was indeed what she said in person last time, but it was only modest.

Eat less meals because girls eat more snacks!

"I don't care." The poor-breasted star put his arms around his chest and turned on the cheating mode, "Next time you cook for me."


"Only invite me, no one else."

Hua Ye squinted his eyes, raised his hand and patted the chair: "Hurry up and get a massage, time is running out."


Igarashi came over, sat down awkwardly, raised his face and hummed: "Next time, don't talk to that monster with big breasts."


"Didn't you hear it just now?" Igarashi's face was full of disgust, "That big-breasted monster is a sow who always wants to mate. When I asked you for help, the voice sounded disgusting. I'm goosebumps. The pimples are all up..."


Before he finished speaking, a seductive croon sounded suddenly, and the air seemed to turn pink.

Igarashi hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth, her eyes widened, and she looked at Hua Ye with a blushing face: "What are you doing?!"

While manually enlarging her breasts, Hua Ye said, "Your voice just now sounds similar to hers."

Igarashi immediately frowned.

"Ahhh! I'm going to bite you to death!"



Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it's almost school time.

Today's last class is history class. The history teacher holding a thermos cup with goji berry tea in it is talking about the history of the Edo period in an unhurried, hypnotic tone on the podium, which is extremely boring. It's like the old monk in the temple chanting scriptures, so that many girls who eat melons below are drowsy.

Hua Ye also felt a little bored, but the phone suddenly vibrated.

He took out his phone and saw that it was a message from Wei Nai.

"After school, you wait for me at the school gate."

"Why don't you go together?"

"I have to clean up..."

"I'll help you."

"No." Wei Nai came over annoyed, bit her lips and replied, "It's not that I can't clean well, why do I need your help?"

"Just as a rehearsal for a couple's coffee shop?"

"You, you, you... shameless!"


after class.

Hua Ye picked up his schoolbag, walked out, and met Machiko and her two best friends at the stairs.

"Hua Ye, good afternoon." The short-haired Ueno girl giggled.

"Student Hua Ye, we're going to practice in the culinary department soon." Sister Tanaka hugged Machiko's arm, also grinning, "Would you like to visit our club? The squad leader's cooking skills are very good."

"You, stop talking nonsense."

Machiko blushed and wanted to cover the mouths of the two friends.

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