"Come here." Hua Ye gritted his teeth and shouted with a straight face.


Igarashi blinked, feeling that Hua Ye's expression was a bit scary: "What are you doing?"

"What to do?" Hua Ye raised his hand and grabbed the star with small breasts, "Didn't you say you want to get bigger quickly? I thought of a faster way without side effects."

"Hey, what can I do?"

Igarashi suddenly became curious.

Hua Ye said expressionlessly, "Let me conceive you."

"Conceive, conceive?" Igarashi opened his eyes wide, "Are you confused?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "Scientific research has proved that pregnancy is actually an excellent time for breast/breast to develop again. Most women will experience a certain degree of breast growth during pregnancy."

"This method sounds super bad, okay! I won't let those lowly pigs touch me!" Igarashi couldn't help shouting, "And you can't..."

Before he finished speaking, the poor-breasted star suddenly felt something was wrong.

There seemed to be some kind of hideous and terrifying change under the body.

"Hey?" Igarashi looked down, and blurted out a sentence, "Aren't you not going to lift?"

With black lines all over Hua Ye's face, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's no problem for you to conceive!"

Chapter 991 Cohabitation (First Change)

"You, you let me go!"

Feeling something terrible pressing on his stomach, the star with small breasts suddenly panicked.

What if you say yes?

Why did it suddenly become a boa constrictor?

It's a pity that she is short and weak, and her strength is weak. After Hua Ye sealed her spiritual power, she directly became a weak scum with no power to restrain a goose. When she was struggling, she accidentally touched a sensitive spot, which made her feel even worse She shuddered.

At this moment, she hoped that Hoshino Xia would come out to save the situation quickly.

It's a pity that Xia Xingye, who failed the rabbit dance just now, did not appear as scheduled as some people expected.

Seeing that Hua Ye was about to take off his clothes, Igarashi shouted nervously: "I did that today! You will get infected in the water!"


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with black lines all over his face: "Then you still come to swim?"

"You can't swim when you come to good relatives?" Igarashi retorted angrily, "You can still blow cold wind when you have a cold, and you can bite walnuts when you have a toothache!"

In fact, good relatives can indeed swim. For example, when female swimmers come to menstruation, they will still train as usual.

As for whether the blood will stain the swimming pool red...

It's not that someone had his throat cut and bled, that amount of bleeding couldn't dye the swimming pool red!And when in the water, because of the water pressure, the blood will not flow out of the body at all, but it is easy to get infected.

Hua Ye suddenly remembered a word: "Fight in blood?"

"Dead pervert!"

Igarashi leaned back, her face turned red, she gritted her silver teeth and ran away, "You are so perverted! Die, die, die!"


For a while, the huge open-air swimming pool finally became quiet.

Hua Ye lay by the water, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After that, neither Igarashi nor Hoshino Natsu appeared. Hua Ye took a bath for a while, got up and walked outside.

"Student Hua Ye, I'm sorry..." Hoshino Xia was already dressed tightly, holding her hands on her chest, raised her face, and said pitifully, "I'm not feeling well, I'll call you over next time I have time Bar?"

no more chance.

I will never swim and exercise again!

Originally, he wanted to bully that poor and loser dog, but in the end he was the most humiliating person, and next time, maybe he would be raped!


Hua Ye responded, walked back to the room, and found that Igarashi had slipped away with the maid, and was speechless.

It seems that these two guys are just very talkative, and they will still be shy at critical moments.


It was already past five o'clock in the evening when Hua Ye returned to the apartment.

The setting sun turned the sky orange.

Walking into the door of the apartment, I looked up and saw two girls sitting on a bench surrounded by many cats.

"Brave, brave!" Liuhua turned her head to look, waved and shouted, "Come here quickly!"

Liuhua also likes cats very much, and once wanted to adopt a stray cat as a familiar, but unfortunately, Shihua is allergic to cat fur and cannot keep cats, so she often comes to take care of these stray cats, and even aroused many cats. Very secondary name.

"Not finished yet?" Hua Ye walked over.

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