
Machiko stood up and followed Hua Ye obediently.

Stepping off the tram, all you see are neat fields, and there are dark green hills and low mountains in the distance, and you can no longer see the steel jungle.

"We will take a bus later, and we will be able to reach grandpa's house in ten minutes."


After a while, a bus stopped.

When getting in the car, she could clearly smell a faint smell of gasoline, which made Machiko frowned slightly. As expected, she soon felt uncomfortable, and hurriedly opened her bag, took out two plum candies, and whispered : "Student Hua Ye, would you like a piece of candy?"

Hua Ye turned his head to look: "Uncomfortable?"

"Hey, how did student Hua Ye know?" The monitor was taken aback.

Hua Ye said: "Plum candy is so sour, you only eat it when you feel uncomfortable in the car."

"No, no..." Machiko retorted with a guilty conscience, "Plum candy is an appetizer, and occasionally I will eat one."

"Also, if it wasn't uncomfortable, why would you eat in the car?"

Although there is no rule that you can’t eat on the tram, it has almost become a customary rule. If you eat and drink like no one else on the tram, it is less likely that others will stop you, and it is more likely to silently get out of the way. One lap, shame yourself.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Do you still remember the therapy of 'fighting poison with poison'?"

"Fight poison with poison?" Machiko was taken aback, and soon remembered the method Hua Ye had mentioned during the field trip.

Hua Ye said: "Get dizzy for a while, and then you will get used to it."

"No." Machiko puffed up her cheeks, rarely being coquettish, "Motion sickness is super scary..."

As she spoke, her pretty face flushed and she held Hua Ye's hand, turned her head to look out the window, and whispered, "Don't get carsick."

She has already summed up the correct treatment for motion sickness, as long as Hua Ye is by her side.


"Student Hua Ye, I'm at my grandparents' house."

Machiko raised her finger and pointed to the front, walking briskly, obviously in a good mood.

After getting off the car, I walked a hundred meters away, and came to a small single-family courtyard. This is a traditional Japanese-style Japanese residence, a two-story building with a gray tile roof and a small courtyard.

There are two persimmon trees planted in the yard, which are full of red persimmons.

Persimmon trees can be said to be the most common fruit trees in Japanese life. Fruit trees such as apple trees and pear trees are generally difficult to see without entering the orchard.

Along the way, Hua Ye found that almost every household had planted persimmon trees, and there were strings of persimmons hanging in the sun at the door of many houses, and there was a faint fragrance of persimmons in the air.

Turning around an intersection, she found two elderly people waiting at the gate of the courtyard. Machiko blushed and hurriedly shouted, "Grandpa, grandma."

The old man nodded slightly when he heard the words, and stood there, looking rather rigid and serious.

Grandma was about to be much more enthusiastic, and while calling Hua Ye to sit in the room, she said with emotion: "In a blink of an eye, Machiko has grown up, and knows to bring the boy back to see us."

Hey, what kind of eyes does this old man look at his grandson-in-law!

"No." Machiko hurriedly shook her head and explained with a blushing face, "I just asked classmate Hua Ye to help pick persimmons..."

Grandma smiled and said nothing, the expression on her face was clearly 'I've seen through everything'.

After entering the house, the old man was very enthusiastic and began to ask about his relationship experience, which made Hua Ye very confused.

Machiko had no choice but to say, "Grandma, let's go outside to pick persimmons first!"

The persimmon tree is actually relatively low, and you can reach it with your hands. Although the persimmons on the high place are inconvenient, you don’t need to climb the tree or use a chair, because there are special bamboo poles similar to fishing, which can be picked up and twisted lightly. Pick the persimmons.

Obviously, Machiko's mother did it on purpose.

The old man and the old lady are in good health, and they don't need to climb trees, so picking a persimmon is no problem at all.

"Student Hua Ye, can you use this bamboo pole to pick the persimmons on it?" Machiko said, "Leave these persimmons that are within reach to me."

Hua Ye nodded: "Okay."

As a result, not long after it was picked, a painful whine sounded like a wounded little animal.


Hua Ye followed the prestige and saw Machiko squatting on the ground, holding his right hand tearfully.

Chapter 1007 Ghost follow-up (second update)

"what happened?"

Hua Ye looked down.

"There was a horrible caterpillar that bit me..."

It seems that the squad leader was really bitten very painfully, and now tears are coming out of pain, holding up his right hand with tears in his eyes, very wronged.

Hua Ye's eyes turned, and he quickly found the culprit who bit Machiko.

It was a bug lying on the back of a persimmon leaf, about the length of a knuckle, extremely colorful, and covered with bristles.

"Moth larvae."

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