Just like what my cousin said, good boys will always be liked by many girls, just like beautiful girls will never be pursued by anyone. Before the relationship is confirmed, I also have the right to sell stocks, right?

Although no one supports it...

Machiko exhaled, and asked cautiously, "Hua Ye, did Lafite ask where you are?"

Hua Ye replied, "I told you to pick persimmons at Grandpa's house."



A bolt of lightning strikes down.

Machiko suddenly turned into a gray sculpture, blown by the wind, and slowly dissipated.

I thought Hua Ye would fool me, but I didn't expect to answer Lafite clearly. Although I was a little happy, I was more worried.

(What if Lafite feels that we are dating secretly behind her back?)

(Couldn't she just run over by tram?)

(Under the dim sunset, the evening wind is bleak, and the shadows of the trees are hazy. A silver-haired girl quietly appears at the door, holding a gleaming utility knife in her hand behind her back, the evening wind blows the skirt of the girl, fluttering The silver hair and the hem of the skirt are particularly attractive, but the girl's eyes are gloomy, like two lakes that cannot make waves, and she smiles in a gentle tone and says: I found you two, hehehehe...)

(It's terrible, it's terrible, it's terrible!)

(In those light novels, a girl with squinting eyes like Lafite must be at the level of a blackened demon king in the end!)


"Lafite didn't say he wanted to come and play, did he?" the monitor asked nervously.

Hua Ye shook his head: "No."

"That's good……"

Machiko raised her hand and patted her chest, and took a long breath. It seemed that she escaped a catastrophe today.

But soon began to worry again.

If you can escape the first day of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth day, what should you do on Monday?

Machiko shook her head, ready to think about this question tomorrow: "Student Hua Ye, shall we continue picking persimmons?"

Hua Ye said, "It's fine for me to be alone."

The squad leader raised his hands: "I'm wearing gloves this time, so don't worry."


The persimmons on the two trees looked a lot, but picking them was not difficult at all. The two of them worked together, and after more than ten minutes, they were all picked.As for whether to make persimmon cakes or persimmon sauce, it is the business of Machiko's grandparents.


Machiko raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead: "Student Hua Ye, let's go to the backyard to wash our face? Grandpa put a watermelon in the well in the backyard this morning, and I happened to eat the watermelon."

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded.

Although it is already autumn, the temperature during the day is still a bit high. After some exercise, it is inevitable that there will be a thin layer of sweat on the body.

Come to the backyard.

The yard is not big, but it is cleaned quite cleanly. There are several prunus bamboos planted with green leaves.

Next to the well in the corner, there is a bamboo tube for 'refilling water'. When Hua Ye came in, the water in the bamboo tube was just full, and then under the action of gravity, the bamboo tube fell over and hit the stone, making a 'pop' sound. A crisp sound, which often appears in Japanese dramas and anime.

It sounds very Zen at first, but this thing was originally used to scare birds and beasts in the farmland. Later, somehow, it gradually became a symbol of Zen. It is indispensable in many temples and shrines. Ye had seen it at Chiba Shrine, and there were more than one.

Up to now, in addition to the symbol of Zen, "Tian Shui" is also a device used by many wealthy people to show their status and taste. For example, the yard of Alice's home also has this device.

Why don't ordinary people have it?

Because first of all, you have to have a mansion that can accommodate the gurgling stream. People who don’t have mines at home should not put such flashy things.

Machiko said: "Student Hua Ye, the watermelon is in the well, can you beat it up?"

Hua Ye responded, picked up the bucket, and picked up the watermelon.

Machiko washed her hands, called her grandparents to come out, then cut up the watermelon, handed it to her grandparents first, then to Hua Ye, and finally took a piece herself, and sat on the stool next to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye held the chilled watermelon and looked up at the sky.

The sky is blue, only a few cotton candy-like white clouds are dotted, and occasionally kites can be seen floating in the distance.

There is a wind blowing, shaking off the ground and whirling shadows.

I don't know who blew the wind chimes under the eaves, and there was a clear and distant bell.

There is no hustle and bustle of traffic in the ear, only the sound of water, the quietness of the bamboo forest, and the occasional 'pop' sound full of Zen.

Life in the country always feels like time has slowed down.

Chapter 1009 I Don't Agree To This Marriage

"Student Hua Ye, can you help me look at Grandpa's legs?"

Machiko looked over expectantly.

Hua Ye nodded, and after a simple examination, he found that it was a very common rheumatism. It was too troublesome for Western medicine to explain it. According to the theory of Chinese medicine, it was a disease reaction caused by cold air entering the body.

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