The mouth is talking about pain, but there is a sly smile in the eyes!


Igarashi sneered, the wine red eyes lost their brilliance and gradually turned black: "I'll kill you!"

Hoshino Xia had expected it a long time ago, dodged Igarashi's blow, ran behind Hua Ye, hugged Hua Ye's arm, and said pitifully, "Student Hua Ye, make the decision for me."

As your sister's master, it's reasonable for you to do things first!Don't think that rubbing against your body will be useful!

Hua Ye reached out and grabbed Igarashi's open fist, looked at the star with small breasts who was about to be blackened, thought for a while and said, "I think small breasts look better."


One sentence immediately woke Igarashi up, the poor-breasted star pulled back her hand, a delicate blush rose on her face, and she turned her head and snorted: "You have vision, do you know how good a flat-chested dress looks? A camisole looks good, a dress looks good, a shirt looks short, it looks good in anything."

Say you are fat, you are still panting!Don't you know whether big breasts look good in clothes or small breasts look good in clothes?


As the saying goes, out of ten lolitas, nine are rich, and one is extremely rich.Hoshino Xia probably has a mine at home, so she booked a very luxurious hotel room, opened the glass door of the balcony, and went out to the open-air infinity pool.

The water in the pool is exceptionally clear, and an automatic water circulation system is obviously used to ensure the cleanliness and flow of the pool water. Looking up, there is a clear blue sky above, with only a few cotton candy-like white clouds floating gently, which makes one's heart expand.

Next to the swimming pool, there are beach chairs and small round tables with iced drinks and snacks on them, free food and drink.

Of course, these are not important.

The important thing is that there is a row of maids in swimsuits standing next to the pool.

The characteristics of these maids are quite obvious

They are all under [-] meters tall, sweet and cute in appearance, and have big enough breasts.

Obviously calling Hua Ye to 'swim and keep fit' this time is just incidental, the real purpose is to retaliate against the tentacle monster incident that day, and it is also a mental blow.

"This humble sow is really trying to anger me on purpose, right?"

If it was before, Igarashi would have already hit someone. Fortunately, Hua Ye said that she likes people with small breasts before, so she barely suppressed her anger.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Hoshino Xia with twin ponytails walked up to Hua Ye, raised her face, and said cutely, "Student Hua Ye, can you apply sunscreen for me?"

"Are these maids of yours just for display?" Igarashi stood in front of Hua Ye, like a little animal protecting food, not allowing the enemy to approach, "If you want to wipe it, wipe it yourself!"

Hoshino Xia tilted her head and said, "But when I hired them, I only asked them to stand for a long time. I didn't sign a clause for them to help apply sunscreen."

"You female beast in heat! Sure enough, you are deliberately finding fault!"

Igarashi showed her canine teeth at the corners of her mouth, and said with a cold light, "Come on, let me apply sunscreen for you."

"No." Hoshino Xia shook his head, "Just let Hua Ye wipe it for me."

"You think beautiful!"


When the two were arguing, Hua Ye had already silently walked to the side of the swimming pool and entered the water for a swim. The water temperature was neither too hot nor too cold, and the warm afternoon sun fell on his body, making him quite comfortable.

"Hua Ye, can I give you a massage?"

Hoshino Xia swam over.

Hua Ye opened his eyes and looked around, a line of poem subconsciously appeared in his mind: white hair floats in green water, red palm touches clear water.

It's a pity that this big-breasted and kind-hearted Hoshino Xia is a brown-haired girl, and the water is not green, but the word 'white' is quite appropriate. When the light enters the water, refraction occurs. At first glance, this big-breasted dill Li swam over like a mermaid, her skin was as frosty as snow, dazzlingly white.

"No need." Hua Ye shook his head and refused.

Hoshino Xia sniffled, pitifully: "I heard that boys like fleshy girls, why doesn't classmate Hua Ye let me help with the massage...doesn't it mean that I'm fat?"

Hua Ye was speechless: "There is indeed meat, but where is the fat?"

It is true that most boys like fleshy girls, but the premise of being fleshy is that you must be beautiful and cute. If you are neither cute nor beautiful, then you are not fleshy, but fat.

"Because I know you, a big-breasted monster, have no good intentions!" Igarashi swam over and said fiercely, "Get out of here, you cow that only produces milk!"

Hoshino Xia puffed out her chest. I have big breasts and I am proud: "I won't leave. You don't know how to massage. You should leave."

"Say it as if you would..."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Hua Ye said with black lines all over his face, "Shut up."

When the two people stopped arguing, Hua Ye stretched out his arms directly: "You want to help with a massage, right? One arm per person."

When riding in the car before, Hua Ye adopted a non-helping approach. He thought that the two of them would stop when they got tired of arguing, but the more the two guys quarreled, the more excited they became, and they always liked to quarrel with him.

Hua Ye was so annoyed, so he chose the strategy of strong suppression.

"It's enough to drive away the big cow..."

Hua Ye stretched out his hand to pinch the cheek of the star with poor breasts: "Don't talk, hurry up and massage."


As soon as Igarashi gritted his silver teeth, he was about to go mad, but seeing Hua Ye half-closed his eyes, he could only turn his head away angrily. Cracked.

Spanking is fine, but you definitely can't get spanked in front of this monster with big breasts.

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