"No, no!"

Liuhua puffed up her cheeks, turned her head to look aside, but her little face turned slightly red.

"It's normal to be afraid of sleeping alone. Many girls don't dare to turn off the lights and go to sleep." Wei Nai gently scratched Big Meow's chin, thought for a while and said, "Why don't you go to my place? Although the room is a bit small, but There is still no problem in the life of two people..."

"No." Liuhua shook his head like a rattle, "I want to protect the sealing barrier of the invisible boundary to prevent the monsters from the dark world from invading."

To put it simply, it is unwilling to leave, wanting to protect Shihua and her home.

"Then go to Xiaojia..."

Halfway through Wei Nai's speech, she shook her head: "Forget about Xiaojia, I can't take care of myself, let alone take care of other people."

Liuhua doesn't want to live in a far place, and she is afraid to sleep alone, and she stays in bed. So, can it be said that she can only live with Hua Ye?

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai, and said solemnly, "If you're worried, come stay in my room, and the three of you will be fine if you live together."

"Who, who wants to live with you!" Wei Naixia dyed her cheeks, biting her lips in shame and anger, "Shameless!"

It's not good for two people to live together, but it's even worse for three people to live together!

"I'm going to work!" Wei Nai handed the big meow to Hua Ye's arms, stood up in a hurry, covered her face and walked away in shame.


eight pm.

Corner coffee shop.

"Hey, why do you think life is so difficult?" Xiao Qian rested her chin on one hand and looked at Hua Ye with a sad face. "Is it like this occasionally, or always?"

Hua Ye said, "Occasionally."

"Why don't you cooperate with me at all." Xiao Qian puffed up her cheeks, glared at Hua Ye, and then lay down on the table.

Hua Ye said, "Vina is going to change clothes, why don't you go?"

"Go later." Xiaoqian shook his head from side to side, and said weakly, "There are some things I can't say to Wei Nai. I have no choice but to talk to you. You can act as a tree hole..."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Ugly refuse."

"Hmph, I'm not ugly." Xiaoqian retorted, and then said, "Suguha went to work as a bartender. Mom found out yesterday, and she strongly objected, saying that junior high school students should not go to that kind of place, and Xiaoqian Children are growing up, so they shouldn't stay up late..."

"Suguha is taller than you."

"You just called me short in disguise, right?" Xiaoqian clenched her fist and hit Hua Ye on the shoulder, which didn't hurt at all.

"Suguha is very stubborn, because of this matter, now mom and Suguha are unhappy..."


Hua Ye listened silently without speaking.

It is difficult for an honest official to break up housework. There are all kinds of contradictory thoughts in one's mind, and some thoughts are still facing each other. In a family, the absence of conflict is where the biggest conflict lies.

"Hey, here it is."

Xiaoqian took a piece of fruit jelly from his pocket and handed it over, then tore off the wrapper and put the candy in his mouth.

Hua Ye was speechless: "Eat in a bad mood?"

"It's because you're in a bad mood that you need to eat." Xiaoqian plausibly said, "This is called turning grief into appetite."

Hua Ye said: "Eating too much sugar will make you fat."

"Okay, you said I was short just now, but now you say I'm fat, I've eaten your rice." Xiaoqian puffed up her cheeks and stared at her with wide eyes, "Do you believe me or not? I'm going to blow Wei Nai's pillow wind?"

Hua Ye thought for a while: "Meaty?"

"Damn it! Meat is not a good adjective!" Xiaoqian showed a row of white teeth, "By the way, you haven't been messing around with others behind Wei Nai's back recently, have you?"


Hua Ye remained silent.

When I was at the swimming pool this afternoon, I almost messed with a star with small breasts!

"Huh." Xiaoqian looked contemptuously, "Let me tell you, you are going to be hit with a hatchet..."

"Hey, what hatchet?"

Wei Nai's curious voice sounded, she had already changed her clothes, and walked out from the staff locker room at the back.

"No, it's nothing." Xiaoqian said that he wanted to blow the pillow wind, but in fact he attached great importance to "brotherhood". He turned his eyes and said, "I am discussing a mobile game I played recently. There is an artifact called a hatchet in it. .”

Xiaoqian glanced at Hua Ye, and made a grasping gesture: "Raise the knife with your hand and drop it, with a 'click', some guys will be hacked to death."



On the way back.

The moonlight is slightly cool, like mercury pouring down the ground, shining for thousands of miles.

The evening wind is also a little cold.

"What do you say about Liuhua?" Wei Nai pursed her lips and asked softly.

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