Chapter 994 Urban Strange Talk (Fourth Change)

"That's right, it's a live-action escape room."

"Suddenly I want to play..."

After Gabriel finished speaking, she sighed lazily.

Is life so tiring?

There are so many games to play every day, and the luck is very ordinary. Seeing those European emperors showing off their five-star heroic spirits and rare SSRs, of course I also want them.

Why worry?

Only krypton gold.

If the ten consecutive draws are not enough, then do another ten consecutive draws.

Even the unlucky African veterans always have a moment of stepping on dog shit.

Gabriel fell in love with the five-star heroic spirit who recently joined the lottery pool, but unfortunately he couldn't draw all the stones, so he had to ask someone for help, and the cash withdrawal girl whose name he didn't know until now was also very straightforward, and directly listed Several optional tasks, it looks like a real-life strategy game

It's a pity that the protagonist of the strategy is not a beautiful girl, but a pervert with facial paralysis.

Kiss photos or something, of course I won't agree.

I had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and go to escape the room.


Hua Ye didn't ask why this useless angel suddenly wanted to escape from the secret room. Anyway, when he was buying couple clothes, underwear, watching movies, going to amusement parks, video game centers, and aquariums, he knew there must be something wrong with it.

A fallen angel who agreed to stay in the house until the end of the world with a network cable and an air conditioner, suddenly went out to play like a current charger, no matter how you think it is weird.

If you want to investigate, of course you can easily find out who is behind the scenes.

However, Hua Ye had no intention of investigating.

If it wasn't for the mastermind behind the scenes, this useless angel would definitely stay at home and stay at home completely. Now it's better to take it out for a walk every once in a while.

"Hey, do you agree?" Gabriel urged, "Hurry up and talk."

Hua Ye said: "Let me eat rouge, and I will agree."

"Eh, eat rouge? I remember that rouge seems to be an ancient cosmetic..." The useless angel blinked and asked doubtfully, "Why do you eat that kind of thing?"

Hua Ye said: "Just say whether you agree or not."

"Tch, I just promise you." Gabriel curled her lips, "I'll buy it for you tomorrow, don't blame me if you get sick from eating..."

"Not tomorrow, but now." Hua Ye said meaningfully.

"I don't mean well when I hear it..." Gabriel muttered, lowered her head and began to search for the meaning of eating rouge, "What does 'eating rouge' mean?"

After clicking Enter, a series of search guides popped up, and she casually clicked on the first search, and Jia Baili quickly understood the meaning of 'eating rouge'.

Rouge is an ancient red lip product, and eating rouge actually means eating the rouge on girls' lips.

Gabriel looked down and saw the lipstick next to the water glass

That facial paralysis actually wanted him to bully him by putting on lipstick?

Don't even think about it!


After Hua Ye took a shower, he was about to turn off his computer and go to bed, when he suddenly saw a head in the lower right corner jumping up.

Opening it, it was a message from Lafite.

"Hua Ye, are you asleep?"


"Then how can you reply to my message?"

"Woke up by you again."


An aggrieved and tearful emoji was sent over: "Mr. Facial Paralysis is too good, you won't get up until you kiss."

Hua Ye said, "Come here."

"Not going, not going." The black-bellied girl quickly sent an email, "Student Hua Ye, please check carefully."

After Hua Ye opened it, he was immediately speechless.

This is a very common small program, and a senior programmer like Kobayashi can make it in minutes.

The title is impressively "Please check your little cutie".

How cute!

If you praise yourself, won't your conscience ache?

Forgot, because the breasts are too big, I can't feel where my conscience is at all.

After clicking open, a dialog box pops up: "Do you want to check your little cutie?"

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