"No, hurry up and follow me."

Alice pulled Hua Ye and walked towards the hotel.

(Who knows what this pervert will do when he and Master Bai Yu are taking a bath, what if he suddenly becomes interested in his mother?)

(Those books are full of similar plots, ordinary male high school students and mature neighbor wives, it’s scary to think about it!)

(So ​​no matter what, never give him a chance to be alone with his mother!)


Go to the front desk of the hotel to get the key card and go to the luxury suite on the top floor.

"Big/pervert, don't peek at me and Master Baiyu taking a shower." Alice shouted ferociously.

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Not interested."

Where haven't you two seen it?

I've already seen it all, okay?

Lafite leaned against the door of the bathroom, smiled happily and said, "Student Hua Ye, do you want to wash together?"

Hua Ye nodded and walked over: "Okay, let's wash together."

"Ah, Lord Baiyu, close the door!" Alice hurriedly closed the bathroom door, "Don't let him in!"


Taking a bath together is naturally impossible, it was just a joke, Hua Ye turned around and sat on the soft sofa to watch his phone.

After a long while, someone opened the door of the bathroom, and walked out cautiously amidst the billowing heat.

It was Alice.

This short bean is wearing a white bathrobe, with a towel wrapped around its head, revealing a slender and moving neck curve, and the bright water droplets attached to the youthful carcass reflecting the warm light... Undoubtedly, it will attract men Feeling the beautiful scenery with red face and warm heart, it's a pity that Hua Ye was not moved at all. He just glanced at it and then looked away.

But after hesitating for a moment, the little bean ding came over on tiptoe. When he got closer, he could see that his face was flushed and extremely tender, as if he could squeeze water out with just a light pinch.

"Big villain..." Alice sat next to Hua Ye, blushing slightly, and said hesitantly, "Can you let me touch that?"

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "No."

"It's so big that I haven't touched it before, so just let me touch it."

"I reject."

"Let me touch it while Master Bai Yu is away, just one touch, please."

"No feeling, you will be disappointed."

"You touch it every day, of course you don't feel it, I'm curious."

Hua Ye looked over with disgust on his face, it was just a ghost, ordinary people can only feel a cold and slippery feeling at most, what is there to touch!

"Are you sure you want to touch?"


"Then let's exchange at equal value."

Alice blinked her eyes, with a cute expression on her face: "Hey, what do you mean?"

Hua Ye said, "Let me touch it, and I will fulfill your wish."

"Big/pervert! Big pervert!" Alice blushed, covered her chest, and leaned back, "Don't try to touch me, so I won't agree to you!"

Hua Ye shrugged and continued to watch the news: "Forget it."

After a while, the little bean kicked Hua Ye lightly with his foot.

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "What are you doing?"

"Hmph, the most I can do is let you touch your feet and calves..." Alice squeezed the hem of the bathrobe with one hand, turned her head to look aside, and said as if nothing had happened, "If you don't agree, forget it!"

However, when she spoke, it was clear that even her earlobes were dyed a touch of crystal pink.



Can you sacrifice your own feet and calves in order to know how the ghost feels?

Originally, it was just to let you quit in spite of difficulties, but I didn't expect you to actually agree!

"Hey, do you want to touch it?" Alice turned her head and snorted, "If you don't touch it, let me touch the ghost quickly."

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "Stretch your legs over here."

Alice hesitated, covered the hem of the bathrobe with one hand, and stretched her legs towards Hua Ye through the sofa. Although the calves were slender and delicate, and the jade feet were white and lovely, I have to say...

"The legs are so short."

Alice suddenly frowned: "Wow! Bite you!"

The dwarf pea pounced on him with all his teeth and claws, but his knees accidentally pressed against the hem of the bathrobe, so that the whole bathrobe fell off his body.

Hua Ye glanced over and found that the little bean was not wearing underwear under the bathrobe.

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