If you want to see it, you can look at it openly. If the gap between your fingers is so wide, what's the use?

Hua Ye said, "Crush it and forget it."

"No." Raphael puffed up her pink cheeks, stretched out a finger and tapped her chin lightly, "Ghosts generally exist because of strong obsessions, and if they complete their obsessions, they might become Buddhas and reincarnate. Hua Ye is too cruel and heartless."

"That's it."

Just now I was discussing how to eliminate ghosts when I encountered them, but now I start to sympathize again?

Even if it becomes a ghost, it is still a world of faces.

If the ghost was covered in blood, with disheveled hair and a hideous face, you would have been clamoring for it to be exterminated.

Hua Ye said with a blank face: "That's up to you."


Alice shook her head quickly, Ye Gonghaolong was her, when she didn't see it, she had all kinds of expectations and curiosity, but after seeing it, she was too scared to approach.

"No, no." Raphael clasped his hands together and said pitifully, "We are just weak girls, just cheer for classmate Hua Ye behind our backs."

Where are you weak, you can break this ghost with one punch!

"Hmm, there is only one truth."

Lafite stretched out a slender finger, posed the classic pose of a Grim Reaper primary school student, and started the reasoning mode: "This ghost should be an existence like an earth-bound spirit. For some reason, it was trapped in the underground parking lot. That’s why they kept threatening hotel guests.”

"Ghosts don't just show up for nothing."

"There must be something strange about this matter."

"Wow! Lord Baiyu is amazing!"

Alice's eyes sparkled, turning into a fan girl.

Huaye's poker face: "What is the truth?"

Lafite shook his head: "I don't know."

I don’t know what you’re doing with so much analysis!

"There were no investigation clues before, but it's different now." The black-bellied girl shook her finger slightly, "We have seen this ghost, we can draw her face, and then ask the hotel manager to investigate the guests staying , as long as the identity of the other party is found out, the truth behind it will naturally be solved."

Alice was full of admiration: "Master Baiyu is so smart!"

So how smart is it, this is the basic posture of the police to solve the case!As long as you know a little bit of criminal investigation knowledge, you can think of this!

Lafite said, "Student Hua Ye, shall we go out now?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

The ghost has been arrested and brought to justice, so naturally there is no need to stay here, after all, the air in the underground parking lot is not good.

After walking two steps, Hua Ye suddenly paused and looked into the corner.

"Eh?" Alice, who was bouncing around, hugged Raphael in a fright, "You, what are you looking at? Are there other ghosts here?"

"It's not a ghost." Hua Ye shook his head.

What appeared in the corner was not a ghost, but a wisp of ghostly spirit.

A ghost is a mass of negative energy born by chance after death. It has no memory of life, and is driven by obsession to act. After being captured and refined, it can be used as a servant, but it is dull and mechanical.

And ghosts carry people's memories and emotions, which can be said to be quite rare.Ordinary people fall heavily, and if the ghost is shocked, they will lose their memory for a short time, and if the ghost leaves the body, the person will become a vegetative person who loses consciousness.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that Hua Ye knows this ghost in front of him.

When I went to Jing Keai's home to help with massage therapy two days ago, I saw this woman on the screen saver of the glasses girl.

Tian Zhongnai, the cousin of the glasses girl, once said that Kitano Haruka's mother was cleaning in a hotel, and because she accidentally fell down the stairs, she turned into a vegetable. It seems that this is the hotel.

"Come here." Hua Ye said calmly.

This ghost was obviously attracted by the soul stone, so it's fine if you didn't see it. Now that you found it, Hua Ye naturally wouldn't pretend that you didn't see it.

The woman's ghost trembled slightly, and floated towards this side. Unlike the ghost in front of her, this ghost still had its own memory, but ordinary people couldn't see or hear her at all.

At this moment, the woman's face clearly showed horror and pleading expressions. She obviously thought that Hua Ye was an onmyoji who slays demons and demons, and planned to eliminate her easily.

Hua Ye didn't bother to explain, so he reached out and grabbed the ghost lightly, then put away the ghost, and said, "Let's go."


Get out of the underground parking lot.

"Did the three catch the ghost?"

The hotel manager came up with several security guards.

"We went out, of course we caught it." Alice snorted softly, pretending to be a tiger, "You go and get the drawing board, we will draw the appearance of the ghost for you, and then you investigate the identity of the ghost."

"Yes, I'll go right now."

The hotel manager was actually dubious. The three of them stayed in the underground parking lot for less than [-] minutes in total. They said that they had caught the specter of the disturbance. Maybe they were fooling people, but this did not hinder his ability to execute. Son, come here with the drawing board and paintbrush.

"Bad guy, here you are." Alice handed over the drawing board.

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