After speaking, he turned and entered the room, and silently closed the door.

"What?" Alice puffed up her cheeks, and couldn't help but say, "Even if my girlfriend cheated on her, we've been dating for such a long time, and now my girlfriend is dead, with no expression at all, just like a wooden man , this kind of person is too much."

As he said that, he glanced at Hua Ye, and made another stab: "It's even worse than this big/pervert."

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Don't jump to conclusions before you know the truth of the matter."

"That person... seems to be sick."

The housekeeper hesitated and spoke.

Alice nodded in agreement: "It's true that you are mentally abnormal. When you hear your girlfriend's name, you shouldn't be so indifferent, right?"

Fujiwara Norika shook her head and said: "It's not that he's crazy, but that person's lips are blue and purple, and his face is abnormally white. I've seen a similar person before. If I'm not wrong, he should have a heart attack."


This short bean and Lafite exchanged glances.

"Alice, what do you think?"

"I think there must be something strange about this matter."

"You two are enough." Hua Ye said with black lines on his face.

"Miss Alice, do you need me to investigate?" the housekeeper asked.

Alice nodded: "Sister Ji Xiang, go quickly."

The housekeeper went downstairs to make a phone call, but the upstairs was suddenly quiet, the door was closed tightly, probably no one would pay attention to knocking on the door, Alice blinked her eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Lord Bai Yu, what should we do now?"

La Feier looked at Hua Ye: "At this time, Hua Ye needs to take action."

With a blank expression on his face, Hua Ye released Miura's ghost.

A translucent figure quietly appeared in front of the three of them.

Alice raised her hands to cover her face again, but her fingers were wide open.

The ghost Miura was stunned for a moment, and quickly recognized the environment in front of him, obviously showing excitement, reaching out to push the door like before, but his hands went straight through the door.

The ghost Miura trembled slightly, and entered the room.

"Hey, she went in, what if I can't see her?" Alice asked hastily.

Hua Ye disliked his face: "Didn't you cover your face, it's normal if you can't see it?"

Now Miura has dissipated his grievances, he is just a very ordinary ghost, at most it can bring a chill, he can neither speak nor hold things, and he will definitely come out again.

Not long after, the ghost Miura came outside through the wooden door, bowed deeply to Hua Ye, and begged.

It's nothing to bow, the problem is that ghosts usually don't have clothes, and now when they bow, the gravitational force released from the chest will increase tenfold!

"Student Hua Ye, don't watch."

Raphael dodged to block Hua Ye's sight, and looked over with puffed cheeks, "This look is too much."

Hua Ye said: "Ghosts don't have clothes in the first place."


Lafite puffed out his gills like a puffer fish, and activated the skill 'Black-bellied Gaze'.


Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, flicked his fingers, and under the distorted light, he directly punched the ghost Miura.

"It's still like this?" Alice opened her mouth and muttered to herself, "By the way, when I was on vacation by the sea, I seemed to have seen a strange holy light..."

Angels and demons have body-protecting holy light. Such an unscientific thing will definitely arouse the curiosity of others, and they may even be arrested for anatomical research. Therefore, Wei Nai and Lafite have solidified "cognitive impairment" "Magic can make people subconsciously ignore unscientific things.

Hua Ye looked at the ghost in front of him and said calmly, "If you want to go in and say goodbye, I can let that man see you."

Ghost Miura hesitated for a moment, shook his head slightly, and made a gesture of writing.

Hua Ye said, "Give her a pen and paper."

Rafael nodded, opened the backpack, and took out a pen and paper from it.

The ghost Miura took the pen and paper and began to write the letter silently. After a while, he respectfully handed the written letter to Hua Ye.

Hua Ye walked to the door and knocked on it.

The house was quiet, there was no sound at all, it was so quiet that it was like a tomb.

Hua Ye was also not in a hurry, knocking on the door leisurely.

The knock on the door was very clear in the fading twilight.

After a long time, Takahashi Ryosuke opened the door with a dull expression: "Why don't you leave..."

"A letter from Miura to you."

Hua Ye directly handed over the letter in his hand.

Takahashi Ryosuke hesitated for a moment, then looked down, and when he saw the familiar handwriting on it, he suddenly froze.

"Sorry, Ryosuke, I broke my promise."

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