"I want to drink too." Raphael said slightly begging.

She is wearing a pink dress today, the breeze blows, her silver hair and skirt are fluttering in the wind, she looks... not bad?

"If classmate Hua Ye buys me a drink, then I can wear it like this every day from now on." Seeing Hua Ye's expression, Raphael immediately came up with a smile and said in a coquettish tone, "Or other Uniforms are fine too."


Before Hua Ye could speak, a man waiting for the tram next to him almost spit out a mouthful of water.

Others also looked at Hua Ye with envy and hatred, and voices full of resentment drifted over.

"You actually flirted with such a cute girl, you really should give me a kitchen knife!"

"It's impossible for such a cute girl to have a boyfriend!"

"Explode everything now! Explode!"

"Lafite, there are so many people, stop joking..." Wei Nai pursed her lips and said.

"I'm not joking," Rafael said with a smile, "Hua Ye is not someone else after all."

"You..." Wei Nai looked puzzled.

"Want to drink?" Hua Ye asked.

"Yeah." Raphael nodded.

"I want to drink and buy it myself." Hua Ye said expressionlessly that he deserved to be single for thirty years.

Want to test my bottom line?

Just let the horse come over.


He got on the tram very quickly, but during the period, he didn't encounter any drama like Gabriel said, such as the idiot on the tram.

So around three o'clock in the afternoon, a group of people successfully arrived at the entrance of the cinema.

"There are still more than [-] minutes, let's enter the venue later." Wei Nai looked at the time and said.

The entrance of the cinema is a square with many shops selling things on both sides.

It happened that a child was pulled by his mother and walked past the crowd, happily eating a large canopy of colorful cotton candy.

It was obvious that Kang Na's eyes lit up, she raised her face and said, "I want to eat this."

"Does Kangna want to eat cotton candy?" Wei Nai pursed her lips and smiled, "My sister will take you to buy it."

Gabriel and the others were also interested and followed.

After a while, several people took a cotton candy in their hands, sat in a row on the benches outside the cinema, and ate neatly while looking up at the blue sky.

Hua Ye didn't plan to eat it, but Wei Nai bought him one too.

Gabriel asked curiously: "Speaking of which, why are there so many shops selling food at the entrance of the cinema? Shouldn't you be more attentive when watching a movie so as not to miss the plot?"

"Well," Raphael stretched out a finger, tapped it on his lips, and said uncertainly, "Maybe there will be extra pleasure in eating at the cinema?"

It is rare for Satania to say: "Eating popcorn is the best match when watching a movie! Because it has a low sound and has no special smell..."

"Why are you looking at me like this? I didn't check the Internet for what to pay attention to when watching a movie! No!"

No wonder there is a notice at the entrance of the movie theater that no outside food is allowed. Presumably, I don’t want to disturb the viewing experience of other customers. After all, in that closed environment, if someone eats stinky tofu or leek boxes, the effect may be better than on bioweapons.

Soon, it was Hua Ye's turn to enter the arena.

When walking to the door, Wei Nai suddenly let out a "huh" and asked, "That girl... looks familiar."

Hua Ye followed the prestige, and saw a girl coming out of the exit on the other side. She had fair skin, a straight face, and dark eyes. She looked a little familiar, and she seemed somewhat similar to Wuhe Shidao. look.

The girl also saw Hua Ye and the others, her face flushed suddenly, and then she hurriedly left with the girl with red twintails beside her.

"Well, forget it, the movie is about to start, let's go in..."

Chapter 102

Hua Ye, Wei Nai and the others picked up the tickets at the ticket office in the lobby, bought some popcorn and drinks as snacks, and walked into the theater together.

Although it was the first time I came to the cinema, it was generally similar to the school's lecture theater, and there was nothing surprising about it.

This is a mid-hall theater, and more than half of the audience has already arrived.

"Well, our seats are here." Wei Nai led everyone to find the seats, "Everyone, take your seats."

The location was chosen a bit at the back, but it is estimated that except for Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua, everyone else should be fine.

In fact, anyone who has watched the movie knows that it is not a wise choice to sit in the front row, because the neck will be uncomfortable, and it is better to sit in the back.


"Why do I have to sit next to this guy!" Gabriel pouted.

Shut up!

It's as if I want to sit with you, but I'm not happy if you like it!

"You chose the ticket yourself, right?" Wei Nai pouted.

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