When Hua Ye returned to the apartment, it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

Just after taking a shower, the doorbell rang.

The useless angel next door appeared outside the door.

"Step aside."

Because of the cool autumn weather, this useless angel is no longer wearing a large shirt, but a red otaku suit. Now he walks in weakly, like a salted fish on the shore, and lays on the sofa. Once sitting, it is worthy of being lazy and useless.

"I'm hungry." Gabriel looked over eagerly.

Hua Ye looked disgusted: "Where are the snacks you bought the day before yesterday?"

"It's over." Gabriel is not ashamed, "Eating while playing games can relieve tension. When I am nervous, I want to eat, and then I finish eating without knowing it."

"So that's why you eat snacks as meals?"

"Tch, what's wrong with girls liking snacks?"

Since embarking on the path of no return to cultivating immortals, this useless angel's face has become thicker and thicker, and the rhetorical questions that can make Machiko blush can no longer do her any harm. Instead, she plausibly said: "There is no one in the world who doesn't like snacks If there are any girls, they must be deliberately deceiving you for the sake of image."


Hua Ye thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was really the case.

A girl is a kind of amazing creature. She will be out of breath even after running [-] meters, but she doesn’t feel tired at all after shopping for half a day. She can only eat a small bowl of food, but she can eat snacks from morning to night. Without the strength to restrain a chicken, it is extremely painful to twist someone. No wonder many people say: If you want to succeed, you have to respect women at a respectful distance.

While talking, Gabriel suddenly saw the plastic bag on the corner of the table and picked it up curiously: "Hey, what is this?"


"It's the persimmons that are very common in supermarkets these days?"

Hua Ye nodded: "That's right."

Persimmon is also a kind of fruit. Now is the golden autumn season, and persimmons are just ripe for the market. Recently, when I went to the supermarket, I often saw persimmons and dried persimmons in the fruit section.

"Poke, poke..."

The useless angel stretched out a slender index finger and tapped on the persimmon: "Why are these persimmons so hard, they feel harder than you?"

Hua Ye's poker face: "I have something harder, you just haven't poked it."

"Don't talk to me, hentai!"

Gabriel tilted her head and looked: "Can these persimmons be eaten?"

Hua Ye nodded: "You can eat it."

After hearing this, Gabriel reached out to untie the bag: "Then I'll eat one and try..."

Hey, you are indeed a member of the food organization!Don't see something, just want to put it in your mouth and taste what it tastes like!

Hua Ye reached out his hand to stop it, and said, "I can't eat it yet, I need to put it in a bag with the apple, and then wait three or four days before I can eat it."

"Eh, why?"

Hua Ye said: "Because the persimmons are not yet ripe, they need to be ripened with apples."

Ripe apples are known to produce ethylene, a natural ripening agent.In fact, there are many fruits in the market that need to be shipped from far away places, such as bananas, mangoes, kiwis, etc.These fruits are often perishable and if transported until fully ripe, they may be rotten by the time they reach their destination.

In order for these fruits to "bear" long-distance transportation, they can only be picked before they turn yellow and ripe. Ripening.

That's right, most of the fruits on the market are ripened fruits, but there is no harm to the human body.

"We still have to wait so long." Gabriel was a little disappointed, "Why did you buy such unripe persimmons?"

Hua Ye said, "It was a gift from someone else."


"A persimmon from Grandma Machiko."

"Squad leader?" Gabriel raised her slender willow eyebrows and looked ferociously, "You didn't go to the shrine during the day, and went out to play with the squad leader?"

Hua Ye corrected: "It's not for fun, but to pick persimmons."

"Tch, it's almost the same." The useless angel put down the persimmon, leaned back on the sofa, puffed out his cheeks and said, "I'm hungry!"

Hua Ye opened the refrigerator, took out the fruit Hoshino Xia bought yesterday, and sat on the sofa.

"Remember to play the escape room tomorrow."

Hua Ye asked, "Have you made an appointment?"

Gabriel was startled, and blinked: "An appointment is still required?"

Why are you so surprised? You need to make an appointment to eat at a popular western restaurant, and of course you need to make an appointment to play the escape room!After all, only a few guests are accepted at a time, and the game time is very long. If you don't make an appointment, you may leave on a whim, and then come back in despair!

"Open your mouth."

Hua Ye took a grape and handed it over.


The useless angel opened its mouth halfway, then closed it suddenly, turned its head away, and said in disgust, "Take your hands away, I can eat myself."

It's not the first time I've fed you, it's too late to think of it now!

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